1987年至2016年 MSG种子发行清单



MSG # Species


1 Aloinopsis jamesii

2 Aloinopsis luckhoffii CM38, pink-salmon flowers

3 Argyroderma congregatum HH5032 (Vredendal), clustering

4 Argyroderma delaetii f.densipetalum (Nuwerus), pink plus yellow flowers

5 Cephalophyllum pulchrum, compact plant, pink-salmon flowers

6 Cephalophyllum bredasdorpense, flowers yellow striped red

7 Cerochlamys pachyphylla (Hondewater, Little Karoo)

8 Cheiridopsis candidissima f. albiflora

9 Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii (Kubub, Aus, Namibia)

10 Cheiridopsis derenbergiana (Platbakkies), large flowered form

11 Conophytum burgeri (Aggenys)

12 Conophytum ceresianum Lav.15639 (Karoopoort), purple flowers

13 Conophytum depressum (Die Kruis, Khamiesberge), germinate at 13-16C, (55-60F)

14 Conophytum hallii (Mesklip, type locality)

15 Conophytum koubergense (Kouberg, NE of Gamoep)

16 Conophytum luckhoffii (Piketberg), beautiful new form

17 Conophytum ornatum, red in centre of flower

18 Conophytum pellucidum (Rietberg, 10km N of O'kiep)

19 Conophytum rauhii (Messelpad)

20 Conophytum turrigerum (Brittania Rock, Paarlberg), germinate at 13-16C (55-60F)

21 Delosperma harzianum, icy grey leaves, pink flower

22 Dinteranthus puberulus CM56, germinate at 55-60C (130-140F) for about 4 days

23 Dinteranthus vanzijlii, germinate at 55-60C (130-140F) for about 4 days

24 Dinteranthus vanzijlii f.lineata, germinate at 55-60C (130-140F) for about 4 days

25 Dracophilus montis-draconis

26 Dracophilus proximus (Namus Kloof, Namibia)

27 Drosanthemum eburneum SB883 (Karoopoort), crystalline small leaves

28 Ebracteola candida

29 Gibbaeum dispar (Van Wycksdorp), tiny leaved form

30 Gibbaeum pilosulum

31 Juttadinteria decumbens

32 Lithops bromfieldii C279, orange, rusty mottled top

33 Lithops dinteri v.brevis C84

34 Lithops fulviceps C221, red-brown with red dots and lines

35 Lithops fulviceps f.aurea, yellow top

36 Lithops hallii C22, brown-tan top

37 Lithops julii C64, variable

38 Lithops leslei v.minor f.albiflora

39 Lithops schwantesii v.rugosa C247, deep red lines

40 Lithops turbiniformis v.subfenestrata C175, red-brown jagged lines

41 Maughaniella luckhoffii

42 Monilaria salmonea (Nuwerus)

43 Odontophorus nanus (Eenriet, N of Steinkopf, ex Rawe material)

44 Ophthalmophyllum praesectum (Tafelkop, Achab, nr Pofadder)

45 Ophthalmophyllum triebneri (Pofadder)

46 Ophthalmophyllum verrucosum (Gamoep, ex Rawe material), variable

47 Pleiospilos archeri, tiny leaves

48 Rhinephyllum muirii

49 Schwantesia ruedebuschii

50 Sphalmanthus spec. (40m NW of Sutherland), ex Mesa Garden material, erroniously distributed as S.resurgans

51 Titanopsis fulleri

52 Titanopsis hugo-schlecteri

53 Vanheerdia roodiae

Habitat collected seed from Derek Tribble ( an * indicates 1984 trip )

54 Argyroderma fissum DT4138 (Knersvlakte, 25km NNE of Vanrhynsdorp)

55 Argyroderma sp. DT4147 (27km NW of Vanrhynsdorp), small bodies

56 Argyroderma sp. DT4156 (9km NNE of Bitterfontein), large bodies

57 Cheiridopsis verrucosa? DT4201 (5km E of Alexander Bay)

58 Cheiridopsis sp. DT4163 (S of Garies), large long blue leaves

59 Cheiridopsis sp. DT4206 (Orange river,2.5km W of Beesbank), squat blue leaves

60 Cheiridopsis sp. DT4226 (Top of Numeesberg), white stumpy leaves

61 Cheiridopsis sp. DT4267 (5km S of Aus, Namibia), small

62 Cheiridopsis *sp. DT4361 (Smorenskadu, 35km E of Springbok), chunky

63 Conicosia sp. DT4173 (5km ENE of Garies)

64 Conophytum roodiae `rubrum' DT4169 (Between Garies and Bitterfontein), the unpublished red bodied form

65 Fenestraria aurantiaca DT4198 (19km SSE of Alexander Bay)

66 Herreroa puttkameriana DT4268 (5km S of Aus, Namibia)

67 Juttadinteria sp. DT4204 (2.5km W of Beesbank, Orange river), no teeth

68 Dracophilus sp. DT4252 (5km N of Rosh Pinah, Namibia), long leaves

69 Dracophilus sp. DT4271 (S of Luderitz Bay, Namibia), chunky leaves

70 Dracophilus *sp. DT2863 (10km NE of Alexander Bay)

71 Mitrophyllum clivorum/dissitum DT4217 (3km SE of Numees Mine, Helskloof)

72 Monilaria sp.DT4158 (9km NNE of Bitterfontein)

73 Nelia robusta? DT4240 (SW side of Numeesberg),pale green leathery leaves

74 Pleiospilos prismaticus DT4105 (Ceres Karoo, 11km NE of Karoopoort)

75 Pleiospilos sp. DT4132 (30km ESE of Calvinia), from NW extreme of distribution

76 Pleiospilos *sp. DT4362 (7km SE of Prince Albert)

77 Psammophora longifolia DT4255 (Witputs, Namibia)

78 Psammophora  modesta? DT4273 (S of Luderitz Bay), low bush

79 Ruschia dualis? DT4154 (27km NW of Vanrhynsdorp), dwarf plant

80 Ruschia sp DT4237 (SW side of Numeesberg, Richtersveldt),spherical leaves


81 Aloe dichotoma DT4275 (Tirasberge, N of Aus, Namibia)

82 Aloe microstigma? DT4093 (Avondrus, Touws river)

83 Aloe ramosissima DT4209 (Helskloof, Richtersveldt)

84 Bulbine sp. DT4106 (Skittery Kloof, E Ceres Karoo), dwarf

85 Crassula alpestris DT4107 (Skittery Kloof, E Ceres Karoo)

86 Crassula barbata DT4104 (11km NE of Karoopoort)

87 Crassula columnaris ssp.prolifera DT4153 (27km NW of Vanrhynsdorp)

88 Crassula congesta ssp.congesta DT4087 (Avondrus, Touws river)

89 Crassula pageae DT4098 (2km S of Jan de Boers Station, Touws river)(=Pagella archeri), 1/2" diameter annual, sow thinly on firm compost; keep moist for six months life cycle.

90 Crassula umbella? DT4174 (Grootvlei Pass, 16km W of Khamieskroon), tiny tuberous root with umbrella-like leaves in winter.

91 Testudinaria sp. DT4119 (Ouberg Pass, Ceres Karoo)

Seed Ex cultivation

92 Conophytum sp DT2508 (Eselfontein river, W of Springbok), variable bilobe

93 Pleiospilos hilmari

94 Dudleya sp. (Otay valley, California), flat white leaves

95 Echeveria chilonensis

96 Echeveria lauii


97 Aloinopsis spathulata (Sutherland)

98 Antegibbaeum fissoides

99 Argyroderma delaetii "aureum" (Quaggaskop)

100 Argyroderma fissum (3km S of Klawer), miniature form

101 Argyroderma pearsonii (Quaggaskop)

102 Argyroderma testiculare (Sout River Bridge), true species

103 Bijlia cana CM32

104 Braunsia apiculata (Karoopoort, Ceres Karoo)

105 Cephalophyllum alstonii

106 Cephalophyllum aureorubrum

107 Cephalophyllum bredasdorpense

108 Cephalophyllum compactum

109 Cephalophyllum franciscii

110 Cephalophyllum roseum

111 Cephalophyllum spongiosum

112 Cephalophyllum subulatoides

113 Cephalophyllum tricolorum

114 Chasmatophyllum braunsii

115 Chasmatophyllum  musculinum

116 Cheiridopsis candidissima v.albiflora

117 Cheiridopsis cigarettifera (Matjiesfontein)

118 Cheiridopsis denticulata

119 Cheiridopsis meyeri v.minor, very tiny

120 Cheiridopsis peculiaris

121 Cheiridopsis pillansii

122 Cheiridopsis speciosa

123 Cheiridopsis vanzylii CM98

124 Conophytum areolatum SB628 (Deurdrift)

125 Conophytum breve (Koornhuis, Springbok)

126 Conophytum cupreatum

127 Conophytum ectypum v.brownii

128 Conophytum (edwardsiae) v.albiflora (ex Hall plants)

129 Conophytum fulleri (Namies, Pofadder)

130 Conophytum germanum TS177 (Het Kruis,Piketberg)

131 Conophytum giftbergense Lav25642 (5km S of Vredendal)

132 Conophytum globosum

133 Conophytum hians/hirtum Lav25747 (25km NNW ofKarrachabpoort)

134 Conophytum khamiesbergense (Berrisfordia)

135 Conophytum lacteum (Kosies), white or yellow flowers

136 Conophytum linearlucidum (Kleinzee)

137 Conophytum litorale Lav25637 (5km S of Strandfontein)

138 Conophytum obcordellum f.picturatum (15m S of Clanwilliam)

139 Conophytum occultum Lav25628 (Komkans,granite domes)

140 Conophytum pardicolor

141 Conophytum parviflorum v.impressum (Pakhuis, Clanwilliam)

142 Conophytum pellucidum Lav24240 (5km W of Baileys Pass)

143 Conophytum pillansii

144 Conophytum regale

145 Conophytum roodiae, true

146 Conophytum speciosum, large flowers

147 Conophytum stephanii "helmutii" (Breekriet, Steinkopf)

148 Conophytum aff. terricolor (Bowesdorp)

149 Conophytum vanzylii (Aggenys)

150 Didymaotus lapidiformis (30km along Patatsriver road. Ceres Karoo)

151 Dinteranthus pole-evansii CM54

152 Dinteranthus puberulus CM56

153 Dinteranthus vanzylii CM55

154 Dinteranthus wilmotianus CM57

155 Drosanthemum floribundum

156 Drosanthemum hispidum

157 Drosanthemum micans

158 Drosanthemum subalbum SB637 (Smorenskadu), glassy leaves

159 Fenestraria rhopalophylla H4722, small windows

160 Gibbaeum comptonii

161 Gibbaeum geminum

162 Gibbaeum gibbosum (Tousrivier)

163 Gibbaeum petrense

164 Gibbaeum pubescens

165 Gibbaeum pubescens ssp. shandii

166 Gibbaeum velutinum

167 Glottiphyllum aff. fragrans (5km S of Laingsburg)

168 Glottiphyllum longum

169 Glottiphyllum oligocarpum (Steytlerville), almost white leaves

170 Glottiphyllum regium

171 Glottiphyllum semicylindricum

172 Hereroa muirii

173 Herreanthus meyeri (Umdaus), classic form

174 Juttadinteria insolita (Aneesfontein)

175 Juttadinteria simpsonii CM259

176 Lampranthus spec. (5km down Patatsriver rd, E of Karoopoort)

177 Lapidaria margaretae CM61

178 Lithops comptonii v.weberi C347 (70km SSW of Calvinia)

179 Lithops divergens v.amethystina C201 (60km WNW ofLoriesfontein)

180 Lithops dorotheae C300 (15km N of Pofadder)

181 Lithops helmutii C271 (15km NE of Steinkopf)

182 Lithops herrei `translucens' C237 (15km E of Alexander Bay)

183 Lithops karasmontana v.aiaisensis C224 (110km W ofKarasburg)

184 Lithops meyeri C273 (55km NNE of Port Nolloth)

185 Lithops naureeniae C304 (60km SE of Springbok)

186 Lithops optica `maculate form' C311 (45km SE of Luderitz)

187 Lithops pseudotruncatella `alpina' C68 (35km SSE ofWindhoek)

188 Lithops ruschiorum v.ruschiorum C242 (65km ENE ofSwakopmund)

189 Lithops werneri C188 (25km NNE of Usakos)

190 Ophthalmophyllum australe CM47 (Kliprand)

191 Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae (Witsand), white flowers

192 Ophthalmophyllum latum SB1108 (Klipbok), red,green or ochre

193 Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii SB1141 (Animub), v.tiny

194 Ophthalmophyllum schlechteri (Aughrabies)

195 Ophthalmophyllum schuldtii (Witsand)

196 Pleiospilos hilmari

197 Pleiospilos magnipunctatus v.inaequalis (Grootfontein, P. Albert)

198 Pleiospilos prismaticus (30km along Patatsriver road. Ceres Karoo)

199 Rhinephyllum schonlandii (Leekeovlei,Beaufort W.), lovely scent

200 Ruschia herrei, tiny leaves, mainly winter grower

201 Ruschianthus falcatus (Namus Kloof, Namibia, 6500ft)

202 Sceletium joubertii SB979 (Bloutoring, Little Karoo)

203 Schwantesia herrei, compact

204 Schwantesia ruedebuschii (Aggenys)

205 Stomatium suaveolens, tiny leaved form

206 Titanopsis calcarea CM97

207 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri v.alboviridis SB1343 (Eendoorn)

208 Titanopsis luderitzii

209 Titanopsis schwantesii

210 Trichodiadema sp. SB818 (Bloutoring,L.Karoo), pink , papillose leaves


211 Bowiea volubilis

212 Cyphostemma juttae


213 Acrodon subulatus

214 Aloinopsis rubrolineata

215 Argyroderma crateriforme, flower purple or white

216 Argyroderma testiculare (Flaminvlakte), purple flowers

217 Astridia alba

218 Cerochlamys pachyphylla v. albiflora, separate species?

219 Cheiridopsis pulverulenta (Jackalswater)

220 Cheiridopsis sp. TS435 (Witwater), small cigarettifera?

221 Cheiridopsis sp. TS439 (9km E.of Paulshoek), dwarf

222 Conophytum areolatum (Mesklip), from purple bodied plants

223 Conophytum avenantii RR596

224 Conophytum bicarinatum Lav26036 (Skitterykloof)

225 Conophytum breve form TS446 (nr. Nigramoep)

226 Conophytum calculus v. komkansicum (Komkans)

227 Conophytum ceresianum Lav26029 (15km E.of Op-die-Berg)

228 Conophytum ceresianum Lav26037 (Skitterykloof)

229 Conophytum ceresianum DT2543 (Skitterykloof)

230 Conophytum concavum (Wallekraal, Riethuis)

231 Conophytum depressum TS458 (Rietfontein)

232 Conophytum ectypum v. limbatum (Anenous Pass)

233 Conophytum flavum Lav26294A (Doringswater, N. of Steinkopf)

234 Conophytum fulleri Lav23863 (Namies)

235 Conophytum johannis-winkleri Lav26249 (3km N. Rosh Pinah)

236 Conophytum lithopsoides TS482 (Kangnas), brown/green

237 Conophytum marginatum SB632 (Smorgenskadu)

238 Conophytum meyeri Lav26373 (Karrachabpoort)

239 Conophytum minusculum Lav26016 (Pakhuis Pass)

240 Conophytum nudum HH5141 (Vredendal)

241 Conophytum obcordellum `declinatum' Lav26007 (Botterkloof)

242 Conophytum obcordellum `giftbergense' Lav25642 (5km S.Vredendal)

243 Conophytum obcordellum `picturatum' TS420 (W.of Clanwilliam)

244 Conophytum obcordellum form Lav25992a (E.Pakhuis Pass), variable

245 Conophytum ornatum TS470 (26km N. of Steinkopf)

246 Conophytum pageae Lav26336 (Lekkersing)

247 Conophytum peersii `subglobosum' DT1853 (3km SSE. Uniondale)

248 Conophytum pellucidum `terricolor' TS450 (Rietberg)

249 Conophytum pellucidum TS457 (Rietfontein), orange body

250 Conophytum pellucidum TS472 (10km N.Concordia), bubbly top

251 Conophytum pellucidum TS476 (4km NE.Concordia), variable

252 Conophytum pellucidum, green form

253 Conophytum saxetanum Lav26362 (Holgat River)

254 Conophytum saxetanum Lav26316A (Grootderm), larger

255 Conophytum wittebergense

256 Conophytum sp. nova TS447 (nr. Nigramoep), aff. helenae

257 Conophytum sp. Lav 25631 (Komkans), probably minutum form

258 Conophytum sp. DT2524 (Bossiesberg, Ceres Karoo), nocturnal

259 Cylindrophyllum comptonii (Spreenfontein, Konstabel)

260 Delosperma harzianum, from the Yemen

261 Dicrocaulon sp. TS424 (42km NNW.Vanrhynsdorp)

262 Dinteranthus puberulus, pink flowers

263 Dracophilus dealbatus (Arrisdrift)

264 Dracophilus delaetianus

265 Drosanthemum eburneum SB883 (Karoopoort)

266 Faucaria tigrina (Dead Man's Gulch), genuine, 5 seeds

267 Faucaria spec. (Uplands, Grahamstown)

268 Fenestraria aurantiaca, flowers of various colours

269 Gibbaeum heathii

270 Gibbaeum pachypodium

271 Hereroa spec. (Klein Aus, Rehoboth)

272 Lampranthus primavernus

273 Lithops bromfieldii v.bromfieldii C348 (20km E.of Upington)

274 Lithops fulviceps v.fulviceps C221 (85km N.of Karasburg)

275 Lithops geyeri `hillii'C232 (65km NE.of Port Nolloth)

276 Lithops gracilidelineata C309 (45km W.Usakos), contains fuscous forms

277 Lithops gracilidelineata ssp.brandbergensis C383, true

278 Lithops hookeri `vermiculate form'C51 (15km NW.of Strydenburg)

279 Lithops karasmontana v.lericheana C330 (70km N.of Karasburg)

280 Lithops marmorata v.elisae TS464 (23km SE.of Vioolsdrif)

281 Lithops optica C294 (140km SSE.of Luderitz)

282 Lithops optica cv. rubra C81A

283 Lithops schwantesii `gulielmi'C184 (10km NW.of Helmeringhausen)

284 Lithops steineckeana C388, stabilised hybrid

285 Lithops terricolor `peersii' C254 (30km ENE. of Willowmore)

286 Lithops verruculosa v.glabra C25 (30km E.of Kenhardt)

287 Mestoklema arboriforme (Hammanskraal)

288 Monilaria ramulosa

289 Ophthalmophyllum haramoepense CM46

290 Ophthalmophyllum pubescens DT2381 (10km W.Platbakkies)

291 Ophthalmophyllum subfenestratum, = Cono.s. = O.vanheerdei of hort.

292 Ophthalmophyllum triebneri (Pofadder)

293 Ophthalmophyllum aff. verrucosum CM142

294 Rabiea albipuncta

295 Rhombophyllum sp. DT3242 (40km E.of De Rust)

296 Ruschia sp. TS440 (9km E.Paulshoek), tiny mats, purple flowers

297 Schwantesia acutipetala

298 Scopelogena vareculata

299 Stomatium meyeri

300 Tanquana hilmari

301 Tanquana prismatica TS413 (Beukesfontein, Ceres Karoo)

302 Titanopsis calcarea

303 Trichodiadema stellatum (Montague)

304 Vanheerdea roodiae


305 Caralluma spec. (Kuruman), Mace collection


306 Aloinopsis malherbei

307 Aloinopsis orpenii

308 Argyroderma fissum (37km N.of Vanrhynsdorp), Mace collection

309 Argyroderma subalbum (30km N.of Vanrhynsdorp), Mace collection, tiny

310 Argyroderma spec. (S.of Bitterfontein), Mace collection, ambiguous

311 x Argyrops, A.delaetii x L.divergens v. amethystina

312 Cephalophyllum spissum

313 Cheiridopsis cigarettifera? (Ookiep), Mace collection

314 Cheiridopsis denticulata (ca.40km N.of Steinkopf), Mace collection

315 Cheiridopsis meyeri v.meyeri SH651/89 (Steinkopf)

316 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (just W.of Steinkopf), Mace collection

317 Cheiridopsis spec.(N.of Steinkopf), Mace collection, small

318 Cheiridopsis spec.(11km W.Bulletrap), Lav.coll, probably new

319 Conophytum angelicae, square form, see note at end

320 Conophytum calculus (48km NNW.of Vanrhynsdorp), Mace collection

321 Conophytum calitzdorpense Lav27036 (10km ENE.of Calitzdorp)

322 Conophytum ectypum v.ectypum

323 Conophytum ernianum (Namus Kloof, S.Namibia)

324 Conophytum flavum Lav26765 (S.of Kosies)

325 Conophytum frutescens (Komaggas)

326 Conophytum halenbergense

327 Conophytum klinghardtense (Heioab, Namibia)

328 Conophytum lacteum (Kosies) x marnieranum (clonotype)

329 Conophytum lambertense

330 Conophytum x marnieranum, natural hybrid

331 Conophytum novicium Lav27264 (Kouefontein)

332 Conophytum pageae/breve Lav26797A (4km S.of Concordia)

333 Conophytum pellucidum (Springbok area), dotted margins

334 Conophytum pellucidum Lav26802 (2km E.of Ookiep), classic

335 Conophytum pillansii (30km N.of Vanrhynsdorp), Mace collection

336 Conophytum pubicalyx Lav27304 (W.of Platbakkies), few only

337 Conophytum spectabile

338 Conophytum subrisum, summer-flowering form

339 Conophytum ursprungianum SB635 (Lokenberg)

340 Conophytum uvaeforme Lav26845 (Blaukrans Pass), well marked

341 Conophytum variabile Lav26799 (Gemsbokvlei, 25km E.of Port Nolloth)

342 Conophytum violaciflorum RR1108 (Springbok)

343 Conophytum wettsteinii "brevipes" (Anenous Pass), Mace collection

344 Conophytum spec.A (48km NNW.of Vanrhynsdorp), Mace coll, minutum?

345 Conophytum spec.B (48km NNW.of Vanrhynsdorp), Mace coll, uvaeforme?

346 Dinteranthus vanzylii CM55

347 Dinteranthus wilmotianus CM57

348 Dorotheanthus apetalus (Paardeberg)

349 Dorotheanthus bidouwensis (Clanwilliam)

350 Dorotheanthus gramineus

351 Dracophilus proximus (Swartwater, Richtersveldt)

352 Drosanthemum striatum, papillate leaves

353 Ebracteola candida (Klein Aub)

354 Faucaria paucidens (Graaff Reinet)

355 Gibbaeum cryptopodium SB642 (Brandrivier)

356 Gibbaeum dispar (Vanwycksdorp)

357 Gibbaeum esterhuyseniae

358 Glottiphyllum parvifolium (Vanwycksdorp)

359 Glottiphyllum spec.SB650 (Lemoenshoek), thick soft leaves

360 Hereroa stanfordiae (40km W.of Victoria West)

361 Herrea/Conicosia spec.(20km N.of Steinkopf), Mace collection

362 Herreanthus meyeri HARDY 637 (Umdaus)

363 Jacobsenia kolbei

364 Lithops bromfieldii v.mennellii C283 (20km SSW.of Upington)

365 Lithops dinteri ssp.frederici C180 (30km NW.of Pofadder), tiny

366 Lithops fulviceps v.fulviceps C266 (65km N.of Karasburg), big spots

367 Lithops hallii v.ochracea C372 (15km SW.of Upington)

368 Lithops hookeri v.marginata "cerise" C88 (20km ENE.of Hopetown)

369 Lithops julii ssp.julii "chrysocephala" C205 (50km SE.of Warmbad)

370 Lithops karasmontana v.karasmontana C223 (25km NE.Grunau), pallid

371 Lithops lesliei ssp.burchellii C302 (20km NNE.of Douglas)

372 Lithops olivacea v.nebrownii C162B (70km WSW.of Pofadder)

373 Lithops ruschiorum v.lineata C380 (50km ENE.Rocky Point)

374 Lithops schwantesii v.marthae C299 (120km SSE.of Aus)

375 Lithops villetii ssp.villetii C195 (30km NNE.of Loeriesfontein)

376 Maughaniella luckhoffii

377 Monilaria spec.(30km N.of Vanrhynsdorp), Mace collection

378 Namibia ponderosa H4389

379 Nelia pillansii (Gemsbokvlei), Mace collection

380 Nananthus aloides

381 Nananthus transvaalensis CM45

382 Odontophorus angustifolius (Kosies), from Rawe collection

383 Ophthalmophyllum dinteri SAUER 144, small purple bodies

384 Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae CM10, red window

385 Ophthalmophyllum praesectum (Pofadder)

386 Ophthalmophyllum spec.Lav27636 (88km WNW Pofadder)

387 Oscularia deltoides

388 Pherolobus maughanii

389 Pleiospilos compactus ssp.minor

390 Pleiospilos nelii CM281

391 Rabiea spec. PB1766

392 Rhinephyllum macradenium

393 Ruschia gracillima (Kouberg)

394 Ruschia salteri SB898 (Ceres Karoo)

395 Ruschia spec.(Gemsbokvlei), Mace coll, looks like Astridia

396 Schwantesia pillansii

397 Stomatium loganii (Matjiesfontein)

398 Stomatium spec.(about 35km N.of Steinkopf), Mace collection

399 Titanopsis primosii SB816 (Platbakkies)

400 Vanheerdea angusta

401 Vanheerdea primosii CM288

The C.angelicae seed was produced by crossing two van Jaarsveld collections from Rosyntjieberg and the Stinkfontein/Orange Rivers confluence in the Richtersveldt.

Collected seed from Derek Tribble:

402 DT4810 Faucaria tigrina1, Gowies Dam, 2km N Grahamstown

403 DT4853 Rhombophyllum sp, 6km NW Graaff-Reinet

404 DT4860 Glottiphyllum "bidentatum"2, Springbokvlakte

405 DT4861 Glottiphyllum oligocarpum, Springbokvlakte

406 DT4869 Aloinopsis schoonesii, Springbokvlakte

407 DT4880 Machairophyllum sp, Nuwekloof, 28km SE Willowmore

408 DT4893 Cephalophyllum ?subulatoides, 22km SE Willowmore

409 DT4908 Machairophyllum sp, Diazstrand, 6km NW Mossel Bay

410 DT4925 Gibbaeum angulipes, Toekoms, N Langeberge

411 DT4935 Gibbaeum heathii, 7km SW Hondewater

412 DT4936 Gibbaeum cryptopodium3, 7km SW Hondewater

413 DT4937 Gibbaeum pubescens, 7km SW Hondewater

414 DT4938 Rhinephyllum muirii, 7km SW Hondewater

415 DT4939 Clumping mesemb, yellow flower, 7km SW Hondewater

416 DT4940 Mesembryanthemum, annual, leaves like a Frithia!, 7km SW Hondewater

417 DT4950 Glottiphyllum sp, broad leaves, 3km NW Calitzdorp

418 DT4976 Rhinephyllum sp, 6km NE Koup

419 DT4977 ?Cylindophyllum/Hereroa, plain cylindrical leaves, 10km N Koup

420 DT4978 Pleiospilos compactus, 10km N Koup

Notes from Derek Tribble:

1) According to Gerhard Marx, this is probably the type locality. Plants from here were drawn for the 18 cent stamp recently issued in RSA and are a particularly lovely form of Faucaria tigrina.

2) Mesembryanthemum bidentatum Haw. is a very apt name applied by F.R.Long (1949) in CSJ (US) 21 (3):70 to these plants. In Jacobsen's Handbook 1960, this name is sunk under G.semicylindricum (Haw.) N.E.Br.  Take your pick!

3) At this site, short pubescent and apparently smooth plants were mixed up. Will seedlings show similar variation?  See Bryan Makin's "Gibbaeum Forum" in MSG Bulletin (1989), 4(1):6 and Steve Hammer's response 4(2):32.


421 Aloinopsis hilmari (Laingsburg)

422 Aloinopsis rubrolineata

423 Argyroderma ringens, purple flowers

424 Argyroderma testiculare (Flaminkvlakte)

425 Astridia dinteri

426 Cerochlamys pachyphylla (Aneysberg), large pink flowers

427 Cerochlamys pachyphylla (Wynandsrivier), FC

428 Cheiridopsis aspera, very rough leaves

429 Cheiridopsis aff.excavata SB629 (Concordia), pale pink flower

430 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (NW Steinkopf), clustering form

431 Cheiridopsis robusta (Numees)

432 Cheiridopsis sp. (Swartwater, Rv), very thick leaves

433 Conophytum angelicae TS495 (Pofadder)

434 Conophytum angelicae (Aggenys)

435 Conophytum bilobum form Lav28081 (Wolfberg, NNE of Kleinzee)

436 Conophytum breve Lav27897 (Schaapsrivier, Spektakel), immaculate

437 Conophytum breve `stevens-jonesianum'Lav27926 (Anenous Pass)

438 Conophytum burgeri (Aggenys)

439 Conophytum concavum Lav22112 (Reithuis)

440 Conophytum depressum TS458 (Rietfontein), large form

441 Conophytum ectypum form (9km S.Umdaus)

442 Conophytum ernianum Lav27669 (mountain top on Sud-Witputz)

443 Conophytum gratum Lav27916 (10km SW.Numees Mine)

444 Conophytum lithopoides TS487 (south Smorgenskadu)

445 Conophytum loeschianum Lav27888 (10km SW.Numees Mine)

446 Conophytum nanum (Witkoppies)

447 Conophytum noviceum Lav27925 (Anenous Pass)

448 Conophytum obscurum RR788 (Karrachab)

449 Conophytum ornatum, from red-stamened plants

450 Conophytum pearsonii Lav27553A (Graafwater rd, N.Knersvlakte)

451 Conophytum pellucidum TS459 (Rietfontein), chestnut coloured

452 Conophytum pellucidum SB790 (Bowesdorp), variable

453 Conophytum pellucidum (Windhoek farm), pattern selection

454 Conophytum aff.pellucidum TS455 (south Silverfontein)

455 Conophytum pillansii Lav27552 (Graafwater rd, N.Knersvlakte)

456 Conophytum polyandrum (Kourkam)

457 Conophytum pulchellum Lav28080 (Wolfberg, NNE Kleinzee)

458 Conophytum reconditum TS445 (Platbakkies), green form

459 Conophytum saxetanum Lav27936 (3km N.Eenhek, on dolomite), few

460 Conophytum speciosum

461 Conophytum subrisum Lav28078 (20km W.Platbakkies),small form

462 Conophytum turrigerum (Paarlberg)

463 Conophytum umdausense (Umdaus)

464 Conophytum viridicatum Lav27974 (Wolwefontein, SW.Koup)

465 Conophytum wettsteinii Lav27881 (S.slopes of Anenous Pass)

466 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp.puberulus (Onder Namies), FC

467 Dinteranthus wilmotianus ssp. impunctatus CM58

468 Dracophilus dealbatus (Annisfontein)

469 Drosanthemum barwickii

470 Erepsia aspera (Algeria,Cedarbergs)

471 Faucaria bosscheana, white margin

472 Faucaria paucidens (Graaff-Reinet), FC, long form

473 Faucaria tuberculosa (S.Bedford), FC, 100% genuine

474 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca `FIREWORTH', orange flowers.

475 Gibbaeum geminum

476 Gibbaeum schwantesii (Phisantefontein)

477 Glottiphyllum sp. (30km S.Oudtshoorn), grey-purple leaves

478 Glottiphyllum sp. (Viskuil, 5km S.Laingsburg), FC

479 Glottiphyllum sp. (2km S.Ladismith), FC, huge

480 Hereroa incurva

481 Juttadinteria suavissima H4613

482 Lithops aucampiae ssp.euniceae v.fluminalis C54 (Hopetown)

483 Lithops francisci C140 (35km E.Luderitz)

484 Lithops gracilidelineata v.waldroniae C189 (60km SE.Swakopmund)

485 Lithops hallii v.hallii C90 (50km NW.Hopetown)

486 Lithops hookeri v.elephina C92 (10km N.Britstown)

487 Lithops julii ssp.fulleri v.rouxii C216 (60km WSW.Warmbad)

488 Lithops karasmontana "mickbergensis" C327 (15km NNE.Grunau)

489 Lithops optica cv. rubra

490 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp.groendrayensis C239 (45km SSE.Rehoboth)

491 Lithops vallis-mariae C60 (30km SSW.Mariental)

492 Lithops verruculosa v.verruculosa C198 (85km SSE.Pofadder)

493 Lithops villetii ssp.kennedyi C197 (75km S.Pofadder)

494 Meyerophytum meyeri (3 miles W.Wildepaardehoek)

495 Monilaria obconica (Eselsfontein)

496 Monilaria chrysoleuca v.polita (Bitterfontein; apricot flowers) x pisiformis (Quaggaskop; magenta flowers)

497 Nananthus wilmaniae (Griqualand West)

498 Odontophorus nanus (Eenriet)

499 Odontophorus sp.nova EVJ6138 (Rosyntjieberg), black teeth

500 Oophytum nanum

501 Ophthalmophyllum haramoepense? (Aggenys-Pofadder)

502 Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii SB1141 (Animub), tiny

503 Ophthalmophyllum maughanii Lav27815 (Naip rd), large

504 Ophthalmophyllum pubescens DT2381 (15km W.Platbakkies)

505 Ophthalmophyllum pubescens Lav27441 (14km W.Platbakkies)

506 Ophthalmophyllum schlechteri (N.Aughrabies)

507 Orthopterum waltoniae

508 Pleiospilos bolusii (Aberdeen)

509 Psammophora nissenii (E.Bogenfels)

510 Rabiea albipuncta

511 Ruschia (Antimima) alata

512 Ruschia elevata SB1360 (Stofkloof)

513 Ruschia gemina, compact, pink flowers

514 Schwantesia loeschiana

515 Stayneria neilii (Koningsrivierdam)

516 Stomatium niveum? Lav27645 (27km NE.Steinkopf on Henkries road)

517 Stomatium pyrodorum (Vosfontein)

518 Titanopsis calcarea (20km N.Kimberley), FC

519 Titanopsis calcarea (13km SSW.Luckhoff, OFS), FC

520 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri SB1342 (Vrede, Namibia)

521 Titanopsis luederitzii

522 Vanheerdia divergens (Bushmanland)


523 Aloinopsis malherbei (10km N.Kliprand), Lav collection

524 Aloinopsis peersii (N.Uniondale)

525 Argyroderma framesii v.minus HH4966 (Grootgraafwater), dwarf

526 Argyroderma sp. BM7933 (Arizona), pale pink flowers

527 Bergeranthus sp. (Helspoort, Grahamstown), very tiny

528 Bijlia cana (8km W.Prince Albert), fat form

529 Cephalophyllum purpureo-album

530 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (3km NW.Steinkopf), Lav collection

531 Cheiridopsis aff.peculiaris (NW.Steinkopf), sp.nova?

532 Cheiridopsis aff.schlechteri SB1394 (Gamoep), red margins

533 Cheiridopsis aff.vanbredai (S.Kinderle), dark teeth

534 Conophytum bilobum Lav28148 (Kabinaskop, N.Steinkopf)

535 Conophytum bilobum (Blesberg Flats), pale & fuzzy

536 Conophytum breve? Lav27788A (3km SE.Steinkopf)

537 Conophytum breve/pageae Lav28141c (Kinderle, N.Steinkopf)

538 Conophytum comptonii Lav28226 (Vanrhyns Pass)

539 Conophytum cupreatum/pellucidum, ex Shielam as fenestratum

540 Conophytum cylindratum Lav28124 (Koringhuis)

541 Conophytum depressum (Die Kruis, Khamiesberg)

542 Conophytum ectypum v.tischleri Lav28147 (Kabinaskop)

543 Conophytum flavum Lav26294 (Doringwater, N.Steinkopf)

544 Conophytum flavum `tetracarpum' Lav28141b (N.side Kinderle)

545 Conophytum helenae RR1635 (Kosies)

546 Conophytum koubergense (Kouberg, Gamoep)

547 Conophytum lacteum (Kosies), white flowers

548 Conophytum lithopsoides TS488 (Kangnas)

549 Conophytum marginatum Lav28121 (4km NW.Smorgenskadu)

550 Conophytum minutum Lav28197 (Papendorp Cape)

551 Conophytum pageae Lav25769 (Pass N.of Komaggas)

552 Conophytum pageae v.albiflorum RR723 (Klipfontein)

553 Conophytum pellucidum (Tweefontein), orange bodies

554 Conophytum pellucidum SB1059 (E.Soebatsfontein), pink flowers

555 Conophytum pellucidum TS471 (3km N.Concordia), terricolor type

556 Conophytum aff.pellucidum TS454 (Silverfontein), subterranean!

557 Conophytum aff.pellucidum TS461 (NE.Silverfontein), nice pattern

558 Conophytum pillansii (Graafwater Rd. Knersvlakte)

559 Conophytum aff.piluliforme Lav28169 (10km NW.Robertson)

560 Conophytum quaesitum Lav28185 (Lorelei)

561 Conophytum ricardianum Lav28184 (Lorelei)

562 Conophytum rostratum

563 Conophytum rugosum TS428 (Komkans)

564 Conophytum stenandrum Lav28141a (Kinderle), disjunct colony

565 Conophytum subrisum Lav28230 (2km NE.Kliprand)

566 Conophytum taylorianum var. H4638 (Schlafkuppe)

567 Conophytum truncatum Lav28165 (Zwartskraal, N.Klaarstroom)

568 Conophytum uvaeforme (7km S.Blouders Pass)

569 Conophytum uvaeforme (20km E.Calvinia)

570 Conophytum aff.wettsteinii Lav25430 (Augrabies), small

571 Conophytum sp.nova (Umdaus), aff.depressum

572 Delosperma aff.harazianum, glabrous leaves, compact, pink flowers

573 Delosperma madagascariensis H2909, small tufts

574 Delosperma oehleri (Narok dist. W.Kenya), pink flowers, tuberous

575 Dinteranthus pole-evansii CM54

576 Drosanthemum floribundum, ex Kirstenbosch

577 Drosanthemum speciosum, ex Kirstenbosch

578 Drosanthemum, various named species, ex Kirstenbosch

579 Ebracteola fulleri

580 Faucaria subintegra, reddish leaves

581 Frithia pulchra v.minor `albiflora'(20km SE.Verena)

582 Gibbaeum austricolum n.n.(10km NW.Malgas), Lav coll

583 Gibbaeum heathii `comptonii'

584 Gibbaeum velutinum, pink/white flowers

585 Glottiphyllum sp. (10km ESE.Prince Albert), attractively chunky

586 Glottiphyllum sp. (Soetendalspoort, Willowmore), squishy, good

587 Hereroa joubertii (S.Laingsburg)

588 Juttadinteria ausensis? H4645

589 Lampranthus stayneri

590 Lampranthus, various named species, ex Kirstenbosch

591 Lithops comptonii v.weberi C126 (70km S.Calvinia)

592 Lithops divergens (Arizona, Knersvlakte)

593 Lithops hallii C45 (15km SW.Upington), white bodies

594 Lithops herrei C355 (65km NNE.Oranjemund), large form

595 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri (E.of Pofadder school)

596 Lithops karasmontana `opalina', from white plants

597 Lithops karasmontana `lateritia', brick-red top

598 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii (Witputs), `erniana'?

599 Lithops lesliei (Nr.Riverton), colony of converging varieties

600 Lithops marmorata `umdausensis' (Wyepoortriver)

601 Lithops naureeniae (just N. of TL nr.Gamoep), variable

602 Lithops optica cv. rubra

603 Lithops ruschiorum `nelii' C240 (25km E.Cape Cross)

604 Lithops sp. Lavranos collection as Titanopsis from Hopetown!

605 Marlothistella uniondalensis, tufted

606 Marlothistella uniondalensis (Welbedacht), narrow leaves

607 Marlothistella uniondalensis (De Rust), fatter leaves

608 Mitrophyllum dissitum (Umdaus), thin stem, yellow flowers

609 Monilaria obconica (Eselsfontein)

610 Monilaria pisiformis (Quaggaskop), scarlet flowers

611 Muirio-Gibbaeum muirioides x Gibbaeum album

612 Nananthus vittatus (Fauresmith, OFS)

613 Oophytum oviforme (Quaggaskop)

614 Ophthalmophyllum sp. CM15 (Liefdood, Kenhardt)

615 Ophthalmophyllum sp. Lav28126 (4km N.Smorgenskadu)

616 Ophthalmophyllum aff.latum SB1495 (Jakkalswater), dwarf

617 Ophthalmophyllum longum? (Hangpaal)

618 Ophthalmophyllum maughanii (Naip Rd. W.Springbok)

619 Ophthalmophyllum spathulatum? (Tweefontein)

620 Orthopterum coeganum

621 Pleiospilos nelii (Seekoegat, Prince Albert)

622 Psilocaulon "cinnamoneum" (Skilpad), spicy flowers!

623 Rabiea lesliei (Trompsburg, OFS), small

624 Rhinephyllum frithii (Laingsburg)

625 Ruschia indurata

626 Schlechteranthus hallii (4km W.Rooiberg, Rv.)

627 Schwantesia acutipetala SB808 (Cone Peak), fat leaves

628 Stomatium suricatinum (S.Laingsburg)

629 Titanopsis aff.calcarea (Ghams, Upington), bronze-violet,

630 Trichodiadema sp. (Dikkopvlakte), orange & red flowers

631 Vanheerdia angusta

632 Vanheerdia roodiae


633 Aloinopsis peersii (87km E.Fraserburg, nr.Rietfontein)

634 Aloinopsis spathulata (Sutherland)

635 Antegibbaeum fissoides (N.of Montagu)

636 Antimima dualis, large form

637 Antimima gracillima (Kouberg)

638 Argyroderma patens (NE.Soutrivier bridge), yellow to amber flowers.

639 Argyroderma crateriforme, purple & white flowers.

640 Bijlia tugwelliae (Vrischgewaagt), recent rediscovery

641 Carruanthus peersii (Toorwater)

642 Cephalophyllum parvibracteatum (Taaiboshoek), good flowerer

643 Cheiridopsis denticulata PP93 (ca. 5km E.Springbok)

644 Cheiridopsis pillansii (nr.Uitspanpoort), ex red-flowered plants

645 Cheiridopsis robusta PP193 (Richtersveldt)

646 Cheiridopsis rostrata (Hetkruis, Piquetberg), bicoloured flowers.

647 Cheiridopsis rudis (T'Gabies Plateau), not in cultivation?

648 Conophytum "albiflorum" TS430 (Krakeelklip), open pollinated

649 Conophytum angelicae (Aggenys), "normal" form,

650 Conophytum astylum CR1028 (7km SW.Brackfontein)

651 Conophytum breve (Anenous, colony A)

652 Conophytum breve (Anenous, colony B)

653 Conophytum burgeri SH409 (Aggenys)

654 Conophytum cupreatum CR1026 (Doodrink)

655 Conophytum flavum Lav28495 (5km N.Kosies)

656 Conophytum fulleri Lav28612 (15km S.Pofadder)

657 Conophytum giftbergense Lav28455A (6km SSE.Vredendal)

658 Conophytum aff.gratum Lav28330 (Stormberg,Orange R.),BIG

659 Conophytum helenae Lav28466 (Hill,3km S.Kosies)

660 Conophytum helenae Lav28467 (Hill,3km S.Kosies),diff.

661 Conophytum hians CR1110 (8km SE.Eksteenfontein)

662 Conophytum lilianum SB1175 (S. Garies)

663 Conophytum lindenianum Lav28605 (above Spektakel Mine)

664 Conophytum x marnierianum, rainbow hybrids

665 Conophytum obcordellum Lav28474 (6km WNW.Clanwilliam)

666 Conophytum obcordellum Lav28482 (2km SE.Gifberg TV mast)

667 Conophytum pellucidum TS438 (Witwater), grey & black

668 Conophytum pellucidum Lav28313 (Pedroskloof,Khamiesberg)

669 Conophytum pellucidum (5km W. Studers Pass summit)

670 Conophytum rugosum ssp.sanguineum (NE of TL, nr.Garies)

671 Conophytum smorenskaduense SB633 (Smorgenskadu)

672 Conophytum stenandrum Lav28279 (12km S.Garies)

673 Conophytum terrestre Lav25793 (30km N.Kliprand), small fm.

674 Conophytum vanheerdei (Kangnas)

675 Conophytum vitreopapillum CR1152 (5km NE Riethuis)

676 Delosperma harazianum (Audhali Plateau, Yemen)

677 Delosperma pergamentaceum SB1309 (Lorelei)

678 Didymaotus lapidiformis

679 Dinteranthus microspermus (S.Goodhouse)

680 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus (Pofadder), large form

681 Dinteranthus wilmotianus ssp. impunctatus (Eendoorn)

682 Dracophilus proximus (Namus Kloof, Namibia), fat & smooth

683 Drosanthemum sp.(Uniondale), yellow fl,black stamens,new?

684 Drosanthemopsis salarius SB1306 (Riethuis), = Anisocalyx

685 Ebracteola derenbergiana H4615 (Gabis Station, Namibia)

686 Faucaria britteniae (Plutos Vale, Grahamstown), open leaf

687 Faucaria aff. lupina (N.of Port Elizabeth), toothy

688 Faucaria spec. (Poutkraal)

689 Faucaria spec. (16km N.Ouberg Pass, Graaff-Reinet)

690 Fenestraria rhopalophylla H4722, small round windows

691 Gibbaeum esterhuyseniae, purple erect leaves

692 Gibbaeum pilosulum, very hairy

693 Glottiphyllum jacobsenianum, hooked leaves

694 Hereroa pallens SB1407 (Samoep), pale grey leaves

695 Herreanthus meyeri var. (S. Little Hellskloof), pink flowers

696 Imitaria muirii

697 Juttadinteria kovismontana H4422, well toothed

698 Leipoldtia britteniae

699 Lithops aucampiae v.koelemanii C256 (35km WSW.Postmasburg)

700 Lithops comptonii C125 (50km ENE.Ceres)

701 Lithops dinteri ssp.multipunctata C326 (65km SE.Warmbad)

702 Lithops dorotheae C300 (15km N.Pofadder)

703 Lithops francisci C371 (35km E.Luderitz)

704 Lithops geyeri SB1098 (Cone Peak)

705 Lithops gracilidelineata (nr.Brandberg)

706 Lithops gracilidelineata ssp.brandbergensis

707 Lithops hallii C375 (55km N.Upington), fine pattern

708 Lithops hallii "salicola reticulata" C87 (30km SE.Hopetown)

709 Lithops hookeri v.lutea C38 (5km NE.Groblershoop)

710 Lithops karasmontana "Signalberg form" C328 (25km WNW.Grunau)

711 Lithops karasmontana ssp.eberlanzii (Haalenberg)

712 Lithops lesliei PP300 (Willowbank), variable forms

713 Lithops optica C310 (160km SSE.Luderitz), flowers early

714 Lithops otzeniana, green attempts!

715 Lithops pseudotruncatella v.riehmerae C97 (50km SE.Windhoek)

716 Lithops sp.nova (Transvaal), tiny, 1st new Lithops for 16 years

717 Machairophyllum sp.(Rooiwal, Miller station)

718 mesemb PP128 (21km WNW.Grunau), resembles Odontophorus

719 Mestoklema arboriforme (Hammanskraal), almost caudiciform

720 Monilaria chrysoleuca, white petals

721 Odontophorus angustifolius (Kosies), from Rawe collection

722 Odontophorus aff.angustifolius (T'Gabies plateau), distinct

723 Ophthalmophyllum australe (N.of Kliprand), tiny form

724 Ophthalmophyllum herrei (Breekpoort), from type locality

725 Ophthalmophyllum aff.pubescens SB806 (Stofkloof), tiny form

726 Ophthalmophyllum spec. CR1052 (Umdaus, quartz)

727 Pleiospilos ?canus PP268 (10km S.Laingsburg), collector's name

728 Pleiospilos compactus ssp.compactus (Armoed, Oudtshoorn), small

729 Rhinephyllum parvifolium (Cypherwater)

730 Psammophora herrei (25km N.Rooilepel), big form

731 Psammophora longifolia (Aurus Mountains, Namibia)

732 Ruschia spec. (Quaggaskop, Knersvlakte), compact

733 Stomatium spec.(Kelderberg, Bushmanland)

734 Titanopsis calcarea (35km NW.Brandvlei), compact colourful form

735 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (Stofvlei, Bushmanland)

736 Titanopsis primosii SB1177 (Stofkloof), large warts

737 Vanheerdea divergens (Taaiboshoek)

738 Vanheerdea primosii (Gamoep)


739 Aloinopsis hilmari (Laingsburg)

740 Aloinopsis rosulata

741 Aloinopsis schooneesii (Springbokvlakte)

742 Antimima `nelii'

743 Argyroderma ovale? (Steverman farm, Bitterfontein)

744 Argyroderma sp. SB1224 (NE Bitterfontein)

745 Argyroderma subalbum `villetii' HH5231 (Koekenaap)

746 Astridia dinteri

747 Carpanthea pomeridiana (Helderfontein), good summer bedder

748 Carpobrotus rossii RJC8419 (Outer Harbour, Adelaide, Australia)

749 Cephalophyllum alstonii (Ceres Karoo), ex Wiese

750 Cheiridopsis aff.aspera (Harrasberg summit), fuzzy

751 Cheiridopsis dilatata SB629 (Concordia), pale pink flowers

752 Cheiridopsis spec.nova (Skimmelberg)

753 Conophytum angelicae ssp.tetragonum (Rosyntjieberg)

754 Conophytum auriflorum ssp. turbiniforme (Spektakel)

755 Conophytum bicarinatum (Skitterykloof)

756 Conophytum bilobum CR1044 (Leeupoort), variable, red keel

757 Conophytum bilobum `apiatum' CR1101 (3km W Numees), pubescent

758 Conophytum bilobum `umdausense' CR1053 (Umdaus, lower slopes)

759 Conophytum bilobum ssp. gracilistylum SB784 (Meulsteen)

760 Conophytum burgeri (Aggenys)

761 Conophytum comptonii CR1022 (Vanrhyns Pass)

762 Conophytum concavum CR1153 (5km NE Riethuis)

763 Conophytum ectypum Lav27198 (NW Steinkopf), small

764 Conophytum ectypum v.brownii TS478 (6km NE Concordia)

765 Conophytum flavum CR1122 (northern Eenriet foothills)

766 Conophytum flavum ssp.novicium CR1049 (7km S Umdaus)

767 Conophytum friedrichiae? SB1208 (Samoep)

768 Conophytum frutescens CR1146 (S end Kourkammeberge)

769 Conophytum globosum `var' (Kotzesrus), white flowers

770 Conophytum herreanthus HARDY 637 (Umdaus)

771 Conophytum limpidum (Pella)

772 Conophytum lydiae 'haramoepense' (Klein Rosynbos)

773 Conophytum maughanii SB802 (Smorgenskadu), red bodies

774 Conophytum obcordellum CR1173 (Lower Pakhuis Pass)

775 Conophytum obcordellum CR1171 (N of Olifants Dam motel)

776 Conophytum obcordellum `declinatum' CR1175 (2km N Doringbos)

777 Conophytum obscurum `pulchellum' CR1062 (Farquharson se Kop)

778 Conophytum pageae CR1046 (Leeupoort)

779 Conophytum pellucidum `pardicolor' (Kweekfontein), orange body

780 Conophytum ratum (Namies)

781 Conophytum roodiae (NE Silverfontein), mauvish body

782 Conophytum stephanii ssp. stephanii (Eenriet)

783 Conophytum stevens-jonesianum ARM1192A (Gamoep)

784 Conophytum tantillum ssp. inexpectatum (Umdaus)

785 Conophytum uviforme CR1161 (5km N Hol River Stn), very variable

786 Conophytum sp. CR1051 (5km S Umdaus), ophthalmophyllum section

787 Cylindrophyllum comptonii (Spreeufontein)

788 Dicrocaulon ramulosum SB1231 (Riethuis)

789 Dinteranthus microspermus

790 Dinteranthus vanzylii (Pofadder)

791 Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum, M.O'Leary 2621 (Silver Sands, Adelaide, Australia)

792 Disphyma crassifolium ssp. clavellatum RJC8565 (16km S Wiluna, W Australia)

793 Dorotheanthus booysenii (NW Sutherland)

794 Dracophilus montis-draconis (Sperrgebiet)

795 Drosanthemum striatum, good outside in summer

796 Ebracteola montis-moltkei (Klein Aub)

797 Erepsia mutabilis

798 Faucaria plana

799 Gibbaeum cryptopodium (Kleinvlakte, S Warmwaterberg)

800 Gibbaeum heathii (Ockertskraal), large form

801 Gibbaeum pubescens (S Kareevlakte)

802 Glottiphyllum aff.fragrans (S Laingsburg), scented flowers

803 Glottiphyllum oligocarpum

804 Juttadinteria suavissima H4613

805 Lampranthus godmaniae v.grandiflorus SB1558

806 Lapidaria margaretae

807 Lithops bromfieldii v. glaudinae Fritz 242

808 Lithops dinteri v.brevis C84 (20km SE Vioolsdrif)

809 Lithops dorotheae Fritz 357 (Pofadder)

810 Lithops fulviceps cv.`aurea' C363

811 Lithops hallii `brown form' C136 (35km ENE Strydenburg)

812 Lithops herrei (10 > 20km NE Alexander Bay)

813 Lithops hookeri v.elephina C92 (10km N Britstown)

814 Lithops julii `chrysocephala' C205 (50km SE Warmbad)

815 Lithops lesliei `luteoviridis' C20 (15km W Magaliesburg)

816 Lithops marmorata Fritz153 (N Sprinbok)

817 Lithops meyeri C212 (40km NNE Port Nolloth)

818 Lithops optica `maculate form' C293 (95km SSE Luderitz)

819 Lithops optica cv.`rubra' C81A (10km W Luderitz)

820 Lithops pseudotruncatella Fritz 81 (E Windhoek)

821 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica `farinosa' C245 (55km SSW Rehoboth)

822 Lithops pseudotruncatella v. riehmerae C97 (50km SE Windhoek)

823 Malephora thunbergii

824 Marlothistella uniondalensis (Seekeogat)

825 Maughaniella luckhoffii (Holrivier)

826 Mitrophyllum grande (1km N Brakfontein)

827 Monilaria moniliformis (Liebendal)

828 Nelia spec. (Uitspanpoort)

829 Octopoma calycinum?

830 Odontophorus primulinus (Aribes Poort)

831 Oophytum nordenstamii (Holrivier)

832 Pleiospilos compactus (Tuinskloof, Williston)

833 Psammophora nissenii (E Bogenfels)

834 Rhombophyllum rhomboideum (Motherwell)

835 Ruschia gemina (Langwater)

836 Ruschia schneideriana H4778 (Numees)

837 Ruschia aff. sedoides (Buchuberg, Namibia)

838 Sarcozona praecox RJC8617 (Lake Cronin, W Australia)

839 Schwantesia loeschiana (Rosh Pinah)

840 Tanquana prismatica (Beukesfontein)

841 Titanopsis calcarea (Polstatie, S Hopetown)

842 Titanopsis calcarea (2km S Britstown)

843 Titanopsis luederitzii (35Km S Luederitz)

844 Titanopsis schwantesii (Klein Karas > Gruenau), genuine & big


845 Aloinopsis orpenii (Postmasburg)

846 Aloinopsis rubrolineata (SE Graaff-Reinet)

847 Aloinopsis spathulata

848 Antimima fenestrata (60km N Vanrhynsdorp)

849 Antimima turneriana (Wolwenes)

850 Argyroderma sp. (Gifberg), huge

851 Astridia hallii (Lorelei)

852 Braunsia apiculata SB616 (Karoopoort)

853 Cephalophyllum caespitosum (Bitterfontein), salmon flower

854 Cephalophyllum rigidum (Animub)

855 Cerochlamys pachyphylla v.albiflora (Prince Albert)

856 Chasmatophyllum sp.(N.Krugerskraal), dainty tufts

857 Cheiridopsis derenbergiana SB764 (Bowesdorp)

858 Cheiridopsis herrei SB1547 (Eksteenfontein), true & dwarf

859 Cheiridopsis imitans (15km Nigramoep > Nababeep)

860 Cheiridopsis pilosula (Quachous Pass), little known

861 Cheiridopsis pilosula (Quachous,W slope)

862 Cheiridopsis pulverulenta (3km N Jakkalswater), giant form

863 Cheiridopsis purpurea SB771 (Hilda Peak flats), few

864 Conophytum acutum (E Bitterfontein)

865 Conophytum angelicae (Pofadder)

866 Conophytum bilobum CR1077 (E end Karrachabpoort)

867 Conophytum bilobum "elishae" CR1038 (1km N Springbok)

868 Conophytum bilobum "muscosipapillatum" (Sandberg, Komaggas)

869 Conophytum bilobum "pole-evansii" CR1124 (N Eenriet foothills)

870 Conophytum bilobum "umdausensis" CR1057 (upper slopes Umdaus)

871 Conophytum breve Lav28606 (above Spektakel mine)

872 Conophytum carpianum SB1029 (Doringpoort)

873 Conophytum chauviniae (Ottaspoort)

874 Conophytum devium SH437 (S Geelberg)

875 Conophytum aff.devium (Solomon's Rock, Aribes)

876 Conophytum ectypum SB1122 (Eenriet)

877 Conophytum ectypum CR1054 (Umdaus), small form, no keel

878 Conophytum ectypum "limbatum" (Anenous Pass)

879 Conophytum ectypum v.brownii CR1045 (Leeupoort)

880 Conophytum ectypum ssp.cruciatum SB791 (W of Anenous)

881 Conophytum ernstii (Sandberg)

882 Conophytum flavum CR1050 (7km S Umdaus)

883 Conophytum flavum CR1058 (3km S Umdaus)

884 Conophytum flavum Lav28574 (12km E Springbok)

885 Conophytum flavum "ornatum" CR1115 (26km N Steinkopf)

886 Conophytum globosum CR1157 (12km S Garies)

887 Conophytum gratum CR1088 (12km NW Khubus)

888 Conophytum gratum ssp.marlothii (Augrabies)

889 Conophytum herreanthus ssp.rex (Rooiberg)

890 Conophytum lithopsoides ssp.koubergense (Kouberg)

891 Conophytum loeschianum SB1138 (Lorelei)

892 Conophytum marginatum CR1133 (Bakenskop, Areb)

893 Conophytum marginatum v.karamoepense (W.Aggenys), reddish

894 Conophytum maughanii ssp.armeniacum (Bontkoei)

895 Conophytum obcordellum Lav28654 (Snorkfontein,Gifberg)

896 Conophytum obcordellum CR1169 (12km S Klawer)

897 Conophytum obcordellum "picturatum" CR1009 (4km W Clanwilliam)

898 Conophytum pageae (Achab se Berg)

899 Conophytum pellucidum (Grootberg, Karkams), purple flower

900 Conophytum pellucidum ssp.cupreatum v.terrestre SB1493 (Burdensputz)

901 Conophytum pellucidum v.neohallii SB1187 (Silverfontein)

902 Conophytum tantillum ssp.lindenianum Lav28605 (Spektakel Mine)

903 Conophytum truncatum (6km NE Rooiberg Pass, nr. Calitzdorp)

904 Conophytum uviforme CR1031 (Bloubok,27km SE Kliprand)

905 Conophytum verrucosum (Stofvlei), rough

906 Conophytum sp.Lav28555 (Narapberg,S Kosies),wettsteinia section

907 Conophytum sp.(Groot Pellaberg),ophthalmophyllum section

908 Conophytum sp.CR1055 (Umdaus,upper slopes),ophthalmo.section

909 Delosperma britteniae? (Coegakop)

910 Dinteranthus pole-evansii (Sultana)

911 Dinteranthus puberulus (Aggenys)

912 Dracophilus dealbatus SB796 (Alexander Bay)

913 Drosanthemum aff.crassum SB995 (Strandfontein), bonsai

914 Ebracteola wilmaniae (Danielskuil)

915 Esterhuysenia alpina (Gydo Pass), recent reintroduction

916 Faucaria aff.kingiae (Alicedale)

917 Faucaria paucidens (Graaff-Reinet)

918 Gibbaeum austricolum

919 Gibbaeum dispar (Vanwyksdorp)

920 Gibbaeum geminum SB647 (Koeniekuil)

921 Glottiphyllum sp.(2km N Addo)

922 Glottiphyllum sp.(10km S Kamanossi Dam)

923 Juttadinteria ausensis? H4645, red teeth

924 Juttadinteria deserticola H4698 (Sperrgebeit)

925 Lapidaria margaretae

926 Lithops aucampiae cv.Jackson's Jade

927 Lithops divergens C202 (35km NNW Vanrhynsdorp)

928 Lithops divergens v.amethystina C270 (80km WNW Loeriesfontein)

929 Lithops fulviceps v.lactinea C222 (100km ESE Keetmanshoop)

930 Lithops helmutii (Kabinaberg "2nd colony")

931 Lithops herrei "translucens" C237 (15km E Alexander Bay)

932 Lithops julii ssp.fulleri (Nr.Pofadder airport)

933 Lithops karasmontana "jacobseniana" C227 (10km SW Grunau)

934 Lithops lesliei (20km W Pietersburg),see Craib article

935 Lithops lesliei (Nr.Ventersdorp)

936 Lithops lesliei cv. Albinica C36A (nr.Warrenton)

937 Lithops lesliei v. rubrobrunnea (5km SE Ventersdorp)

938 Lithops marmorata "framesii" C365 (60km NE Springbok)

939 Lithops optica C276 (10km S Luderitz)

940 Lithops pseudotruncatella v. elisabethiae C187 (55km ESE Otjiwarongo)

941 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp.volkii C69 (45km S Windhoek)

942 Lithops ruschiorum C242 (65km ENE Swakopmund)

943 Lithops vallis-mariae C282 (125km N Keetmanshoop)

944 Lithops villetii ssp.kennedyi C200A (80km SSE Pofadder)

945 Malephora crocea SB1308 (Meulsteen), orange flower

946 Mitrophyllum clivorum (S end Skimmelberg)

947 Monilaria obconica (Eselsfontein)

948 Namibia ponderosa

949 Odontophorus marlothii SB662 (Spektakel)

950 Orthopterum coegeana (Coegakop)

951 Pleiospilos compactus ssp.canus (Klein Waterval)

952 Pleiospilos compactus ssp.canus (Leeukloof)

953 Pleiospilos simulans (nr.Pearston),ex Vlok colln

954 Rhinephyllum muirii (Allenmorgens)

955 Ruschia elevata SB1360 (Stofkloof)

956 Schwantesia sp.(Fish River Canyon), serrate margins

957 Titanopsis calcarea (Oorlogshoek), ochre

958 Titanopsis aff.primosii (Nabaab)

959 Trichodiadema fergusoniae (Koppies)


960 Antimima dualis EvJ14050 (Goede Hoop)

961 Antimima sp. PV911 (Matjiesfontein) dwarf & warty

962 Antimima sp. PV392 (Vanrhyns Pass) red keel

963 Argyroderma delaetii EvJ14049A (Goede Hoop)

964 Carruanthus peersii (Toorwater)

965 Cephalophyllum diversiphyllum, pink & yellow

966 Cephalophyllum sp. PV779 (Brakfontein) blue skin, small

967 Cephalophyllum sp. PV719 (W.Steinkopf) compact

968 Cephalophyllum sp. PV726 (Umdaus) creeper

969 Cephalophyllum sp. EvJ14080 (10km N.Koekenaap)

970 Cheiridopsis aspera PV684 (Stinkfonteinberg) rough skin

971 Cheiridopsis brownii PV660 (W.Khubus) round body

972 Cheiridopsis brownii PV704 (Bloedrift) 7cm yellow flower

973 Cheiridopsis aff.caroli-schmidtii PV471 (Witputz) horns

974 Cheiridopsis delphinoides (W.Bulletrap, 8km W.TL) 2nd colony

975 Cheiridopsis pillansii (E.Ploegberg) rare yellow form

976 Cheiridopsis pilosula PV455 (Sun Valley) white flower

977 Cheiridopsis pilosula PV689 (Rosyntjieberg)

978 Cheiridopsis robusta PV712 (N.Lekkersing) small, in quartz

979 Cheiridopsis aff.speciosa (central Richtersveldt)

980 Cheiridopsis sp. PV413 (Leliefontein) blue skin, big, new?

981 Conophytum achabense PV989 (Achab)

982 Conophytum acutum (E.Bitterfontein)

983 Conophytum bilobum PV1026 (Klipbok) red keel

984 Conophytum bilobum PV1031 (N.Umdaus) fuzzy

985 Conophytum bilobum PV1040 (Eenriet) fuzzy

986 Conophytum calculus? PV1014 (Aalwynsfontein) pageae?

987 Conophytum calculus PV782 (Brakfontein) big clusters

988 Conophytum calculus PV809 (Quaggaskop) classic

989 Conophytum comptonii PV1047 (Vanrhyns Pass)

990 Conophytum devium PV739 (Umdaus)

991 Conophytum ectypum PV1036 (Eenriet)

992 Conophytum ectypum v.brownii SH706 (S.Kosies) from 3 clones as on p104 of SH book

993 Conophytum ectypum v.brownii SH1980 (Plathuisfontein, nr. Nababeep) yellow flower

994 Conophytum ernstii ssp.cerebellum (W.Gamkab)

995 Conophytum ficiforme PV848 (Worcester) network of lines

996 Conophytum flavum PV1032 (N.Umdaus) green buttons

997 Conophytum flavum PV737 (Umdaus)

998 Conophytum flavum "ornatum" PV734 (NW.Steinkopf) large

999 Conophytum fraternum PV744 (Umdaus)

1000 Conophytum fraternum? PV722 (Umdaus) papery sheath

1001 Conophytum gratum PV693 (bottom Rosyntjieberg) 4cm heads

1002 Conophytum gratum PV1028 (Rosyntjieberg) 4cm heads

1003 Conophytum gratum PV700 (summit Rosyntjieberg)

1004 Conophytum herreanthus ssp.rex PV1027 (Klipbok)

1005 Conophytum limpidum PV767 (Namies) glassy

1006 Conophytum longum PV1038 (Eenriet)

1007 Conophytum marginatum ssp. karamoepense PV765 (Witberg)

1008 Conophytum maughanii PV991 (Poort se berg) red body

1009 Conophytum maughanii ssp.latum PV1025 (Eksteenfontein) green or red

1010 Conophytum minimum PV909 (Laingsburg) lined

1011 Conophytum minimum "wittebergense" PV913 (Matjiesfontein)

1012 Conophytum obcordellum v. ceresianum PV834 (Doornrivier)

1013 Conophytum obscurum/fraternum? PV1033 (N.Umdaus)

1014 Conophytum aff.obscurum SH1437 (S.Tierberg)

1015 Conophytum pageae PV1030 (Rosyntjieberg) red lips

1016 Conophytum pellucidum PV427 (N. Concordia) variable pattern

1017 Conophytum pellucidum PV800 (Studers Pass) lilianum-like

1018 Conophytum pellucidum (W.Karkams) blackish

1019 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum PV1005 (Papkuils River)

1020 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum SH1431 (Kamas)

1021 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum v.terrestre PV1057 (Aalwynsfontein)

1022 Conophytum aff. piluliforme PV884 (Springfontein)

1023 Conophytum pubescens PV1007 (Kaams) slightly fuzzy

1024 Conophytum roodiae (Hytkoras) big form

1025 Conophytum rubrolineatum SH321/87 (Kikvorsfontein)

1026 Conophytum subfenestratum PV815 (Quaggaskop)

1027 Conophytum truncatum PV946 (Deugas) many dots

1028 Conophytum truncatum PV958 (W.Willowmore) most northerly form

1029 Conophytum uviforme PV821 (Quaggaskop) net of lines

1030 Conophytum sp. PV778 (Brakfontein) small, red lines

1031 Cylindrophyllum sp. PV963 (Grootfontein) leaf 50 x 8 mm

1032 Ebracteola fulleri PV754 (Witberg) narrow blue leaves

1033 Gibbaeum sp. PV843 (Doornrivier) early flowerer

1034 Glottiphyllum oligocarpum, the nicest grotty

1035 Glottiphyllum sp. PV956 (W.Willowmore)

1036 Glottiphyllum sp. PV957 (W.Willowmore) odd, light green

1037 Hereroa sp. PV1020 (E.Eksteenfontein) small bonsai

1038 Khadia borealis EvJ14243 (Letjuma Peak, Soutpansberg)

1039 Leipoldtia britteniae

1040 Lithops aucampiae (Blikfontein, SE.Kuruman)

1041 Lithops aucampiae v. koelmanii (SW.Postmasberg)

1042 Lithops aucampiae ssp. euniceae (Rusda,15km N.Hopetown)

1043 Lithops bromfieldii v.insularis cv."Sulphurea", Japanese origin

1044 Lithops bromfieldii v. mennellii (Loisvale, Upington)

1045 Lithops comptonii v. weberi (S.Calvinia)

1046 Lithops dinteri v. brevis (Vioolsdrif)

1047 Lithops fulviceps PV488 (Vredenhof) orange-red leaves

1048 Lithops fulviceps v. lactinea (Doringdraai)

1049 Lithops gracilidelineata v. waldroniae (40km E. Walvis Bay)

1050 Lithops julii (40km WSW Warmbad)

1051 Lithops karasmontana v. lericheana (Goibib, 50km NE.Grunau)

1052 Lithops karasmontana "lateritia", hort.

1053 Lithops lesliei (NW.Pietersburg)

1054 Lithops lesliei cv. "albinica" (Nr.Warrenton)

1055 Lithops naureeniae PV1000 (Rooifontein) tiger pattern

1056 Lithops naureeniae PV1044 (Rooifontein) 1km away from above

1057 Lithops olivacea

1058 Lithops ruschiorum (W.side Omaruru River)

1059 Lithops terricolor (5km from Koup to Laingsburg)

1060 Lithops terricolor "peersii" PV964 (Fullarton) various colours

1061 Lithops villetii (Loeriesfontein)

1062 Malephora crocea? PV652 (E.Port Nolloth)

1063 Marlothistella stenophylla (Cango valley)

1064 Mesembryanthemaceae PV941 (Deugas) green leaves, 6-7 locules

1065 Mestoklema arboriforme (Hammanskraal)

1066 Mitrophyllum sp. PV656A (Aughrabies) white-flowered population

1067 Mitrophyllum sp. PV696 (Rosyntjieberg) thin branches, new?

1068 Monilaria obconica (21km W.N7 towards Nigramoep) deep pink

1069 Neohenricia spiculata (NE.Starkstroom) few only

1070 Psammophora modesta? PV710 (Bloedrift) brown-black leaves

1071 Rabiea lesliei (Trompsburg, OFS)

1072 Ruschia dichroa? PV391 (Vanrhyns Pass) white flowers, 5 locules

1073 Ruschia solida EvJ14051 (Goede Hoop)

1074 Ruschia sp. PV783A (Brakfontein) dwarf to 25cm

1075 Ruschia sp. PV811 (Quaggaskop) dwarf

1076 Ruschia sp. PV898 (Ockertskraal) 10-15cm

1077 Ruschia sp. EvJ14061 (Goede Hoop) few only

1078 Saphesia flaccida EvJ13712 (Riverlands)

1079 Schwantesia ruedebuschii PV502 (Boomrivier) toothed

1080 Sphalmanthus sp. PV462A (Sun Valley) red flower

1081 Titanopsis schwantesii (40km E.Luderitz)

1082 Vanheerdea angusta/roodiae PV1058 (Aalwynsfontein) intermediate


1084 Aloinopsis luckhoffii (Boonstevlei)

1085 Aloinopsis orpenii (Kuruman)

1086 Aloinopsis schooneesii (Springbokvlakte)

1087 Antegibbaeum fissoides (north Montagu)

1088 Antimima sp. (Rooivlei)

1089 Argyroderma framesii v.hallii (Holrivier, type locality)

1090 Argyroderma sp. (Kliprand > Bitterfontein)

1091 Bergeranthus sp. (Grahamstown > Bedford)

1092 Bijlia tugwelliae (Gamka)

1093 Chasmatophyllum sp. (Krugerskraal)

1094 Cheiridopsis meyeri v.meyeri (Steinkopf)

1095 Cheiridopsis pilosula (Central Stinkfonteinberg)

1096 Conophytum achabense (Achab)

1097 Conophytum bilobum "leucanthum" CR1270 (6km NE Umdaus)

1098 Conophytum devium CR1225 (Duker Kop)

1099 Conophytum flavum ssp. novicium Lav29586 (5km S Umdaus)

1100 Conophytum fulleri (Charley's Pass, Pella), large form

1101 Conophytum herreanthus ssp. rex (Rooiberg, Rv.)

1102 Conophytum klinghardtense ssp. baradii (Rooiberg, Namib)

1103 Conophytum luckhoffii (Haarwegskloof)

1104 Conophytum marginatum v. littlewoodii (Naroep)

1105 Conophytum maughanii (Achab), = O.rufescens

1106 Conophytum maughanii ssp. armeniacum CR1228 (4km WSW Maerpoort se Berg)

1107 Conophytum obcordellum "ursprungianum" CR1306 (Lokenberg)

1108 Conophytum obcordellum "lambertense conspicuum" CR1006 (Kliphuewel)

1109 Conophytum obcordellum ssp.stenandrum CR1218 (SE Garies)

1110 Conophytum obcordellum ssp.stenandrum CR1298 (3km S Hoedberg)

1111 Conophytum obscurum CR1255 (2km S Lekkersing)

1112 Conophytum pageae CR1105A (13km NW Eksteenfontein), few

1113 Conophytum pageae "subrisum" CR1296 (6km E Witdam)

1114 Conophytum pellucidum CR1291 (3km NW Leliefontein), pinks & whites

1115 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii TS454 (Silverfontein Dam), small heads

1116 Conophytum praesectum CR1281 (3km E Pofadder)

1117 Conophytum rugosum CR1217 (SE Garies)

1118 Conophytum smorenskaduense ssp. hermarium ARM669 (Areb), diff. to type

1119 Conophytum stevens-jonesianum CR1365 (5km NW Kosies)

1120 Conophytum subfenestratum CR1210 (22km N Hol River station)

1121 Conophytum tantillum ssp. inexpectatum (Umdaus)

1122 Conophytum taylorianum (nr. Sargdeckel), true

1123 Conophytum turrigerum CR1195 (southern Perdeberg), large

1124 Conophytum turrigerum (Paarlberg), small form

1125 Conophytum uviforme CR1300 (19km WSW Kliprand)

1126 Conophytum wettsteinii CR1363 (10km W Steinkopf)

1127 Conophytum sp. (Sidi Barani, Kenhardt), sim to Opth. verrucosum

1128 Delosperma hirtum, deciduous, caudex

1129 Delosperma pergamentaceum (Numees)

1130 Dicrocaulon ramulosum SB1231 (Riethuis)

1131 Didymaotus lapidiformis (Matjiesfontein area)

1132 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus, white-pink flowers

1133 Dinteranthus pole-evansii

1134 Dinteranthus vanzylii Fritz260

1135 Dinteranthus vanzylii

1136 Dinteranthus wilmotianus ssp.impunctatus (6km E Eendoorn)

1137 Dorotheanthus gramineus

1138 Dorotheanthus rourkei (Wallekraal), see Chinnock article for germination info.

1139 Dracophilus proximus (Swartwater, Rv.)

1140 Drosanthemum aff. crassum SB995 (Strandfontein), bonsai!

1141 Ebracteola derenbergiana H4615 (Gabis Station, Namibia)

1142 Ebracteola fulleri (45km N Steinkopf)

1143 Ebracteola montis-moltkei (Klein Aub)

1144 Faucaria sp. (15km S East London)

1145 Fenestraria aurantiaca (Nr. Alexander Bay)

1146 Gibbaeum album SB643 (Springfontein), variable flowers

1147 Gibbaeum dispar, ex Fritz collection

1148 Gibbaeum heathii (Ockertskraal), large form

1149 Glottiphyllum suave (N Plathuis), compact

1150 Glottiphyllum sp. (flats near Hellspoort)

1151 Glottiphyllum sp. (S Kamnassie Dam)

1152 Hereroa pallens (Namies)

1153 Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii (Namies)

1154 Juttadinteria decumbens (Sargdeckel), small form

1155 Lapidaria margaretae (Eendoorn)

1156 Lithops aucampiae (Danielskuil Koppie)

1157 Lithops bromfieldii v.glaudinae C382

1158 Lithops comptonii (N Karoopoort)

1159 Lithops divergens (Arizona, Knersvlakte), small bodies

1160 Lithops francisci C371 (35km E Luderitz)

1161 Lithops herrei (12km S Sendelingsdrif)

1162 Lithops hookeri (Abrahamsdam), Fritz collection

1163 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri v. rouxii C216 (60km WSW Warmbad)

1164 Lithops marmorata "framesii" (Kangnas)

1165 Lithops marmorata "umdausensis" (N Umdaus), variable

1166 Lithops meyeri (Vlakmyn), pale

1167 Lithops naureeniae (60km SE Springbok)

1168 Lithops optica (Uitsig)

1169 Maughaniella luckhoffii

1170 Monilaria chrysoleuca "salmonea" (Nuwerus)

1171 Octopoma ?calycinum

1172 Odontophorus marlothii (Eselsfontein)

1173 Odontophorus protoparcoides (Rosyntjieberg)

1174 Oophytum nordenstamii (Holrivier)

1175 Pleiospilos compactus ssp.canus (S. Klaarstroom)

1176 Psammophora nissenii (E. Bogenfels)

1177 Rhinephyllum muirii (Kareevlakte), caudex

1178 Schwantesia loeschiana v. minor SB810 (Lorelei)

1179 Tanquana hilmarii (Keurfontein)

1180 Titanopsis calcarea

1181 Titanopsis calcarea (Oorlogshoek)

1182 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri v.alboviridis SB1343 (Eendoorn)

1183 Titanopsis aff.primosii (Nabaab), darkish form

1184 Titanopsis schwantesii "luederitzii" (35km S Luederitz)

1185 Vanheerdea primosii (Gamoep)

Honorary mesemb:

1186 Massonia pustulata, winter-growing stemless bulb from Namaqualand, two warty flat leaves and shaving brush flower, treat like a cono.

1187 Calandrinia sp. nov. R. J. Chinnock 8043 (Waldburg area, W.Australia), annual, flowers red-purple with white, orange and yellow bands in centre, germinate as for MSG 1138


1188 Aethephyllum pinnatifidum, pinnate leaves, red stems, yellow flowers, annual

1189 Aloinopsis malherbei (Vosfontein)

1190 Aloinopsis rubrolineata (SE. Graaf-Reinet)

1191 Aloinopsis villetii (Brakfontein)

1192 Antimima fenestrata (60km N. Vanrhynsdorp)

1193 Argyroderma patens (Kliprand road)

1194 Argyroderma subalbum ‘villetii’ HH5231 (Koekenaap), tiny

1195 Argyroderma spec. TS702 (7km N. Hol River station), 12 - 14 locules

1196 Argyroderma spec. TS773A (Quaggaskop, Douse the Glim road), chunky

1197 Bijlia tugwelliae (Vrischgewaagt), narrow leafed form

1198 Carpanthea pomeridiana (2km E. Cape of Good Hope), yellow petals tipped reddish

1199 Cephalophyllum fulleri SB1380 (Achab, Namiesberg), dwarf & compact

1200 Cheiridopsis denticulata TS621A (11km SSW. Steinkopf), red flowers seen on these

1201 Cheiridopsis herrei (Klipbok), very small

1202 Cheiridopsis imitans (15km Nigramoep>Nababeep), produced from MSG 859

1203 Cheiridopsis spec. PV86 (N. Leliefontein), possibly new

1204 Conicosia elongata (Gamoep), tuberous root, deciduous stems

1205 Conophytum angelicae ssp. tetragonum SH1331 (Rosyntjiefontein)

1206 Conophytum armianum SH462/87 (Umdaus, TL)

1207 Conophytum bilobum ssp. altum (Augrabies)

1208 Conophytum blandum (Geselskapbank)

1209 Conophytum caroli CR1393 (4km N. Kliprand)

1210 Conophytum caroli ‘australe’ (N. Kliprand), small form

1211 Conophytum ectypum v. brownii CR1367 (W. foot Narapberg), wedged shape

1212 Conophytum aff. ectypum CR1384 (Kangnas), v. different to normal

1213 Conophytum ernstii EvJ8512 (Sandberg)

1214 Conophytum flavum CR1335 (9km SW. Steinkopf), similar to tetracarpum

1215 Conophytum friedrichiae (Tantalite Valley)

1216 Conophytum limpidum (Achab se berg)

1217 Conophytum lithopsoides (Vioolskraalberg), pale flowers

1218 Conophytum maughanii (N. Konkyp), small atypical form

1219 Conophytum pellucidum CR1389 (Paulshoek), dark green form

1220 Conophytum pellucidum TS438 (Witwater, Khamiesberg), grey & black

1221 Conophytum pellucidum v. lilianum SB1175 (Garies)

1222 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii CR1385 (7km S. Springbok)

1223 Conophytum praesectum CR1287 (4km WNW. De Rust)

1224 Conophytum regale (Ratelpoort)

1225 Conophytum roodiae (NE Silverfontein)

1226 Conophytum stevens-jonesianum (Silverfontein), odd form

1227 Conophytum tantillum ssp. helenae CR1364 (4km S. Kosies)

1228 Conophytum taylorianum ssp. ernianum (Kegelberg, Aurus), vertical discs

1229 Conophytum taylorianum ssp. rosynense SH1333 (Rosyntjiefontein), diff to EvJ5518

1230 Conophytum uviforme ‘giftbergense’ (near Vredendal), big plants, nice markings

1231 Conophytum vanheerdei TS486 (Kangnas)

1232 Cylindrophyllum comptonii (Montague)

1233 Dinteranthus microspermus (Sperlingsputs)

1234 Dinteranthus wilmotianus (Kakamas - Onseepkans)

1235 xDinterops, F2 version of the Dinteranthus/Lithops hybrid

1236 Disphyma australe (Balaena Bay, Wellington, New Zealand), green leaves & stems

1237 Disphyma australe (Balaena Bay, Wellington, New Zealand), red leaves & stems

1238 Dorotheanthus bellidiformis (Cape of Good Hope), purple fls with whitish stripe

1239 Dorotheanthus bidouwensis, pink flower with white base

1240 Dorotheanthus booysenii, white flowers with blackish stamens, striking

1241 Dorotheanthus ulularis (Byneskranskop, nr.Standskloof), purplish flowers, recently described

1242 Dracophilus montis-draconis (Sperrgebiet)

1243 Drosanthemum spec. (Ceres > Sutherland), 10cm high shrub, white flowers

1244 Faucaria tigrina (Lynton farm), very good form

1245 Gibbaeum cryptopodium (Hoek van die Berg)

1246 Gibbaeum shandii (Kareevlakte)

1247 Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii

1248 Jacobsenia kolbei (Garies)

1249 Juttadinteria simpsonii (Haalenberg)

1250 Lithops aucampiae (5km NE. Griekwastad)

1251 Lithops aucampiae ssp. euniceae v. fluminalis (near Hopetown)

1252 Lithops bromfieldii v. mennellii, pale-bodied selection

1253 Lithops coleorum SH1500 (near Ellisras), ex MSG 716

1254 Lithops dinteri ssp. frederici (type locality, near Pella)

1255 Lithops fulviceps (Bismarck)

1256 Lithops hallii v. ochracea C111 (35km WNW. Prieska), rust-red bodies

1257 Lithops julii (Vrede), mainly pallid forms

1258 Lithops julii `chrysocephala', F3 from C205,  bred to resemble Nel’s pictures

1259 Lithops julii cv. `Hotlips', F2 generation, excellent lip action

1260 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri (Aggeneys)

1261 Lithops karasmontana ssp. bella C143A (60km NNE. Aus)

1262 Lithops lesliei (NE. Pietersburg)

1263 Lithops lesliei v. hornii (Ritchie,  SW. Kimberley)

1264 Lithops olivacea v. nebrownii (Aggeneys)

1265 Lithops optica cv. `Rubra', ex Kirstenbosch

1266 Lithops otzeniana C350 (40km NNW. Loeriesfontein)

1267 Lithops pseudotruncatella v. riehmerae (Rietfontein, Namibia)

1268 Lithops ruschiorum (N. side Omaruru River)

1269 Lithops schwantesii `triebneri' (Tiras), mustardy top

1270 Lithops terricolor `peersii' (Sandkraal, 9km from Miller Station)

1271 Lithops villetii (N. Loeriesfontein)

1272 Machairophyllum albidum, nocturnal flowers

1273 Marlothistella stenophylla (Welbedacht), tight compact clumps, ex MSG606

1274 Marlothistella stenophylla (De Rust), longer twisted leaves - medusoid, ex MSG607

1275 Mitrophyllum clivorum TS763 (Rondekop, N. Nuwefontein se berge)

1276 Monilaria spec. (SE. Vredendal), white flowers

1277 Nananthus wilmaniae (Griqualand West), small grey leaves

1278 Odontophorus angustifolia (Kosies), large yellow fls, teeth reddish in good light

1279 Odontophorus primulinus (Aribes Poort), furry leaves, very pale flower

1280 Oophytum oviforme (Quaggaskop)

1281 Pleiospilos compactus ssp. sororius (Rooinek Pass)

1282 Rabiea albipuncta (Bethulie), white leaves, the real thing

1283 Ruschia intrusa (McGregor), waxen streaks, needs new genus?

1284 Schwantesia acutipetala SB808 (Cone Peak)

1285 Schwantesia spec. (Fish River Canyon)

1286 Stomatium ?meyeri SB1055 (Animub), pink-tipped petals

1287 Tanquana archeri (Matjiesfontein)

1288 Titanopsis calcarea (Groblershoop)

1289 Titanopsis fulleri (Prieska)

1290 Vanheerdea divergens (Bushmanland)

1291 Vlokia ater, Hammer & Vlok 1181 (Waboomsberg, nr Montagu, TL), tiny subalpine described in Cact Succ J (US), 66, (1994), p 255, likes moisture but good drainage needed


1292 Acrodon bellidiformis, photo in Bulletin 13/3

1293 Acrodon subulatus (Langkloof), photo in Bulletin 13/3

1294 Argyroderma testiculare (Vlaminkvlakte), ex Rawe collection

1295 Carruanthus peersii (Toorwater), toothy, photo of parent on p181 of mesemb book

1296 Cephalophyllum spongiosum

1297 Cephalophyllum spec. PV779 (Brakfontein), purple fl, small & compact, ex MSG966

1298 Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii GM s.n. (Witputz, Namibia)

1299 Cheiridopsis splendens SH s.n.(Vlakmyn)

1300 Cheiridopsis aff. subaequalis SH s.n.(Omega, near Concordia)

1301 Cleretum papulosum B & H 2230 (Tierberg)

1302 Conophytum albiflorum (St. Helena Bay)

1303 Conophytum angelicae ssp. angelicae GM183 (Umdaus), red-purple flower

1304 Conophytum angelicae ssp. tetragonum ARM735a (Klipbok)

1305 Conophytum bachelorum ssp. sponsaliorum SH1437 (TL, Skimmelberg)

1306 Conophytum bilobum (Messelpad)

1307 Conophytum bilobum B & H 2333 (Naroegas), unusual red filaments

1308 Conophytum calculus ssp. calculus (19km SE. Nuwerus)

1309 Conophytum calculus ssp. vanzylii (E. Koeries)

1310 Conophytum depressum SB1612 (Silverfontein)

1311 Conophytum ectypum ssp. cruciatum SB791 (Breekriet)

1312 Conophytum ernstii EvJ8512 (Sandberg)

1313 Conophytum hammeri SH2108 (TL, Nababeepsberg)

1314 Conophytum maughanii GM s.n.(15 km SW. Pofadder)

1315 Conophytum meyeri (S. Lekkersing)

1316 Conophytum obcordellum (E. Kleinplaas, Gifberg plateau)

1317 Conophytum pellucidum TS476 (4km NE. Concordia), bubbly top

1318 Conophytum pellucidum B & H 2356 (Olienhout, Leliefontein), white & pink flowers

1319 Conophytum pellucidum SH1252 (~20km SW. Springbok), very best selection

1320 Conophytum pellucidum TS615 (~20km SW. Springbok), unselected from same area

1321 Conophytum pellucidum, ex ‘Hot Cross Bun’ open pollinated, the above form-group

1322 Conophytum pellucidum “terricolor” TS471 (3km N. Concordia)

1323 Conophytum phoeniceum SH1212 (Umdaus)

1324 Conophytum ratum SH1200 (Namies)

1325 Conophytum regale SH841/85 (central Ratelpoort), fatter plants

1326 Conophytum rugosum SB1026 (Weeskind), mainly greenish

1327 Conophytum rugosum SH s.n. (Komkans), browns

1328 Conophytum turrigerum (Paarlberg), small form

1329 Conophytum turrigerum (southern Perdeberg)

1330 Conophytum uviforme PD1455 (Moedverloren)

1331 Conophytum wettsteinii ssp. wettsteinii (NW Steinkopf)

1332 Deilanthe peersii LMP s.n.(SW. Luckhoff), was Aloinopsis

1333 Delosperma hirtum, try on rockery in summer

1334 Delosperma macellum (Pitsane, Botswana), see Bulletins 13/3 & 4

1335 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp puberulus (Onder Namies), pinkish

1336 Dinteranthus vanzylii “lineatus” (Volstruishoek), selected for pattern

1337 Dinteranthus wilmotianus CM57

1338 Diplosoma luckhoffii, was Maughaniella

1339 Dorotheanthus bellidiformis “occulatus”, yellow with red centre

1340 Dorotheanthus maughanii, white with yellow centre

1341 Dracophilus montis-draconis (Sperrgebeit), compact, pink flowers

1342 Drosanthemum speciosum (Rotten Hill, Bonnievale), scarlet flowers

1343 Eberlanzia schneideriana H4778 (Numees), nee Ruschia

1344 Ebracteola fulleri EAH210 (near Gams on Namies road)

1345 Erepsia pillansii B & H 2181 (Piketberg), was Kensitia

1346 Faucaria paucidens (Graaff-Reinet)

1347 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca ‘Fireworth’, orange flowers

1348 Gibbaeum dispar (Vanwyksdorp)

1349 Gibbaeum album (Springfontein)

1350 Glottiphyllum ?fergusoniae EAH215 (16km E. Barrydale), greyish

1351 Glottiphyllum pygmaeum (Teasdale), miniature gem

1352 Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii EAH214 (Witkoppies, SSE. Pofadder)

1353 Lithops coleorum SH1500 (near Ellisras)

1354 Lithops comptonii SH389 (Beukesfontein)

1355 Lithops comptonii v. weberi C126 (70km S. Calvinia)

1356 Lithops dinteri Fritz 126 (Warmbad, Witsand)

1357 Lithops dinteri v. brevis Fritz 353 (N. Goodhouse)

1358 Lithops dinteri ssp. frederici, ex Fred Herselman's plants, tiny!!

1359 Lithops gesinae Fritz 127 (Aus)

1360 Lithops gracilidelineata "streyi" C373 (25km SE. Franzfontein)

1361 Lithops hallii v. ochracea Fritz 47 (Groblershoop)

1362 Lithops hallii v. ochracea ‘Green Soapstone’ C111A

1363 Lithops helmutii Fritz 335

1364 Lithops hookeri "vermiculate form" C335 (30km WSW. Strydenburg)

1365 Lithops hookeri v. marginata C154 (30km NW. Hopetown), red-brown form

1366 Lithops julii "fuscous form", Hammer’s selection

1367 Lithops julii "reticulata", Hammer’s selection

1368 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri C259, red top x red top, another of Hammer’s

1369 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri C323 (25km SW. Upington), lovely coarse patterns

1370 Lithops karasmontana “mickbergensis” C169 (20km NNE. Grunau)

1371 Lithops karasmontana “opalina” C169 x C169, pure white body, Hammer again

1372 Lithops karasmontana “summitatum”

1373 Lithops karasmontana ssp. bella Fritz 64 (Aus)

1374 Lithops lesliei ‘Storms’s Albinigold’

1375 Lithops lesliei v. mariae C141 (10km SW. Boshoff)

1376 Lithops lesliei ssp. burchellii C302 (20km NNE. Douglas)

1377 Lithops marmorata ‘Polepskÿ Smaragd’, chartreuse green, first release of this albinistic form

1378 Lithops marmorata v. elisae Fritz 321 (N. Steinkopf)

1379 Lithops meyeri ‘Hammeruby’

1380 Lithops naureeniae C304 (60km SE. Springbok), reddish-bodied form

1381 Lithops olivacea Lav & Bl s.n.(Namies farm)

1382 Lithops optica (10 km S. Baker's Bay)

1383 Lithops optica ‘Rubra’

1384 Lithops otzeniana SH531 (E. Brakfontein)

1385 Lithops otzeniana C128 (35km NNW. Loeriesfontein), includes greenies

1386 Lithops pseudotruncatella C264 (60km SSW. Windhoek), ex Ed Storms plants

1387 Lithops pseudotruncatella C70 (30km S. Windhoek)

1388 Lithops pseudotruncatella Fritz 146

1389 Lithops pseudotruncatella v. dendritica “farinosa” C245 (55km SSW. Rehoboth)

1390 Lithops salicola Fritz 298 (ESE. Hopetown)

1391 Lithops verruculosa “inae” C196 (85km S. Pofadder)

1392 Lithops villetii ssp. deboeri Fritz 306, ex H. Luckhoff

1393 Malephora crocea (Groot-Graafwater), burnt orange flowers

1394 Mitrophyllum clivorum B & H 2347 (S. Harras), stocky form

1395 Muiria hortenseae (Springfontein)

1396 Titanopsis hugo-schlecteri v. alboviridis, selected red-flowered

Honorary mesembs

1397 Bulbine aff. mesembryanthoides SH2120 (Kouvlei, Bitterfontein)

1398 Bulbine aff. mesembryanthoides (Vinkelskolk, Bitterfontein)


1399 Acrodon (Ruschia) macrophylla (Rooivlei, near Bredasdorp), largest leaves in genus

1400 Aloinopsis loganii (N. Matijiesfontein)

1401 Aloinopsis rosulata (Teasdale), big form

1402 Argyroderma delaetii (Grootgraafwater junction), purple + yellow flowers

1403 Argyroderma theartii EvJ 14101 (near Rooiberg; TL), described 1997, cylindrical bodies

1404 Bergeranthus sp. (Umtata), very nice says SH!

1405 Cephalophyllum niveum B & H 2208 (Gemsbokrivier), compact, upright leaves, pastel flowers

1406 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (Steinkopf ), from a Rawe collection

1407 Cheiridopsis aff. subaequalis B & H 2300 (S. Khurisberg)

1408 Conophytum achabense (Achab), one of the smallest conos

1409 Conophytum angelicae ssp. angelicae GM 183 (Umdaus), dark flowers

1410 Conophytum angelicae ssp. tetragonum (Rosyntjieberg), largish heads

1411 Conophytum bilobum Rawe 1215 (Klipbok), deliciously green, robust

1412 Conophytum bilobum TS 854 (W. side Wit-klip Hoogte)

1413 Conophytum flavum TS 857 (Henkries road), red-filaments

1414 Conophytum hammeri SH 2108 (Nababeepsberg, TL)

1415 Conophytum limpidum (Namies)

1416 Conophytum lithopsoides/pellucidum B & H 2301B (S. Khurisberg) kennedyi/pardicolor intermediates

1417 Conophytum marginatum v. karamoepense ARM 955D (“West End”, of where?)

1418 Conophytum meyeri/bilobum (6km N. Brakfontein), more intermediates

1419 Conophytum pellucidum ARM 505 (Garieshoogte), lilianum tendencies

1420 Conophytum pellucidum SB790 (Bowesdorp), dark bodies

1421 Conophytum pellucidum SH 1252 (SW. Springbok), ex fine clones, good Xs

1422 Conophytum pellucidum B & H 2271 (SW. Springbok), similar to SH1252 but darker

1423 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii ARM 1194 (W. Tweefontein), orangy bodies

1424 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii TS454 (Silverfontein Dam), small heads, long flowers

1425 Conophytum rugosum ARM 1170 (Grootberg, Karkams)

1426 Conophytum rugosum SB 1026 (Weeskind), variable body colour

1427 Conophytum smorenskaduense ssp. hermarium ARM 669 (Areb), different to TL form

1428 Conophytum stephanii ssp. stephanii (Eenriet)

1429 Conophytum stephanii ssp. stephanii (Kinderle)

1430 Conophytum stevens-jonesianum ARM 1192A (Gamoep), atypical large form

1431 Conophytum tantillum ssp. inexpectatum (Umdaus), yellow flowers

1432 Conophytum turrigerum (Paarlberg), small form

1433 Conophytum vanheerdei TS 486 (Kangnas)

1434 Conophytum wettsteinii ssp. francoiseae Lav25430 (Aughrabies), summer flowers

1435 Cylindrophyllum tugwelliae (10km N. Laingsburg), showy flowers

1436 Deilanthe peersii (SW. Luckhoff), velvety leaves, honeyed evening flowers

1437 Delosperma bosseranum H2909 (Madagascar), white-flowered mats

1438 Delosperma esterhuyseniae SH 1222 (Adamskraal, W. Baviaanskloof) free-flowering dwarf

1439 Delosperma harazianum (Yemen), glabrous Jabal Nabi Shu’arb form, very compact

1440 Dicrocaulon grandiflorum (Holrivier), stupendous flowers

1441 Dicrocaulon sp. nova B & H 2212 (Gemsbokrivier), fine magenta flowers

1442 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus, material ex Karoo Gardens

1443 Dinteranthus pole-evansii CM 54

1444 Disphyma dunsdonii (Rooivlei, N. Bredasdorp), rarest species in genus

1445 Dorotheanthus bidouwensis, white and pink petals

1446 Dorotheanthus booysenii (NW. Sutherland), white or pink flowers with red centres

1447 Dorotheanthus maughanii, buds lemon-yellow, flowers white

1448 Drosanthemum aff. speciosum (E. Zebra Station), huge gilt-backed scarlet fls, floriferous

1449 Ebracteola fulleri PV754 (Witberg), compact, whitish leaves

1450 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca ‘Fireworth’, orange flowers

1451 Gibbaeum dispar (S. Vanwyksdorp)

1452 Glottiphyllum aff. neilii (10km E. Prince Albert), squishy leaves, blurred windows

1453 Jensenobotrya lossowiana (Dolphin Head), unique mesemb

1454 Lithops aucampiae, smooth, open-windowed form ex Buys Wiese

1455 Lithops bromfieldii v. glaudinae (near TL, Pauwfontein), from a J. Brandt find

1456 Lithops comptonii C 125 x C 125 (50km ENE. Ceres)

1457 Lithops dorotheae C 124 x C 124 (15km N. Pofadder)

1458 Lithops hallii (Gelyksvlei)

1459 Lithops hallii (S. of the Kalahari), ex SH collection

1460 Lithops hallii v. ochracea (near Stinkwater)

1461 Lithops julii "pallida" (Vrede), from another SH collection

1462 Lithops marmorata "umdausensis" (Wyepoortrivier), from a Peter Bruyns collection

1463 Lithops olivacea "minor" C109 x C109 (10km N. Pofadder), half-size plants

1464 Lithops optica ‘Rubra’ C81a (10km W. Luderitz)

1465 Lithops otzeniana C128 (35km NNW. Loeriesfontein), includes greenies

1466 Lithops pseudotruncatella C 315 x C 315 (25km ENE Windhoek)

1467 Lithops verruculosa C 198 x C 198 (85km SSE. Pofadder)

1468 Lithops villetii (Kapteinskraal, nr. Loeriesfontein), from an E. Heunis discovery

1469 Lithops viridis SH 388 (TL, 25km S. Loeriesfontein), limited stock

1470 Lithops werneri C 188 x C 188 (TL, 25km NNE. Usakos, Namibia)

1471 Meyerophytum meyeri (Riethuis), ex Rawe, white-pink flowers

1472 Meyerophytum meyeri (2km E. Soebatsfontein), purple flowers

1473 Mitrophyllum roseum (T'Narougas), easiest to flower in genus

1474 Monilaria chrysoleuca (Nuwerus), ex Hamberg 1668, shaggy leaves, dark magenta flowers

1475 Monilaria chrysoleuca "salmonea"(Nuwerus), ex Rawe, pinkish-apricot flowers

1476 Monilaria moniliformis (Koekenaap), huge white flowers

1477 Monilaria obconica (W. Bulletrap), deep pink x  deep pink

1478 Monilaria obconica (W. Bulletrap), white x white

1479 Monilaria pisiformis SH 512 (15 km W. Grootgraafwater), yellow flowers

1480 Monilaria pisiformis SH 698 (Grootgraafwater junction), white, cream, or yellow flower

1481 Monilaria aff. scutata SH 1334 (Klipbok), pure white flowers

1482 Namibia cinerea (Grillenthal, Namibia), grey-leafed compact plants

1483 Pleiospilos minor GM 234 (Sandpoort), tiny flat leaves, fine flowers

1484 Pleiospilos nelii `Royal Flush', purple bodies

1485 Rhinephyllum aff. comptonii (S. Aberdeen)

1486 Rhinephyllum parvifolium (Kendrew), minute!

1487 Schwantesia constanceae NZ 26/94 (SW. Warmbad) described 1996, pointed short leaves

1488 Titanopsis fulleri (Prieska)


1489 Bijlia tugwelliae, chunky compact plants with sickle-shaped leaves, free-flowering

1490 Conophytum achabense SH 360 (Achab-se-Berg), the tiniest cono

1491 Conophytum bilobum "leucanthum" (Blesberg), unusual white flowers

1492 Conophytum bilobum SH 2465 (Rietkloof), leaves with icicle-like papillae, new subsp?

1493 Conophytum burgeri (Aggenys), from Kennedy’s original collection

1494 Conophytum chrisocruxum CR 1360 (60km ESE. Port Nolloth), spring flowers

1495 Conophytum depressum SB 1612 (Silverfontein)

1496 Conophytum depressum TS 458 (Rietfontein)

1497 Conophytum depressum (S. Kosies), from a Lavranos collection

1498 Conophytum devium SB 1141 (Animub), small bodies

1499 Conophytum devium CR 1275 (Duke’s Kop), also small and cryptic

1500 Conophytum devium ssp. stiriiferum SH 437 (N. Jakkalswater), 6 seeds

1501 Conophytum ficiforme CR 1186 (N. Worcester), large scented pink flowers

1502 Conophytum hammeri SH 2108 (Nababeepsberg), type locality

1503 Conophytum lithopsoides CR 1342 (NW. Kweekfontein), large pink or white flowers

1504 Conophytum lithopsoides ssp. arthurolfago CR 1028 (Brakfontein), small and brown

1505 Conophytum longum CR 1052 (Umdaus), green windows

1506 Conophytum luckhoffii SH 500 (Piekenier's Kloof), giant form

1507 Conophytum lydiae `spathulatum' (Smorgenskadu)

1508 Conophytum obcordellum `picturatum' CR 1009 (W. Clanwilliam), colourful heads

1509 Conophytum obcordellum `ursprungianum' CR 1306 (Lokenburg), black markings

1510 Conophytum obscurum (N. Jakkalswater), curious disjunct population

1511 Conophytum pellucidum (Narap), distinct, chartreuse and chestnut

1512 Conophytum pellucidum  B&H 2351 (N. Ratelpoort), north-westerly but not terricolor

1513 Conophytum pellucidum SH 2496 (Omega), small with pardicolor tendencies

1514 Conophytum pellucidum SH 2496 (Omega), from green albino mother

1515 Conophytum pellucidum `pardicolor' B&H 2312 (Kweekfontein)

1516 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii `Makin's Plum', purple bodies

1517 Conophytum praesectum (10km E. Pofadder), ex SH collection, lovely colours

1518 Conophytum pubescens TS 443 (14km E. Paulshoek), rose flowers

1519 Conophytum roodiae ARM 1198 (Tweefontein-Rietfontein), purple tints

1520 Conophytum rubrolineatum SH 324 (Kikvorsfontein)

1521 Conophytum rugosum (Komkans), ex SH collection, warty and brown

1522 Conophytum rugosum ARM 1170 (Grootberg), rough

1523 Conophytum rugosum TS 614 (10km S. Kamieskroon), brown and rough

1524 Conophytum subfenestratum (Sout River Bridge), ex Bruyns collection

1525 Conophytum turrigerum (Weltevrede), big form, from SH collection

1526 Conophytum vanheerdei (Kangnas), elongated warty bodies

1527 Conophytum verrucosum (Gamoep), from a Rawe collection, brown and rough

1528 Cylindrophyllum hallii (Brakfontein), recently rediscovered disjunct species

1529 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus, white flowers, some tinted pale violet

1530 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus `Pinky', pink flowers

1531 Dinteranthus pole-evansii CM 54, ping-pong balls

1532 Dinteranthus wilmotianus (near Kononieland)

1533 Dorotheanthus bellidiformis (Langkloof), ex SH collection, rich pink flowers

1534 Dorotheanthus ulularis (nr. Strandskloof, TL), ex Brusse collection, vivid magenta

1535 Drosanthemum papillatum (Eilandia), 20cm shrub, white flowers

1536 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca, windowed leaf tips

1537 Frithia humilis, very small plants, white to pale-pink flowers

1538 Gibbaeum heathii, rounded pale bodies

1539 Jacobsenia spec. PMB 7838 (nr. Klipbank, Knersvlakte)

1540 Khadia borealis (Letjuma Peak), ex EVJ collection, white flowers

1541 Lampranthus mucronatus PMB 7860 (Swartruggens Mtns.), very compact, white flowers

1542 Lapidaria margaretae SH 558 (Rosynebos), pinkish-grey rocky chunks

1543 Lithops aucampiae `Betty's Beryl', white flowers but some may be yellow

1544 Lithops aucampiae `Jackson's Jade', yellow & green bodies, yellow flowers

1545 Lithops aucampiae `Storms's Snowcap', brown bodies, white flowers

1546 Lithops aucampiae v. koelemanii, reddish leaves with texture of old brick

1547 Lithops bromfieldii v. insularis `Sulphurea' C362, green and vigorous

1548 Lithops fulviceps C170 (40km N. Karasburg), the reddest form

1549 Lithops fulviceps `Aurea' C363, green bodies

1550 Lithops aff. gesinae SH 2003 (Ts'aus, NE. Sperrgebiet), novelty, link to francisci

1551 Lithops gracilidelineata ssp. brandbergensis C383 (Brandberg)

1552 Lithops hookeri v. dabneri C301 (20km NNE. Douglas), blue-grey leaves

1553 Lithops hookeri v. lutea C38 (5km NE. Groblershoop)

1554 Lithops hookeri v. marginata `red-brown form' C154 (30km NW. Hopetown)

1555 Lithops karasmontana, cultivar with pink petal tips

1556 Lithops lesliei `Albiflora' C5A (near. Warrenton), white flowers

1557 Lithops lesliei `Storms's Albinigold', green bodies, deep yellow flowers

1558 Lithops lesliei v. mariae C141 (10km SW. Boshoff), very fine spotting

1559 Lithops lesliei v. minor `Witblom' C6A (25km SW. Swartruggens), white flowers

1560 Lithops marmorata `framesii' C365 (60km NE. Springbok)

1561 Lithops meyeri `Hammeruby', purple-leafed gemstones

1562 Lithops olivacea (Achab-se-Berg), translucent grey-olive leaves.

1563 Lithops optica `Rubra', Tegelberg's strain

1564 Lithops otzeniana SH 531 (Brakfontein area), very fine strain

1565 Lithops pseudotruncatella `alpina' C68 (35km SSE. Windhoek), only from tiny plants

1566 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. archerae C104 (120km NW. Maltahohe)

1567 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica `farinosa' C245 (55km SSW. Rehoboth)

1568 Oophytum nordenstamii (Holrivier), ex Hall collection, white flowers, glossy leaves

1569 Pleiospilos nelii (Seekoegat), almost spherical bodies

1570 Prepodesma orpenii (Kuruman), felty leaves

1571 Psammophora longifolia CM 100 (Witputz), sticky leaves

1572 Rhinephyllum pillansii (Vredendal, Beaufort West), reptilian leaves, golden flowers

1573 Tanquana hilmari, nice brown leaves

1574 Vanheerdea primosii, small rounded and windowed bodies

Honorary Mesembs

1575 Massonia spec. HBG 111282 (Addo), bulb, 2 prostrate leaves and scented sessile flowers

1576 Tetragonia tetragonioides, Aizoaceae but not a mesemb, sow entire seed capsule


1577 Aloinopsis luckhoffii CM38, covered with warts

1578 Antimima spec., miniature shrub with narrow, pointed, triangular-section leaves

1579 Apatasia helianthoides (S. Klawer), flat leaves, large yellow fls, germination difficult

1580 Aptenia lancifolia, low spreader with purple flowers, plant outside for summer

1581 Argyroderma delaetii (20km S. Nuwerus)

1582 Argyroderma pearsonii (Quaggaskop), all purple flowers in this selection

1583 Bergeranthus addoensis (Sondagsrivierpoort), compact, yellow flowers

1584 Braunsia apiculata (Rietrivier, Katbakkies), magenta flowers

1585 Carpobrotus modestus (21.5km S. Lake King Crossroads, W. Australia), unusual small species, pale purple flowers

1586 Cerochlamys pachyphylla (S. Calitzdorp), flowers mid-winter

1587 Cerochlamys pachyphylla EAH 351 (Ockertskloof), another variant

1588 Cheiridopsis amabilis SH 1964A (Eenriet), sharper ivory-flowered schlechteri

1589 Cheiridopsis brownii? (S. Cornell's Kop), orange-tipped, yellow flowers

1590 Cheiridopsis cigarettifera (Vredendal), partly sheathed in summer

1591 Conophytum albiflorum ARM 444 (Kasteelberg)

1592 Conophytum angelicae ssp. tetragonum SB 1376 (Cone Peak)

1593 Conophytum burgeri SH 409 (Aggenys), always desired

1594 Conophytum comptonii CR 1022 (Vanrhynspas), small plants

1595 Conophytum concavum, F2 from red x pink-bodied forms

1596 Conophytum concordans SH 2067 (Brakfontein), was Ophthalmo villetii

1597 Conophytum devium Lav 27214 (Doringwater), smallest ophthalmophyllum

1598 Conophytum devium (Solomon’s Rock, S. Vioolsdrif), slightly larger form

1599 Conophytum ectypum v. brownii SH 436/87 (Ratelpoort), nice red bodies

1600 Conophytum ectypum v. brownii SH 2104 (Bulletrap)

1601 Conophytum ernstii ssp. cerebellum PVB 5154 (W. Gamkab river)

1602 Conophytum friedrichiae (Tantalite Valley)

1603 Conophytum hammeri SH 2108 (Nababeepsberg), type locality material

1604 Conophytum irmae B&H 2318 (W. Anenous), type locality

1605 Conophytum lithopsoides “kennedyi” (Kangnas), purple flowers

1606 Conophytum lithopsoides ssp. arthurolfago (N. Brakfontein), small and brown

1607 Conophytum longum SB 1209 (Konkyp)

1608 Conophytum longum “herrei” SB 1066 (Eenriet), more translucent than above

1609 Conophytum lydiae SB 1103 (Naip)

1610 Conophytum maughanii (Kangnas), red jellies

1611 Conophytum meyeri SH 2584 (Naroegas), largish southern form

1612 Conophytum obcordellum CR 1408 (Botterkloof Pass), finely reticulate markings

1613 Conophytum obcordellum “declinatum” CR1400 (1km W. Soutpan), dished & dotty

1614 Conophytum obcordellum “picturatum” SH 2079 (W. Clanwilliam), nice form

1615 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. stenandrum CR 1156 (S. Garies)

1616 Conophytum obscurum (Rietkloof), anomalous population

1617 Conophytum pellucidum (11km N. Concordia)

1618 Conophytum pellucidum (Hoitsmyn, nr Springbok)

1619 Conophytum pellucidum SH 2496 (Omega farm), from albino mother

1620 Conophytum pellucidum CR 1388 (10km N. Leliefontein), pink flowers

1621 Conophytum pellucidum RR 1201 (15 miles W. Platbakkies), black and olive shades

1622 Conophytum praesectum (Tafelkop, near Achab), from SH collection

1623 Conophytum pubescens CR 1391 (13km W. Platbakkies), rose flowers

1624 Conophytum roodiae “hallii” MBB 1094 (Mesklip)

1625 Conophytum tantillum ssp. amicorum B&H 2296 (S. Steinkopf), yellow flowers

1626 Conophytum truncatum v. wiggettiae B&H 2382 (Hazenjacht), lovely markings

1627 Conophytum turrigerum (Paarlberg), the smallest form

1628 Conophytum verrucosum (Mansepaan), brownish and warty

1629 Conophytum wettsteinii (NW. Steinkopf), fat smooth heads

1630 Conophytum wettsteinii ssp. ruschii (Stormberg), from a Lavranos collection

1631 Conophytum wettsteinii ssp. fragile (Klipbok), white-flowered form

1632 Delosperma esterhuyseniae (Adamskraal), compact, freely produced white flowers

1633 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus (10km S. Pofadder)

1634 Dinteranthus pole-evansii (Groblershoop), small golf balls

1635 Dinterantus vanzylii CM55, looks like a white lithops

1636 Diplosoma retroversum, miniature that disappears in summer, not easy

1637 Disphyma australe (road to Red Rocks, Wellington, New Zealand), green form

1638 Disphyma australe (road to Red Rocks, Wellington, New Zealand), red form

1639 Drosanthemum ?lavisii (21km W. Klipdale), 15cm tall shrub, red flowers within a year

1640 Ebracteola fulleri (25km S. Aggeneys), pink flowers over long period

1641 Faucaria paucidens (Graaff Reinet)

1642 Frithia humilis, half size of pulchra with pale pink flowers

1643 Frithia pulchra, purple flowers through summer

1644 Gibbaeum cryptopodium, white x (white x magenta) flower, smooth and rounded

1645 Gibbaeum dispar B&H 2395 (8km S. Vanwyksdorp), rounded keeled leaves, purple flowers

1646 Gibbaeum heathii (Van Wyksfontein), fat and rounded

1647 Gibbaeum petrense, small keeled leaves, easy-flowering

1648 Gibbaeum pilosulum (Poortfontein), hairy

1649 Gibbaeum velutinum (Barrydale), compact form, velvety

1650 Glottiphyllum fergusoniae (S. Van Wyksdorp), hooded leaves

1651 Glotiphyllum oligocarpum (Boesmanshoek), grey waxy leaves

1652 Glottiphyllum pygmaeum, from a Cole collection, small plants that colour well in sun

1653 Glottiphyllum suave (Joubert's Kop), waxy grey leaves

1654 Glottiphyllum suave (Piksteelkuil), specific name derives from scented flowers

1655 Jacobsenia kolbei (S. Knersvlakte), new pink-flowered form, glistening leaves

1656 Khadia acutipetala (Magaliesberg), fine mauve flowers, compact

1657 Lithops aucampiae ‘Storms’s Snowcap’, white flowers instead of yellow

1658 Lithops bromfieldii v. mennellii (Loisvale, Upington), pale with contrasting markings

1659 Lithops dorotheae ex C 124 (15km N. Pofadder), one of the prettiest

1660 Lithops fulviceps ‘Aurea’ ex C 363, yellow-green bodies

1661 Lithops gracilidelineata, thin dark tracery on grey background.

1662 Lithops gracilidelineata ssp. brandbergensis ex C 383 (Brandberg), usually solitary

1663 Lithops hermetica SH 2003 (Ts’aus, NE Sperrgebiet), recently published in Cactus & Co

1664 Lithops julii ex C 205 (50km SE Warmbad), contains the “chrysocephala” form

1665 Lithops karasmontana v. lericheana, brown shades with open window

1666 Lithops karasmontana “summitatum”, yellowish-brown to red

1667 Lithops lesliei v. hornii ex C 15 (40km SW. Kimberley), orange-brown variety

1668 Lithops marmorata (Karasberg, N. Kangnas), variable

1669 Lithops marmorata ‘Polepsky Smaragd’, the green cultivar

1670 Lithops naureeniae, starry windows.

1671 Lithops optica ‘Rubra’, purple-bodied cultivar

1672 Lithops ruschiorum MK 2939 (Rossing), heads almost white

1673 Meyerophytum globosum (5km E. Riethuis), attractive oddity with identity crisis

1674 Mitrophyllum abbreviatum (Aughrabies), dainty species

1675 Mitrophyllum grande (S. of Karrachab Poort), lovely fat mitres

1676 Mitrophyllum tenuifolium (N. Umdaus), teeny multi-branched clivorum variant

1677 Mitrophyllum spec. nov. SH 1953 (Naroegas), like a giant abbreviatum, large yellowish flowers

1678 Neohenricia spiculata SH 1403 (NE. Starkstroom), tiny mats, recently-described

1679 Oophytum nanum SH 697 (Quaggaskop), small heads, almost globular

1680 Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’, stunning purple-bodied cultivar

1681 Prepodesma orpenii (23km E. Kuruman), aka Aloinopsis, small felted leaves

1682 Rhinephyllum aff. comptonii (Aberdeen), like R. comptonii but longer-stemmed

1683 Schwantesia ?herrei (N. of Eksteenfontein), short thick grey leaves

1684 Stoeberia arborea (Ploegberg), white-flowered shrub, good braai wood!

1685 Stoeberia carpii (Ploegberg), shrub with clusters of white flowers

1686 Stomatium ?resedolens (18km S. Sutherland), prominent teeth

1687 Stomatium trifarium, chunky leaves with small teeth

1688 Tanquana prismatica EAH 334 (Patersrivier farm), polished stemless mesemb

1689 Tetragonia tetragonioides, Aizoaceae but not mesemb, sow entire capsule, small shrub

1690 Titanopsis schwantesii CM 279, fish-scale leaves

1691 Trichodiadema densum (S. Vanwyksdorp), purple-flowered “cactus”

1692 Vanheerdea divergens, stemless plants with wedge-shaped leaves

1693 Vanheerdea primosii, stemless almost-spherical bodies


1694 Acrodon bellidiflorus (Rooivlei), low clumps of toothy leaves, mauve flowers

1695 Acrodon purpureostylus (Bonnievale), photo in “Vygies”

1696 Aloinopsis rubrolineatus, form with lemon yellow stripeless petals

1697 Aloinopsis setifera, leaves with teeth and pimples

1698 Aloinopsis villetii, encrusted with white papillae

1699 Antimima alborubra SB 1497 (Riethuis), white flowers

1700 Argyroderma subalbum DT 6909 (6km N Koekenaap), clustering species

1701 Bijlia dilatata DT 7054 (5km N Prince Albert), thick-leafed and compact

1702 Carpanthea pomeridiana (1km N Cape of Good Hope), fine flowers,  plant outside in May

1703 Carruanthus ringens (Georgida), compact plants, broad leaves with teeth along edge

1704 Cephalophyllum fulleri SB 1380 (Achab), dwarf and compact, easy flowering

1705 Cerochlamys gemina (Langwater), nee Ruschia, short plant with showy pink flowers

1706 Cheiridopsis meyeri (T'Gabies), tiny mats, fully-sheathed in summer

1707 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (Steinkopf), quite unique but easy to flower

1708 Cheiridopsis subaequalis SH 360 (Smorgenskadu), Steve resurrected this Bolus name

1709 Conicosia pugioniformis, spectacular yellow flowers

1710 Conophytum acutum (SE Bitterfontein), ridiculously long flower tubes

1711 Conophytum acutum (Kouvlei, NE Bitterfontein), somewhat different

1712 Conophytum bilobum subsp. claviferens SH2465 (W of Anenous), long papillae

1713 Conophytum burgeri RR 1265 (Aggenys), any description needed?

1714 Conophytum calculus subsp. vanzylii B&H 2309 (Khurisberg), pale spheres

1715 Conophytum chrisocruxum B&H 2275 (near Witkoppies, TL), expect good crosses

1716 Conophytum devium SB 1704 (N Jakkalswater)

1717 Conophytum devium subsp. stiriiferum B&H 2298 (NE Jakkalswater)

1718 Conophytum ectypum subsp. brownii KG 958/61 (Ratelpoort), Littlewood collection

1719 Conophytum ectypum subsp. cruciatum SB 791 (W of Anenous)

1720 Conophytum friedrichiae DT 6860 (Nabies, N Kakamas), similar to verrucosum

1721 Conophytum friedrichiae “dinteri” Sauer 144 (Eendoorn), brownish bodies

1722 Conophytum hammeri SH 2108 (Nababeepsberg), the type locality

1723 Conophytum hammeri MRO 71 (Klein Helskloof), first offering from this spot

1724 Conophytum longum SH 2109 (Nababeepsberg), hammeri’s near companion!

1725 Conophytum longum CR 1051 (5km S Umdaus)

1726 Conophytum lydiae CR 1132 (Bakenskop)

1727 Conophytum lydiae? (Geselskopbank), an Ophthalmo that’s difficult to place

1728 Conophytum maughanii SB 802 (Smorgenskadu), jelly-babies

1729 Conophytum maughanii subsp. armeniacum SH 365 (N Augrabies), super, flattest of all

1730 Conophytum maughanii subsp. armeniacum B&H 2414 (Harrasberg), red things!

1731 Conophytum maughanii subsp. armeniacum (Maerpoort), many flower colours

1732 Conophytum minimum "wittebergensis" RR 714 (Klipfontein)

1733 Conophytum obcordellum SH 706 (Leipoldt's Grave, Pakhuis Pass), nice markings

1734 Conophytum pellucidum var. lilianum (Kookfontein, nr. Soebatsfontein)

1735 Conophytum pellucidum var. neohallii TS&SH 461 (N Silverfontein), very spotty

1736 Conophytum pellucidum var. neohallii ‘Makin's Plum’

1737 Conophytum pellucidum var. terricolor SH 1252 (SW Springbok), selected for pattern

1738 Conophytum pellucidum var. terricolor B&H 2314 (Bulletrap Pass)

1739 Conophytum pellucidum var. terricolor MRO 15 (Spektakel Pass)

1740 Conophytum phoeniceum SH 1215 (Umdaus), unique miniature

1741 Conophytum reconditum ARM 1254 (Boonste Matjiesfontein), type locality

1742 Conophytum roodiae (15km SE Garies), unusual southern form

1743 Conophytum smorenskaduense SB 633 (Smorgenskadu), the Christmas cono

1744 Conophytum uviforme GM 491 (Brakfontein), small form

1745 Conophytum spec. MRO 45 (W of Anenous), turbiniforme meets irmae & noviceum!

1746 Deilanthe thudichumii, velvety leaves from tuberous rootstock

1747 Dinteranthus microspermus subsp. puberulus DT 6871 (16km SE Pofadder)

1748 Dinteranthus pole-evansii CM 54, almost-white spheres

1749 Dinteranthus vanzylii DT 6870 (SE Pofadder), looks like a white lithops

1750 Dinteranthus wilmotianus, immaculate grey rounded bodies

1751 Disphyma crassifolium subsp. clavellatum (NW side Lake Brown, Western Australia)

1752 Dorotheanthus booysenii (NW Sutherland), papillate leaves, white flowers with red stamens

1753 Drosanthemum grandiflorum (Bidouw Valley), tuberous, flat deciduous leaves, purple flowers

1754 Ebracteola wilmaniae (Waterval), dwarf plants with tuberous roots, flowers white or pink

1755 Fenestraria aurantiaca ‘Fireworth’, cultivar with orange flowers

1756 Fenestraria aurantiaca subsp. rhopalophylla (NE Buchuberg, Namibia), white flowers

1757 Frithia humilis, smaller than below, white to pale pink flowers

1758 Frithia pulchra, windowed leaves, rich pink flowers

1759 Gibbaeum heathii (Aneysberg), charming tiny form

1760 Gibbaeum nebrownii, choice species, grey, rounded and velvety

1761 Gibbaeum pilosulum (Hondewater), hairy green grapes

1762 Gibbaeum velutinum (Barrydale), a larger G with sickle-ended velutinous leaves

1763 Glottiphyllum aff. fragrans (S Laingburg), perfumed like roses

1764 Hereroa stanfordiae (40km W Victoria West), tiny leaves

1765 Lithops aucampiae ex C 257 (40km W Postmasburg)

1766 Lithops aucampiae ‘Jackson’s Jade’, some have white flowers, i.e. ‘Betty’s Beryl’

1767 Lithops aucampiae var. koelemanii, parents from SSSA seed

1768 Lithops bromfieldii var. glaudinae ex C 382

1769 Lithops bromfieldii var. mennellii (Raaswater, Louisvale)

1770 Lithops coleorum (near Ellisras), a post-Cole species

1771 Lithops gracilidelineata, white-flowered form ex C 385 (‘Fritz’s White Lady’ is C 189A)

1772 Lithops hermetica SH 2003 (Ts’aus, Namibia)

1773 Lithops hookeri var. dabneri ex C 301 (20km NNE Douglas), parents from Cole seed

1774 Lithops hookeri var. marginata “red-brown form” ex C 154 (30km NW Hopetown)

1775 Lithops julii subsp. fulleri DT 6873 (38km NE Gamoep)

1776 Lithops karasmontana “Signalberg form” ex C 328 (25km WNW Grunau), parents Cole seed

1777 Lithops lesliei “grey form” ex C 359 (115km SW Lobatse, Botswana), parents from Cole seed

1778 Lithops lesliei var. hornii ex C 364 (45 km SSW Kimberley), parents from Cole seed

1779 Lithops lesliei var. minor ‘Witblom’ ex C 6A (25km SW Swartruggens)

1780 Lithops lesliei subsp. burchellii ex C 302 (20km NNE Douglas), parents from Cole seed

1781 Lithops localis DT 6987 (6km E Solitree, E Willowmore)

1782 Lithops localis DT 7003 (3km NE Miller)

1783 Lithops marmorata “framesii” ex C 365 (60km NE Springbok), parents from Cole seed

1784 Lithops meyeri SB 1125 (by Hilda Peak)

1785 Lithops olivacea (Achab), nice form

1786 Lithops pseudotruncatella subsp. dendritica “farinosa” ex C 245 (55km SSW Rehoboth)

1787 Lithops werneri, parents from SSSA seed

1788 Lithops viridis SH 388 (S of Loeriesfontein), possibly the rarest of the species

1789 Machairophyllum bijlii (Nuwekloof Pass), flowers yellow with reddish exterior, uncommon

1790 Neohenricia sibbettii, dwarf mats with warty leaves, well-scented nocturnal flowers

1791 Phyllobolus quartziticus (Buffels riverbed, 2km E Kleinzee)

1792 Phyllobolus tenuiflorus (Quaggaskop), small caudiciform species, was Sphalmanthus

1793 Pleiospilos compactus DT 7049 (11km N Prince Albert), large yellow flowers in autumn

1794 Pleiospilos nelii, usually solitary, very fat and rounded

1795 Psammophora longifolia (Witputz), sticky leaves

1796 Rhinephyllum muirii (Kareevlakte), small leaves with white pimples

1797 Rhinephyllum spec. (Cypherwater), tiny and compact

1798 Schwantesia ruedebuschii ex PV 502 (Boomrivier), toothy leaves

1799 Tanquana archeri, compact plant that is a challenge to grow well

1800 Tanquana prismatica (W Patatsrivier), almost a larger form of the above

1801 Titanopsis calcarea (Oorlogshoek), ochre-leafed form of this variable species

1802 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (Stofvlei, Bushmanland), brownish leaves

1803 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri var. alboviridis, orange flowers with yellow base

1804 Titanopsis schwantesii “primosii” SB 1177 (Stofkloof), reptilian leaves

1805 Vanheerdea primosii CM 288, green windowed spheroid

1806 Vlokia ater (Waboomsberg), miniature plants from mountain top


1809 Aloinopsis orpenii, smooth leaves, yellow flowers

1810 Aloinopsis schooneesii ex DT 4869 (Springbokvlakte), large caudex in time

1811 Aloinopsis villetii (Brakfontein), white papillae

1812 Cephalophyllum subulatoides (5km Avontuur > De Hoop), mauve flowers

1813 Conicosia pugioniformis, spectacular yellow flowers

1814 Conophytum acutum (Kouvlei), particularly small form

1815 Conophytum arthurolfago (S. Brakfontein), cylindrical brown heads

1816 Conophytum burgeri RR 1265 (Aggenys), purple-tinted cones

1817 Conophytum caroli (N Kliprand), truncated heads

1818 Conophytum chrisocruxum B&H 2275 (near Witkoppies)

1819 Conophytum concordans SH 2067 (Brakfontein), small and uncommon

1820 Conophytum devium ssp. stiriiferum CR 1340 (N’Guroebees), type locality

1821 Conophytum ectypum (Eenriet), mauve flowers

1822 Conophytum friedrichiae (Keimoes), tends to brown colours and solitude

1823 Conophytum hammeri MRO 71 (Klein Helskloof), small nocturnal species

1824 Conophytum hammeri SH 2108 (Nababeepsberg), from the type collection

1825 Conophytum limpidum (Aggenys), from clay fissures, clumps of translucent heads

1826 Conophytum lithopsoides B&H 2301B (Khurisberg), green kennedyi type

1827 Conophytum lithopsoides (Kangnas), very small kennedyi

1828 Conophytum lydiae ARM 712 (Dabenoris)

1829 Conophytum maughanii SB 1496 (Samoep), jellies

1830 Conophytum maughanii ssp. armeniacum RR s.n. (10 miles N Aughrabies)

1831 Conophytum maughanii ssp. latum ARM 741A (Klipbok), smaller subspecies

1832 Conophytum obcordellum “picturatum” Lav 28474 (near Clanwilliam)

1833 Conophytum obcordellum “spectabile” ARM 270 (Kaaimansgat)

1834 Conophytum obcordellum “ursprungianum” B&H 2246 (Lokenburg)

1835 Conophytum pageae SB 1195 (Komkans), particularly small form

1836 Conophytum pageae “subrisum” CR 1033 (Karagas, Kliprand), early flowering

1837 Conophytum pellucidum CR 1388 (10km N Leliefontein), pink flowers

1838 Conophytum pellucidum (3km S Concordia)

1839 Conophytum pellucidum SB 790 (Bowesdorp), dark bodies

1840 Conophytum pellucidum GM 343 (near Goegap), pardicolor and neohallii traits

1841 Conophytum pellucidum ‘Makin’s Plum’, purple cultivar from Mesklip collection

1842 Conophytum pellucidum v. lilianum (S. Garies), F2 from RR x SH clones

1843 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor MRO 15 (near top of Spektakel Pass)

1844 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor (Saalberg, Witwater), grey and black

1845 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum (Doodrink), small and brown

1846 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. ?cupreatum SH 1249 (Rooifontein), only cupreatumish

1847 Conophytum phoeniceum SH 1215 (Umdaus), nocturnal orange flowers

1848 Conophytum pubescens (14km E. Paulshoek), minutely hairy, rose flowers

1849 Conophytum ratum SH 1200 (Onder Namies), from type locality

1850 Conophytum regale (Ratelpoort, low levels), from an SH collection

1851 Conophytum schlechteri SB 1197 (Farquharson se kop), depressed tops, white flowers

1852 Conophytum subfenestratum (10 miles NE Bitterfontein), from old Littlewood collection

1853 Conophytum verrucosum (Maan se pan), brown and warty

1854 Conophytum spec. CR 1441 (SW Dabenorisberg), Ophthalmophyllum section

1855 Didymaotus lapidiformis, unique pink-flowered stemless mesemb, but tricky!

1856 Dinteranthus wilmotianus (Kakamas - Onseepkans), rounded grey bodies

1857 xDinterops ‘Stonesthrow’, L.lesliei ‘Albiflora’ x D.vanzylii CM 55

1858 Disphyma dunsdonii SA 35/01 (Bredasdorp > Swellendam), rarest and most compact in genus

1859 Dracophilus montis-draconis (Spergebeit), greyish leaves, pink flowers

1860 Ectotropis alpina (Hogsback), high-altitude miniature plant, cool-growing?

1861 Fenestraria rhopalophylla (NW Buchuberg), white-flowered toes

1862 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca (McDougal’s Bay), southern yellow variant

1863 Gibbaeum nuciforme (Spreeufontein), green spheres, syn cryptopodium

1864 Glottiphyllum neilii (near Prince Albert), fat purple-grey leaves

1865 Hartmanthus hallii (Namusberg), dwarf shrublet with thick grey leaves and pink flowers

1866 Ihlenfeldtia excavata (Platbakkies), compact grey-leafed species

1867 Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii SB 777 (Pofadder), less angular than above, yellow flowers

1868 Jordaaniella spongiosa (N Holgat River), low shrublet, big red flowers

1869 Juttadinteria decumbens (Sargdeckel), small form with white flowers

1870 Lapidaria margaretae (Eendoorn, S Warmbad), stemless, angular grey leaves

1871 Lithops aucampiae ex C2 (near Danielskuil)

1872 Lithops divergens PVB 6725, the new coastal form, large heads

1873 Lithops divergens (9km SE Bitterfontein), ‘normal’ form

1874 Lithops fulviceps ‘Aurea’ ex C 363, ochre bodies

1875 Lithops gesinae ex C 207 (70km N Aus)

1876 Lithops gesinae v.annae x L.pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica

1877 Lithops geyeri “hillii” ex C 232 (65km NE Port Nolloth)

1878 Lithops gracilidelineata ex C 261 (75km NW Usakos, TL)

1879 Lithops helmutii ex C 271 (15km NE Steinkopf, TL

1880 Lithops herrei “translucens” ex C 236 (15km NE Alexander Bay)

1881 Lithops hookeri v. marginata “red-brown form” ex C 154 (30km NW Hopetown)

1882 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri v. rouxii ex C 324 (55km W Warmbad)

1883 Lithops karasmontana “Signalberg form” ex C 65 (25km WNW Grunau)

1884 Lithops karasmontana v. lericheana ex C 193 (50km NNE Grunau)

1885 Lithops karasmontana ssp. bella ex C 143A (60km NNE Aus)

1886 Lithops lesliei “Warrenton form” ex C 5 (near Warrenton)

1887 Lithops lesliei v. minor ‘Witblom’ ex C 6A (25km SW Swartruggens)

1888 Lithops localis ex C 133 (25km S Beaufort West)

1889 Lithops meyeri ex C 273 (55km NNE Port Nolloth)

1890 Lithops olivacea ex C 109 (10km N Pofadder)

1891 Lithops optica ex C 307 (170km SSE Luderitz)

1892 Lithops optica ‘Rubra’ (S. Luderitz), derived from an SH collection

1893 Lithops otzeniana ex C 128 (35km NNW Loeriesfontein, TL)

1894 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. archerae ex C 104 (120km NW Maltahohe)

1895 Lithops ruschiorum ex C 101 (35km NE Swakopmund)

1896 Lithops schwantesii “grey form” ex C 144 (55km NNE Aus)

1897 Lithops schwantesii “kuibisensis” ex C 150 (25km E Aus)

1898 Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum (Chios, Greece), papillate leaves, white flowers

1899 Neohenricia sibbettii (Oorlogsfontein, S Fabries), tiny mats with scented flowers

1900 Oophytum nanum (Arizona farm, Knersvlakte), diminutive winter-growing species

1901 Orthopterum waltoniae (Grahamtown), like toothless faucaria, small form

1902 Pleiospilos bolusii (Willowmore - Aberdeen), very fat keeled leaves

1903 Psammophora nissenii (Witputz), compact plants with sticky leaves

1904 Rabiea comptonii (Bloemfontein), compact plants with dotted leaves

1905 Rhombophyllum dolabriforme SA 55/01 (W. Sandvlakte), toothed rough leaves

1906 Sceletium rigidum, erect branches, multi-petalled whitish flowers

1907 Stayneria neilii ex PV 941 (Deugas), pale purple-flowered shrubby

1908 Tanquana archeri (Matjiesfontein), small green sphaeroid

1909 Titanopsis calcarea (35km NNW Brandvlei), new leaves purple tinted

1910 Titanopsis calcarea (2km S Britstown), reptilian leaves

1911 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (60km NE Kliprand), orange flower with white base

1912 Titanopsis schwantesii (40km E Luderitz), grey leaves

1913 Trichodiadema densum (Willowmore), Mammillaria schiedeana in disguise

1914 Trichodiadema stellatum (Montague), bristle-crowned leaves, purple flowers

Honorary Mesembs

1915 Tylecodon bayeri (Skimmelberg), larger form of small species, nice yellow flowers

1916 Tylecodon nolteei SH 1238 (Groot Graafwater), small, mainly subterranean caudex


1917 Argyroderma aff. framesii ssp. hallii TS&PD 955 (Rooiberg), brown-grey heads, yellow fls.

1918 Argyroderma pearsonii (Quaggaskop), white, pink or purple flowers

1919 Bergeranthus spec.nova (Seymour), Tony Dold discovery with white margins

1920 Cephalophyllum ebracteatum (Lüderitz), yellow flowers, polished leaves

1921 Cheiridopsis acuminate TS 930 (E Khubus), imposing plants with long leaves

1922 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (Steinkopf), Nama shale mimics

1923 Cheiridopsis ?pillansii SH 2006 (Perdewater), skinny bodies, sulphur yellow flowers, very odd

1924 Conophytum achabense SH 1600 (Achab se berg), miniature

1925 Conophytum acutum (Steenkampskraal road, E Bitterfontein), tubular nocturnal flowers

1926 Conophytum angelicae ssp. tetragonum GW 4448 (Oemsberg), raised ridges

1927 Conophytum calculus ssp. vanzylii SH 433/87 (Bok, Kangnas), small form, beige colour

1928 Conophytum chrisolum (near Witkoppies, TL), tiny plant that clumps very slowly

1929 Conophytum concavum Lav s.n.(Riethuis), reddish-tinged bodies

1930 Conophytum devium ssp. stiriiferum CR 1340 (N’Guroebees), icicle-bearer

1931 Conophytum ectypum SH s.n. (W face Geelvlei plateau), odd plants similar to tantillum

1932 Conophytum ectypum ssp. brownii SH 1480 (Platjiesfontein), yellow flowers

1933 Conophytum flavum “ornatum” (Jakkalswater), largest-headed form

1934 Conophytum fraternum SH 2009 (Kabies se berg), from a new locality

1935 Conophytum friedrichiae GM 479 (NE Noordoewar, Warmbad), white fl, green/brown body

1936 Conophytum friedrichiae (13km N Pofadder), purple flower, dull pinkish-brown body

1937 Conophytum friedrichiae SH 359 (Eendoorn), exquisite form, very wide petals in white & rose

1938 Conophytum hammeri SH 2108 (Nababeepsberg, TL), translucent buttons

1939 Conophytum jucundum PVB 7316A (Vandersterrberg), flat ruschii type, rich flowers

1940 Conophytum limpidum EVJ 7908 (Pella), big tapering bodies, orange stigmas

1941 Conophytum ?limpidum Craib s.n. (Groot Pellaberg), bodies green to brown, fls white to pink

1942 Conophytum lithopsoides “kennedyi” CR 1383 (N Kangnas), white x purple flowers

1943 Conophytum maughanii RR s.n. (Witsand), smallish bodies, deep-beet coloured

1944 Conophytum maughanii “rufescens SB 802 (Smorenskadu), ever-ruddy

1945 Conophytum maughanii ssp. armeniacum SH 1970 (Maerpoort), beautifully red

1946 Conophytum maughanii ssp latum MRO 70 (Klein Hellskloof)

1947 Conophytum minimum “wittebergense” RR 714 (Klipfontein), selected form

1948 Conophytum minusculum ssp. aestiflorens ARM 460B (Leeuvlak), large form

1949 Conophytum obcordellum “declinatum” CR 1400 (1km W Soutpan), dishy

1950 Conophytum obcordellum “germanum” TS 177 (Het Kruis), smallish

1951 Conophytum obcordellum “mundum” Lav 28653 (Snorkfontein), spotty

1952 Conophytum obcordellum “ursprungianum” CR 1306 (Lokenburg), greyish

1953 Conophytum pellucidum Heunis & SH s.n.(12km N Concordia), pale with bubbly top

1954 Conophytum pellucidum PVB s.n. (Jaleeg), between pardicolor and cupreatum, lovely

1955 Conophytum pellucidum “pardicolor” (Goegap), smooth and brown

1956 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor (Aggenbag farm), impressed pattern

1957 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum Lav 30215 (Roodepoort), purple flowers

1958 Conophytum praesectum ARM 697 (Houmoed), greyish-brown bodies, large flowers

1959 Conophytum pubescens (14km E Paulshoek), rose-coloured flowers

1960 Conophytum ratum (Namies, type locality), large single heads, very pale purple flowers

1961 Conophytum taylorianum ssp. rosynense NBG 325/94 (Renosterkop, Quachous), small form

1962 Conophytum verrucosum EH 980 (Stofvlei), brown and warty, best form?

1963 Conophytum violaciflorum IB & SH (NE Springbok), on Irma’s doorstep

1964 Deilanthe thudichumii (NW Sutherland), small velvety leaves, scented flowers

1965 Didymaotis lapidiformis (Beukesfontein), pink flowers each side of the main head

1966 Dinteranthus vanzylii “lineatus” (Volstruishoek), lithops-like with distinct markings

1967 Dinteranthus wilmotianus (Kakamas-Onseepkans), grey spheres with slight keel

1968 Dinteranthus wilmotianus ssp. impunctatus (6km E Eendoorn), the spotty version

1969 Drosanthemum grandiflorum (Bidouw Valley), tuberous and deciduous with purple flowers

1970 Ebracteola fulleri EAH 367 (S of Gamsberg), low free-flowering mounds

1971 Erepsia dunensis Klak 453 (Wolfgat, near Cape Town), white flowers, formerly Lampranthus

1972 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ‘Fireworth’, selection with orange flowers

1973 Frithia humilis, tiny plants with pale pink flowers right through the summer

1974 Gibbaeum dispar (S Vanwyksdorp), unequal velvety leaf-pairs, purple flowers

1975 Gibbaeum velutinum (Barrydale), smallish form, hooked velvety leaves

1976 Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii SB 777 (Pofadder), big bluish leaves

1977 Jacobsenia kolbei (Holrivier), unusual pink-flowered form

1978 Lapidaria margaretae SH 588 (Rosynebos), keeled pinkish-grey leaves

1979 Lithops coleorum (near Ellisras), from the SSSA 263 distribution (1995)

1980 Lithops fulviceps “lydiae” ex C 219 (60km N Karasburg), spots galore

1981 Lithops gracilidelineata ssp. brandbergensis ex C 383 (Brandberg)

1982 Lithops hookeri (Abrahamsdam)

1983 Lithops karasmontana “mickbergensis” ex C 169 (20km NNE Grunau)

1984 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii ex C 208 (10km S Aus)

1985 Lithops lesliei ‘Albinica’ ex C 36A (near Warrenton), yellowish-green cultivar

1986 Lithops lesliei v. mariae ex C 141 (10km SW Boshoff), dense small spots

1987 Lithops lesliei v. minor ex C 6 (25km SW Swartruggens), smaller of course

1988 Lithops localis “peersii” ex C 254 (30km ENE Willowmore)

1989 Lithops olivacea ex C 55 (25km SW Pofadder)

1990 Lithops optica ex C 290 (65km S Luderitz)

1991 Lithops optica ex C 276 (10km S Luderitz)

1992 Lithops optica ‘Rubra’ ex C 81A (10km W Luderitz)

1993 Lithops otzeniana ex C 280 (45km NNW Loeriesfontein)

1994 Lithops pseudotruncatella ex C 263 (20km W Windhoek), early flowering

1995 Lithops pseudotruncatella “alpina” ex C 381 (30km S Windhoek), smaller bodies than above

1996 Lithops schwantesii v. marthae ex C 299 (120km SSE Aus), fairly pale

1997 Lithops steineckeana, schizophrenic stones

1998 Marlothistella stenophylla MBB 5280 (Prince Albert), small, thickened root, long thin leaves

1999 Marlothistella stenophylla SH s.n. (Seekoegat), purple flowers in mid-winter, stubbier leaves

2000 Meyerophytum globosum (Riethuis), rare oddity with inflated nodes

2001 Mitrophyllum abbreviatum (Aughrabies), small dainty species

2002 Monilaria chrysoleuca v. polita SB 1232 (E Bitterfontein), apricot fls, smooth shiny leaves

2003 Monilaria obconica B&H 2282A (Eselsfontein), large white fls, long papillate leaves

2004 Monilaria obconica Lav 27884A (11km W Bulletrap), also white, much daintier than above

2005 Monilaria pisiformis Betzler 180 (1km W Grootgraafwater junction), great apricot flowers

2006 Monilaria scutata ssp. obovata SH s.n. (Maerpoort), big white flowers, vigorous noodles (SH!)

2007 Muiria hortenseae (Springfontein), the ultimate spheroid

2008 Nananthus spec. L.Pretorius s.n. (Nelsdam, Luckhoff), small serrate leaves, very neat

2009 Neohenricia spiculata (NE Starkstroom), small mats, nocturnal flowers

2010 Oophytum nanum (Groot Graafwater), clusters of small rounded heads

2011 Tanquana hilmari PVB 2462 (Keurfontein), very compact, only slowly clustering

2012 Titanopsis calcarea (Groblershoop), reptilian textures

2013 Titanopsis primosii (SE Springbok), bluish-green leaves, yellow flowers

Honorary mesembs

2014 Albuca spiralis, smallish bulb with spiralled leaves

2015 Bulbine mesembryanthoides ssp. namaquensis SH 2462 (Rietkloof), one fat leaf

2016 Ornithogalum fimbriomarginatum (Sun Valley, Piketberg), bulb with big white flowers


2017 Aloinopsis luckhoffii SH s.n. (Kamas), warts to the fore.

2018 Antimima dualis, from 2 collections - locality on pkt, resembles a miniature argyroderma

2019 Argyroderma framesii SH 515 (Grootgraafwater junction), clusters of particularly small heads.

2020 Carruanthus caninus PVB 8173 (Rooikoppie), syn. C. ringens, toothy leaves.

2021 Cerochlamys pachyphylla var. albiflora DT 7595 (17km SSW Oudtshoorn), chunky leaves.

2022 Cheiridopsis peculiaris MRO 40 (3km SSW Seinkopf), from recently-discovered 2nd colony.

2023 Cheiridopsis ?pilosula DT 7470 (foot of Black Face Mtn), Odontophoroides section, large.

2024 Conophytum acutum (12km E Bitterfontein), long tube for a small perianth

2025 Conophytum angelicae GM 183 (Umdaus), maroon and copper flowers

2026 Conophytum bicarinatum Lav 26036 (Skitterykloof), purple flowers in early autumn

2027 Conophytum burgeri RR 1265 (Aggenys), transparent mammae

2028 Conophytum concavum SH 1153 (5km N Riethuis), fuzzy bodies, white flowers

2029 Conophytum cubicum (20km N Eksteenfontein,TL), big flowers from cubic bodies

2030 Conophytum caroli CR 1393 (4km N Kliprand), frustum-shaped.

2031 Conophytum ectypum subsp. brownii (Waterval), well-marked dark bodies.

2032 Conophytum friedrichiae CM 15 (Liefdood), large pale-brown bodies, big white flowers.

2033 Conophytum friedrichiae Sauer s.n. (Sidi-Barani), atypical C. verrucosum simulacrum.

2034 Conophytum frutescens CR 1447 (6km NW Komaggas), orange flowers in summer

2035 Conophytum hammeri MRO 71 (Klein Hellskloof), recently-discovered colony

2036 Conophytum hammeri MRO 117 (Klein Hellskloof), yet another colony

2037 Conophytum khamiesbergense (Leliefontein), spring flowering

2038 Conophytum limpidum Lav 27636 (88km W Pofadder > Goodhouse), rounded form.

2039 Conophytum limpidum SH 546 (Grootberg), eyes like limpid pools.

2040 Conophytum lithopsoides (Smorgenskadu), purple flowers

2041 Conophytum lithopsoides subsp. koubergense RR 1077 (Kouberg), brown leaves

2042 Conophytum lithopsoides [(subsp. koubergense x subsp. boreale) x subsp. boreale]

2043 Conophytum aff. longum MRO 61 (E Klein Hellskloof), extreme west of distribution.

2044 Conophytum aff. longum MRO 147 (Kristalberge), another new locality.

2045 Conophytum ‘Mabel's Milkmaiden’, an ectypum subsp. brownii hybrid

2046 Conophytum maughanii SB 803 (Smorgenskadu), jelly babies.

2047 Conophytum maughanii SB 1495 (N. Jakkalswater), curious small form.

2048 Conophytum obcordellum “picturatum” SH 2079 (W Clanwilliam), colourful tops

2049 Conophytum obcordellum “ursprungianum” RR 1314 (Lokenburg), dark patterns

2050 Conophytum obcordellum “ursprungianum” SH 2478 (Melkkraal), not the usual locality

2051 Conophytum obcordellum var. ceresianum “spectabile” ARM 270 (Kaiman's Gat)

2052 Conophytum pellucidum (12km N Concordia), white or light-pink flowers

2053 Conophytum pellucidum “elegans” B & H 2351 (N Ratepoort), classic warty body form

2054 Conophytum pellucidum “pardicolor” (Goegap), from two SH collections, number on pkt

2055 Conophytum pellucidum var. terricolor B & H 2332 (Afdraai, W Springbok), fine markings

2056 Conophytum schlechteri SB 1197 (Farquharson se kop), only known locality

2057 Conophytum stephanii subsp. helmutii PVB 3265 (Rosyntjieberg), fattest form

2058 Conophytum stephanii subsp. helmutii (Eenriet), coppery flowers

2059 Conophytum stevens-jonesianum CR 1443 (Brakfontein, 8km SE Komaggas), spotted bodies.

2060 Conophytum subfenestratum RCL s.n. (16km N Bitterfontein), purple flowers

2061 Conophytum uviforme CR 1319 (4km SW Lutzville), particularly variable species.

2062 Conophytum uviforme CR 1161 (5.5km N Holrivier station), very colourful form.

2063 Conophytum uviforme “clarum” GM 491 (Brakfontein), tiny well-marked heads.

2064 Conophytum wettsteinii (Anenous), F2 of a white x pink, expect a range of colours

2065 Cylindrophyllum spec. (Vrolijk, Klaarstroom), one of the smaller forms

2066 Delosperma deilanthoides (Steenkampsberg Pass), small with napiform root and flat leaves

2067 Didymaotus lapidiformis (Beukesfontein), singular but tricky highly succulent mesemb.

2068 Dinteranthus pole-evansii DT 7505 (25km ENE Upington), baby white golf balls.

2069 Dinteranthus vanzylii “lineatus” (Poortjies se berg), like a pale-grey lithops.

2070 Dinteranthus wilmotianus DT 7497 (4km W Kakamas), immaculate part-fused grey leaves.

2071 Ectotropis alpina Dold s.n. (Hogsback), rare miniature high-altitude species

2072 Faucaria felina subsp. felina DT 7523 (2km NW Cradock), the unadulterated species.

2073 Gibbaeum heathii, magenta-flowered form of this species with grey rounded leaves.

2074 Glottiphyllum ?nelii DT 7578 (5km SE Baroe Station), large green leaves.

2075 Khadia acutipetala DT 7416 (Breedtsnek Pass, Magaliesberg), elongated leaves, purple fls.

2076 Lithops aucampiae ‘Jackson’s Jade’, Californian born, green bodies and yellow flowers

2077 Lithops bromfieldii var. insularis DT 7501 (ENE Keimos), fairly dark bodies

2078 Lithops bromfieldii var. insularis ‘Sulphurea’ ex C 362, frantically clustering greenie.

2079 Lithops comptonii ex C 125 (50km ENE Ceres), one of the difficult lithops to grow

2080 Lithops dinteri subsp. frederici, Fred Herselmann’s particularly small form

2081 Lithops divergens ex C 269 (10km NE Bitterfontein), small grey-green and unmarked.

2082 Lithops fulviceps ex C 266 (65km N Karasburg), surface infection of dark warts.

2083 Lithops geyeri “hillii” ex C232 (65km NE Port Nolloth), light green leaves with pinkish hints.

2084 Lithops helmutii ex C 271 (15km NE Steinkopf), divergent leaves.

2085 Lithops herrei “translucens” ex C 236 (15km NE Alexander Bay), clear-headed.

2086 Lithops hookeri “vermiculate form” ex C 23 (55km SW Prieska), dense network of channels.

2087 Lithops hookeri var. susannae ex C 91 (30km SE Douglas), named for Susanna not Suzanne!

2088 Lithops karasmontana “mickbergensis” ex C 327 (15km NNE Grunau), chocolate-chip marks.

2089 Lithops karasmontana “Signalberg form” ex C 65 (25km WNW Grunau), pale leaves.

2090 Lithops karasmontana subsp. bella ex C 295 (115km SSE Aus), prominent dark channels.

2091 Lithops lesliei “luteoviridis” ex C 20 (15km W Magaliesburg), greenish windows.

2092 Lithops lesliei ‘Storms’s Albinigold’ ex C 36B (near Warrenton), yellowish bodies

2093 Lithops lesliei “Warrenton form” ex C 5 (near Warrenton), cinnamon-coloured leaves.

2094 Lithops lesliei var. minor ‘Witblom’ ex C 6A (25km SW Swartruggens), white flowered.

2095 Lithops localis ex C 133 (25km S Beaufort West), distinctive speckled top.

2096 Lithops meyeri ex C 273 (55km NNE Port Nolloth), almost unmarked grey-green leaves.

2097 Lithops naureeniae PV 1044 (near Rooifontein), darkly speckled tops.

2098 Lithops olivacea ex C 109 (10km N Pofadder), from the northernmost population.

2099 Lithops olivacea var. nebrownii DT 7493 (SW Aggenys), brown tendencies in many plants

2100 Lithops optica ‘Rubra’ ex C 81A (10km W Luderitz), the classic purple lithops

2101 Lithops salicola “maculate form” ex C 86 (35km SE Hopetown), wonderfully marked tops.

2102 Lithops steineckeana ex C 388 (hort!), unstable pigeons’ eggs

2103 Lithops verruculosa ex C 200B (80km SSE Pofadder), variable flower colour.

2104 Neohenricia sibbettii CM 8, tiny low mats with heavenly-scented flowers.

2105 Odontophorus angustifolius ssp. protoparcoides (Mt. Terror), toothy variant

2106 Pleiospilos compactus subsp. compactus DT 7593 (17km SSW Oudtshoorn), narrow leaves.

2107 Schwantesia ruedebuschii DT 7494 (17km NNE Aggenys), clavate leaves with apical teeth.

2108 Stomatium alboroseum (Kouberg area), from 2 Hammer collections, number on packet.

Honorary Mesembs

2109 Senecio cephalophorus DT 7457 (43km NE Port Nolloth), white succulent leaves

2110 Tylecodon singularis PVB 8373 (S Namibia), single large prostrate leaf, unique


2111 Aloinopsis rubrolineata (Graaf-Reinet), ex Marx, the red lines are in the petals

2112 Apatasia helianthoides, annual from the west coast, showy yellow flowers, slow to germinate

2113 Cerochlamys pachyphylla (near Oliphants Bridge, S Oudtshoorn), purple flowers in mid winter

2114 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (N Steinkopf), probably the most intriguing cheiridopsis

2115 Cheiridopsis subaequalis SH 560 (Smorgenskadu), ivory flowers

2116 Cheiridopsis umbrosa TS/PD 899 (E Springbok, TL), tiny compact plants

2117 Cheiridopsis spec. nova. MRO 212 (Welkom, Kamiesberg), medusoid

2118 Conophytum acutum (10km E Bitterfontein), long-tubed nocturnal flowers

2119 Conophytum acutum (Kouvlei), slightly smaller than above

2120 Conophytum angelicae MRO 137 (Geselskapbank, NE Concordia), new locality

2121 Conophytum x bachuxum (hort TS), bachelorum x chrisocruxum F2

2122 Conophytum caroli (N Kliprand), ex Sauer, truncated tops

2123 Conophytum concordans SH 2067 (Brakfontein), rarest and most southerly ophthalmo

2124 Conophytum chauviniae (Elandshoring), ex SH, elongated and different to normal form

2125 Conophytum cubicum (20km NE Eksteenfontein), large long-tubed flowers

2126 Conophytum ectypum ssp. cruciatum (Breekriet/Rietkloof), source indicated on packet

2127 Conophytum ficiforme CR 1188 (Robertson), southern form, limited supply

2128 Conophytum francoiseae ARM 914 (Aughrabies), summer-flowering species

2129 Conophytum friedrichiae (50km SE Kenhardt), ex Visser, large smooth and brown

2130 Conophytum friedrichiae (Sidi-Barani), ex Brandt, resembles C.verrucosum

2131 Conophytum frutescens SH 2455, like a typical C.frutescens but yellow flowers

2132 Conophytum hammeri MRO 71 (Little Hellskloof), small and usually solitary

2133 Conophytum hammeri MRO 117 (Little Hellskloof), nocturnal flowers

2134 Conophytum hermarium ARM 669 (Areb), resembles C.lithopsoides

2135 Conophytum klinghardtense (E side Heioab), ex SH, small nocturnal flowers

2136 Conophytum limpidum EvJ 7908 (Pella), large and tapering towards top

2137 Conophytum lithopsoides (Smorgenskadu), ex TS, purple flowers

2138 Conophytum longibracteatum PVB 6749 (Brakfontein, near Komaggas)

2139 Conophytum longum SH 639 (Breekpoort)

2140 Conophytum longum MRO61 (Little Hellskloof)

2141 Conophytum marginatum ssp. karamoepense TS/PD 927 (Naip plateau), small and rounded

2142 Conophytum maughanii SH 384 (Achab), large form with pale brown-tinted heads

2143 Conophytum maughanii ssp. armeniacum SH 365 (16km N Aughrabies), red tints on many

2144 Conophytum obcordellum “ursprungianum” CR 1306 (Lokenburg), nice dark markings

2145 Conophytum pellucidum Lav 26802 (Ookiep), bubbly tops, limited supply

2146 Conophytum pellucidum B&H 2351 (N Ratelpoort), classic warty form

2147 Conophytum pellucidum v. lilianum SB 1175 (S. Garies), dark flower tubes

2148 Conophytum pellucidum ‘Makin’s Plum’, red-bodied cultivar

2149 Conophytum praesectum (13km N Pofadder), purple flowers

2150 Conophytum praesectum (45km E Onseepkans), newly-discovered colony, red-tinted bodies

2151 Conophytum pubescens (17km W Platbakkies), light rose flowers

2152 Conophytum subfenestratum CM 35 (near Kliprand), light green windowed bodies

2153 Conophytum tantillum ssp inexpectatum (Umdaus), yellow flowers

2154 Conophytum vanheerdei (Kangnas), blistered bodies and purple flowers

2155 Diplosoma retroversum, ex Rawe, rare, choice, attractive, but difficult

2156 Disphyma australe ssp. australe (Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand), small mats

2157 Ebracteola montis-moltkei (Klein Aub), ex Rawe, stemless with narrow grey leaves

2158 Enarganthe octonaria (Uitspanpoort), ex SH, small shrublets

2159 Esterhuysenia drepanophylla (Ceres), was a Ruschia, tiny shrublet

2160 Gibbaeum esterhuyseniae (E Stormsvlei), ex Bruyns, green dissimilar leaves

2161 Gibbaeum haaglenii (Malgas), syn G.haagei v. parviflorum, compact grey-green leaves

2162 Gibbaeum nuciforme (Kleinvlakte), ex Bruyns, rounded glabrous leaves

2163 Gibbaeum velutinum (Barrydale), velvety leaves and white or pale pink flowers

2164 Hereroa spec. (Weissendoorn, Namibia), compact plants with yellow flowers

2165 Lithops aucampiae ex C332 (5km NE Karuman), chocolate windows

2166 Lithops aucampiae “Karuman form”, ex Fritz

2167 Lithops aucampiae v. koelemanii (Manyading), myriad of fine markings

2168 Lithops bromfieldii v. mennellii (Raaswater), prominent brown markings

2169 Lithops coleorum (near Ellisras), pimples and wrinkles

2170 Lithops comptonii SH 389 (Beukesfontein), difficult to grow

2171 Lithops divergens v. amethystina SH 1323 (Bloukop), best plants have purple tint

2172 Lithops fulviceps ‘Aurea’ ex C363 (hort), yellow-green spotted bodies

2173 Lithops hookeri v. marginata ex C35 (25km SE Hopetown), pastel bodies

2174 Lithops julli ssp. fulleri NZ 742 (Pofadder), large and brightly-coloured form

2175 Lithops karasmontana ‘Orange Ice’, orange area on leaf tops

2176 Lithops karasmontana “mickbergensis” ex C169 (20km NNE Grunau), rather variable

2177 Lithops karasmontana v. lericheana ex C193 (50km NNE Grunau), dark windows

2178 Lithops lesliei “Pietersburg form” ex C30 (30km NW Pietersburg), dark dendritic markings

2179 Lithops lesliei ‘Albinica’ ex C36A (near Warrenton), yellow-green bodies, white flowers

2180 Lithops lesliei v. minor ex C6 (25km SW Swartruggens), small brown bodies

2181 Lithops localis SH 302 (Viskuil, SW Lainsburg), or L.terricolor if you prefer

2182 Lithops localis “peersii” ex C254 (30km ENE Willowmore), spotty pattern

2183 Lithops marmorata TS/PD 926 (west base of Naip), green or pinkish with mottled windows

2184 Lithops olivacea TS/PD 905 (Namiesberg), many have scalloped windows

2185 Lithops olivacea v. nebrownii MBB 3339 (Aggenys), brown rather than olive

2186 Lithops optica (10km S Baker’s Bay), ex SH

2187 Lithops optica ‘Rubra’ (Uitsig), ex SH, not the usual Cole or antique stocks

2188 Lithops otzeniana ex C280 (45km NNW Loeriesfontein), distinctive patterns

2189 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica ex C71 (50km WNW Rehoboth), pale grey bodies

2190 Marlothistella stenophylla (De Rust), compact dwarf plants, purple flowers at New Year

2191 Monilaria scutata ssp obovata (Klipbok), dazzling white flowers

2192 Muiria hortenseae (Springfontein), the ultimate spheroid, challenge to grow to maturity

2193 Odontophorus angustifolius ssp. protoparcoides (Mount Terror), grey toothy leaves

2194 Odontophorus primulinus (Kabinaberg), toothy leaves

2195 Pleiospilos compactus “dakenahii” (20km E Fraserburg), big flaring leaves

2196 Pleiospilos nelii (Prutkraal), fat rounded leaf pair, orange flowers

2197 Rhinephyllum spec. ex DT 4976 (N of Koup), rough-leaved creeper

2198 Tanquana hilmari PVB 2462 (Keurfontein), small plant that only clusters slowly

2199 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (60km NNE Kliprand), ex SH, reptilian leaves

2200 Titanopsis schwantesii “primosii” (Alwynsfontein), ex Pavelka

Honorary Mesemb

2201 Massonia (my choice of three species), name on packet, bulb with two broad leaves flat on ground, stemless white or pale-pink flowers


2202 Aloinopsis luckhoffii CM 232 (Boonstevlei), flattened leaves, tubercles along margins

2203 Aloinopsis orpenii PVB 4488 (S Postmasburg), smooth glaucous leaves

2204 Aloinopsis rosulata, rough leaves, pin-striped flowers

2205 Aloinopsis schooneesii DT 4869 (Springbokvlakte), congested rounded leaves

2206 Aloinopsis spathulata, cold-tolerant species, form with large light-purple flowers

2207 Argyroderma delaetii SB 617 (Grootgraafwater), flattish robust bodies

2208 Conicosia pugioniformis, harvested from Tresco Abbey Gardens, showy yellow flowers

2209 Conophytum angelicae GM 183 (Umdaus), small rounded heads

2210 Conophytum armianum CR 1560 (6km SSE Umdaus), tricky from seed

2211 Conophytum bilobum CR 1484 (Black Face Mountain)

2212 Conophytum burgeri (Aggenys), purple-tinted jellyfish

2213 Conophytum caroli Sauer 88/104 (3km N Kliprand), australe TL, heads somewhat truncated

2214 Conophytum chrisocruxum (near Witkoppies, TL), light purple flowers in spring

2215 Conophytum comptonii SB 814 (Vanrhynspas), small heads with dark tracery

2216 Conophytum cubicum PV s.n. (20km NE Eksteenfontein), enormous white flowers

2217 Conophytum depressum ssp. perdurans CR 1563 (NE Rietfontein), germination tricky

2218 Conophytum devium ssp. stiriiferum CR 1340 (N’Guroebees), long papillae

2219 Conophytum friedrichiae RR s.n. (Warmbad), bodies usually brown

2220 Conophytum limpidum (Aggenys), smallest-headed form, freely clustering

2221 Conophytum limpidum ‘Bright Eyes’, Tischer x ARM 50 F3, Steve’s especially bright plants

2222 Conophytum lithopsoides CR 1342 (NW Kweekfontein), large-flowered form

2223 Conophytum lydiae CR 1132 (Bakenskop, Areb), Ophthalmophyllum group

2224 Conophytum maughanii CR 1131 (Areb), big red bodies

2225 Conophytum maughanii ssp. armeniacum (Maerpoort), best ones are brown or orange tinted

2226 Conophytum minimum ‘Wittebergense’ (Klein Spreeufontein), network of dark lines on top

2227 Conophytum minimum ‘Wittebergense RR 714 (Klipfontein), selected for good patterns

2228 Conophytum obcordellum (Nuwerus, Cedarberge), form with purple flowers

2229 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Conspicuum’ (near Leipoldville), smallish with heavy lines

2230 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Lambertense’ CR 1316 (Strandfontein), uviforme traits

2231 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Ursprungianum’ SB 1389 (S. Lokenburg), bold patterns

2232 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. rolfii RR 1003 (Elands Bay), tiny-headed subspecies

2233 Conophytum pellucidum AJY 1023 (S side of W Ratelpoort ridge)

2234 Conophytum pellucidum (Garies Hoogte), rather small and darkish

2235 Conophytum pellucidum (Kamiesberg), originated at high altitude

2236 Conophytum pellucidum (20km SW Springbok)

2237 Conophytum pellucidum v. lilianum SB 1175 (S Garies), flowers often pale purple

2238 Conophytum pellucidum v. ?terricolor (Saalberg), grey and black concoctions

2239 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor TS & PD 894 (Naries), top-rate markings

2240 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor (Rietberg), brown hourglass markings

2241 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum CR 1321 (Roodekloof), light purple flowers

2242 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum CR 1565 (Driegat Berg)

2243 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. saueri (Platbakkies), pale salmon flowers, bodies split easily

2244 Conophytum pubicalyx SB 1521 (Paulshoek), tiny hairy clusters

2245 Conophytum ratum (Onder Namies), solitary bodies that can eventually become very large

2246 Conophytum smorenskaduense (Smorgenskadu), purple flowers in mid winter

2247 Conophytum spec. PVB 9478 (Namusberg), ernianum meets cerebellum and jucundum!

2248 Conophytum verrucosum RR s.n. (Kouberg), rough top surface

2249 Conophytum wettsteinii ssp. ?nova CR 1427 (Vaalhuewal), olive-green with concave top

2250 Deilanthe peersii SH s.n.(10km N Laingsburg), flat velvety grey leaves, nocturnal flowers

2251 Deilanthe thudichumii (Muiskraal), similar to above, freesia-scented flowers

2252 Delosperma nakurense, ex material originating from A. Powys, Pinguone Ranch, Kenya

2253 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus (Koeries), grey rounded bodies, yellow flowers

2254 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus, pale pink flowered form

2255 Dinteranthus pole-evansii, pale grey golf balls

2256 Dinteranthus vanzylii PV 359 (S Pofadder), looks like a pale grey lithops

2257 Dinteranthus wilmotianus ssp. impunctatus PV 494 (S Warmbad), spotted leaves

2258 Drosanthemum lavisii PVB s.n. (N Bredasdorp), red flowers, smoke might help germination

2259 Faucaria aff. lupina (N Port Elizabeth), wolves’ teeth

2260 Fenestraria rhopalophylla (NW Buchuberg), white flowers

2261 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca SB 720 (Skilpad), yellow-flowered subspecies

2262 Gibbaeum esterhuyseniae PVB s.n. (Klipfontein, E Stormsvlei), leaves dissimilar

2263 Hereroa carinans, low mats of short semicylindrical leaves, yellow flowers

2264 Hereroa spec. SH s.n. (Saltpeterkop, near Sutherland), should be cold tolerant

2265 Lapidaria margarethae SB 1798 (Eendoorn), small plants with very succulent keeled leaves

2266 Lithops amicorum (75km SE Aus, TL), recently described, seed source indicated on packet

2267 Lithops aucampiae (Groenwater)

2268 Lithops bromfieldii ex-Fritz collection

2269 Lithops bromfieldii v. glaudinae ex-C 116 (70km WNW Griquatown)

2270 Lithops coleorum C 396 (near Ellisras, TL)

2271 Lithops fulviceps C 415 (20km NE Ai-Ais)

2272 Lithops fulviceps v. laevigata (90km NE Pofadder, TL), new variety, seed source on packet

2273 Lithops gesinae C 406 (80km SSW Maltahöhe)

2274 Lithops hermetica C 397 (Tsaus plateau, Namibia, TL)

2275 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri Harald s.n. (Pofadder), this subspecies is always variable

2276 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri C 416 (90km W Kakamas)

2277 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri v. brunnea ex-Fritz collection (10km NE Pofadder)

2278 Lithops karasmontana C 408 (40km NE Ai-Ais)

2279 Lithops karasmontana ‘Signalberg’ ex-C 65 (25km WNW Grünau)

2280 Lithops karasmontana v. aiaisensis C 409 (30km E Ai-Ais)

2281 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C 400 (45km E Lüderitz)

2282 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C 405 (50km E Lüderitz)

2283 Lithops marmorata Harald s.n. (Areb)

2284 Lithops naureeniae C 304 (60km SE Springbok, TL)

2285 Lithops olivacea Harald s.n. (N Pofadder), particularly small heads

2286 Lithops olivacea v. nebrownii C 403 (near Aggenys)

2287 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. volkii ex-Fritz collection (Bergland station)

2288 Lithops ruschiorum v. lineata ex-C 386 (40km NNE Rocky Point, Namibia)

2289 Lithops schwantesii v. marthae C 411 (75km SE Aus)

2290 Marlothistella stenophylla (Seekoegat, near Prince Albert), purple flowers in winter

2291 Meyerophytum globosum RR s.n. (Riethuis), fat spherical resting-leaf pairs

2292 Monilaria obconica SH 1346 (W Bulletrap), mixed but mainly magenta with red filaments

2293 Monilaria pisiformis B&H 2211 (S Kalkgat Noord), ivory flowers, especially long pedicels

2294 Monilaria scutata SH s.n. (Maerpoort), flowers white with faint yellow centres

2295 Monilaria ?scutata B&H 2413 (10km S Garies), fabulous flowers are white, huge & shaggy

2296 Monilaria ?scutata (Klipbok), white flowers, easy & floriferous

2297 Nananthus x Aloinopsis F3, a SH special that gives a wide range of flower colours

2298 Rhinephyllum parvifolium PVB s.n. (Kendrew), tiny mats of rough leaves

2299 Tanquana hilmari PVB 2402 (Keurfontein), compact sphaeroid , brown-tinted leaves

2300 Titanopsis calcarea SB 1111 (Magersfontein), random small and large warts

2301 Titanopsis calcarea SB 1311 (Kimberley), another variant of a variable species

2302 Titanopsis fulleri (Prieska), warts largest at the tips of the leaves

2303 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (Vrede), chestnut-coloured leaves

2304 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (60km NE Kliprand), also brown leaves

2305 Titanopsis schwantesii PV 1505, large pale warts

2306 Trichodiadema sp. (Grünau), mat forming, pink flowers


2307 Acrodon spec. MBB 7612 (Diamant farm), splendid bicoloured plum/white flowers

2308 Acrodon spec. MBB 7618 (Advice farm), loose tufts of dark green leaves

2309 Aloinopsis rosulata (Beaufort West), pleated grey warty leaves, thin stripes on petals

2310 Aloinopsis villetii CM 232, spathulate leaves with white tubercles, yellow flowers

2311 Antimima ventricosa (Brandkop), purple flowers

2312 Antimima spec. (Rooivlei), had A.argentea on original label but it isn’t, very floriferous

2313 Argyroderma framesii ssp. hallii (Grootgraafwater road), clusters of small heads

2314 Argyroderma sp. cf. crateriforme MRO 95 (Bakoondkolk)

2315 Cheiridopsis umbrosa TS/PD 899 (E of Springbok, TL), small, compact and flowers easily

2316 Conophytum acutum (12km E Bitterfontein), long-tubed nocturnal flowers

2317 Conophytum bilobum CR 1555 (Nana se kop), particularly large and chunky heads

2318 Conophytum burgeri (Aggenys), purple-flushed blobs

2319 Conophytum chauviniae ARM 1270 (Grootriet), small bilobe with purple flowers

2320 Conophytum chrisocruxum CR 1360 (near Witkoppies), spring-flowering

2321 Conophytum cubicum (20km NE Eksteenfontein, TL), enormous white flowers

2322 Conophytum depressum ssp. perdurans CR 1553 (Droedap road), velvety bodies

2323 Conophytum depressum ssp. perdurans CR 1563 (NE Rietfontein), similar to above

2324 Conophytum ectypum (Geelvlei), the Mesa form I, purple flowers

2325 Conophytum flavum ssp. ?  CR 1475 (S Kosiesberg), curious form with deep stringy roots

2326 Conophytum hermarium ARM 669 (Areb), fatter than the TL form

2327 Conophytum irmae SH 2318 (W of Anenousberg, TL), tiny brownish heads

2328 Conophytum lithopsoides CR 1342 (NW Kweekfontein), north-eastern population

2329 Conophytum longibracteatum PVB 6749 (Brakfontein), the best have nice red lines

2330 Conophytum luckhoffii EVJ 8226 (Eagles’ Pride, Piketberg), miniature plants, purple flowers

2331 Conophytum maughanii PVB 8913 (Schaaprivier), heads like subfenestratum, large flowers

2332 Conophytum minimum ‘Wittebergense’ NBG 322/94 (Klein Spreeufontein), well-decorated

2333 Conophytum aff. minusculum CR 1417 (25km NW Bitterfontein), tiny unmarked heads

2334 Conophytum minutum v. pearsonii CR 1212 (22km N Holrivier), ex white-flowered plants

2335 Conophytum obcordellum AJY 1187 (20km N Clanwilliam), spotty bodies, nocturnal flowers

2336 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Conspicuum’ (Groot Holbak), glossy ornamented heads

2337 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Mundum’ Lav 28653 (Snorkfontein), bold markings

2338 Conophytum obscurum ‘Clavatum’ (Uitspanpoort), early purple flowers

2339 Conophytum obscurum ssp. sponsaliorum SH 1437 (Skimmelberg), a ruddy flush

2340 Conophytum pageae R&Y 1662 (N. Kabinaberg), immaculate grey-green heads

2341 Conophytum pellucidum CR 1332 (Witwater, Kamiesberg), greyish terricolor type

2342 Conophytum pellucidum ARM 1169 (Grootberg), light purple flowers

2343 Conophytum pellucidum TS 613 (Rietkloof, S Kamieskroon), whites and pinks mixed

2344 Conophytum pellucidum Makin 7966 (Bowesdorp), glassy brown bodies

2345 Conophytum pellucidum SH 2496 (Omega farm), seed from green-bodied parents

2346 Conophytum pellucidum Lav 26802 (O’kiep), near to TL of species, bubbly top

2347 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii TS 461 (7km NE Silverfontein), vegetable leopard

2348 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor (Rietberg), chestnut bodies, variable windows

2349 Conophytum praesectum Craib 23 (upper Groot Pellaberg), some shiny brown plants

2350 Conophytum pubescens SH s.n. (3km W Platbakkies), small and skinny

2351 Conophytum ratum (Onder Namies, TL), solitary and eventually very large

2352 Conophytum stephanii ssp. helmutii CR 1439 (NW Kabinaberg), purplish bodies

2353 Conophytum subterraneum TJ 62 (N. Eksteenfontein), achabense on steroids

2354 Conophytum tantillum ssp. amicorum CR 1334 (S. Steinkopf), yellow flowers

2355 Conophytum taylorianum ssp. ernianum (Namuskloof), quickly makes specimen clumps

2356 Conophytum taylorianum ssp. rosynense EVJ 5518 (Rosyntjieberg, TL), cuneiform bodies

2357 Conophytum truncatum ssp. wiggettiae B&H 2380 (Hazenjacht), pretty spotty

2358 Conophytum uviforme ssp. decoratum ‘Franciscii’ PV 778 (Loeriesfontein), really tiny heads

2359 Conophytum velutinum RR90 (Templekloof, Komaggas), purple flowers

2360 Conophytum verrucosum EH 980 (Stofvlei), superb form with brown warty bodies

2361 Conophytum violaciflorum RR 1108 (Springbok area), freely-produced purple flowers

2362 Dinteranthus vanzylii PV 644 (S. Pofadder), grey and lithops-like

2363 Diplosoma luckhoffii, no data, blistered leaves and long-tubed flowers

2364 Diplosoma luckhoffii MRO 29 (Bakoondkolk, E. Bitterfontein), short-tubed flowers

2365 Diplosoma retroversum (Eendekuil), pairs of prostrate leaves, tricky

2366 Ebracteola wilmaniae (Danielskuil), low tufts of dark green leaves, light purple flowers

2367 Faucaria aff. lupina (N. Port Elizabeth), the teeth of wolves

2368 Faucaria tigrina (Grahamstown), beautiful form, becoming rare in wild

2369 Gibbaeum dispar (Vanwyksdorp), velvety unequal leaves, light purple flowers

2370 Glottiphyllum oligocarpum (Boesmanshoek), almost white leaves in good light

2371 Glottiphyllum surrectum ‘Parvifolium’ SB 651 (Brandrivier), short erect terete leaves

2372 Ihlenfeldtia excavata SB 759 (Smorgenskadu), compact grey-leafed sphaeroid

2373 Ihlenfeldtia excavata PVB 7190 (9km NE Jakkalswater), another variant

2374 Lapideria margaretae SB 1798 (Eendoorn), grey chunky leaves, big form

2375 Lithops bromfieldii ex-C368 (25km SE Upington), rusty-red tops

2376 Lithops bromfieldii v. mennellii GM 463 (Louisvale), tan bodies with dark lines

2377 Lithops comptonii v. weberi ex-C126 (70km S Calvinia), brown & black leaves, tricky

2378 Lithops gesinae v. annae ex-C78 (25km SW Helmeringhausen), brown with spots

2379 Lithops gracilidelineata ex-C309 (45km W Usakos), could contain a few ‘Café au Lait’

2380 Lithops helmutii EH s.n. (15km NE Steinkopf), SH stated “Kermit’s favourite cleavage”!

2381 Lithops herrei ex-C361 (30km NE Alexander Bay), subtle greys and greens

2382 Lithops hookeri ‘Vermiculate’ (Rooidam), intricate impressed tops

2383 Lithops hookeri v. dabneri ex-C13 (25km S Kimberley), tan with brown patterns

2384 Lithops hookeri v. subfenestrata ex-C175 (20km SSE Prieska), dark bodies

2385 Lithops hookeri v. susannae ex-C91 (30km SE Douglas), pale yellow-brown

2386 Lithops julii ‘Chrysocephala’ ex-C205 (50km SE Warmbad), pale-grey bodies

2387 Lithops karasmontana RCL s.n. (17km W Grünau)

2388 Lithops karasmontana ‘Mickbergensis’ ex-C317 (15km NE Grünau), sparse pattern

2389 Lithops lesliei v. minor ‘Witblom’ ex-C6A (25km SW Swartruggens), white flowers

2390 Lithops meyeri ‘Hammeruby’ ex-C272A, the red-leaved cultivar

2391 Lithops olivacea v. nebrownii MBB s.n. (Aggenys), browner than the Cole type collection

2392 Lithops optica ‘Maculate’(10km S Baker’s Bay), attractive marbled form

2393 Lithops otzeniana ex-C350 (40km NNW Loeriesfontein), characteristic scalloped window edges

2394 Lithops pseudotruncatella ‘Alpina’ ex-C68 (35km SSE Windhoek), smaller than normal form

2395 Lithops ruschiorum v. lineata ex-C380 (50km ENE Rocky Point), like birds’ eggs

2396 Muiria hortenseae (Springfontein), Nature almost forgot to leave a fissure

2397 Odontophorus nanus (Eenriet), compact tufts with dentate leaves, cream flowers

2398 Phyllobolus tenuiflorus (Vinkelskolk), yellow flowers with thin staminodes

2399 Psammophora longifolia (Witputz), sticky leaves that fix wind-blown sand in wild

2400 Rhinephyllum spec. PVB s.n. (Cypherwater, nr Richmond), charming dwarf c.f. inaequale

2401 Rhinephyllum spec. GM 205 (2km S Aberdeen Rd. Stn.), bright green linear leaves, compact

2402 Schwantesia speciosa SH 2011 (N. Jakkalswater), large-flowered species

2403 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (Pofadder), chestnut-brown leaves

2404 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri v. alboviridis (Vrede), whitish-green leaves

2405 Titanopsis schwantesii ‘Primosii’, pinkish yellow flowers, ex Ed Storms

2406 Titanopsis schwantesii ‘Primosii’, Ed Storms’s white-flowered form


2407 Aloinopsis spathulata (Voelfontein), pink flowers, high altitude, grow cool

2408 Antimima dualis (Knersvlakte), looks like a miniature clustered argyroderma

2409 Cephalophyllum alstonii, long greyish tufted leaves, spectacular red flowers

2410 Cheiridopsis peculiaris MRO 40 (3km SSW Steinkopf), looks like the shale it inhabits

2411 Conophytum angelicae MRO 137 (near Geselskapbank), a small form

2412 Conophytum antonii SH&PA 2678 (W Gamoep, TL), described last year

2413 Conophytum bachelorum x chrisocruxum, F2 hybrids nearer bachelorum

2414 Conophytum bolusiae (Aughrabies), June-flowering in the UK

2415 Conophytum calculus ssp. vanzylii SH 433 (Bok, Kangnas), grey spheres

2416 Conophytum chrisocruxum CR 1360 (near Witkoppies), flowers in late spring

2417 Conophytum cubicum (20km NE Eksteenfontein), very large white flowers

2418 Conophytum ectypum ssp. brownii CR 1045 (Leeupoort), nice surface pattern

2419 Conophytum ficiforme (Worcester), large nocturnal pink flowers

2420 Conophytum flavum (Chabiessies), huge, spotty and dark green

2421 Conophytum flavum ssp. noviceum (Umdaus ridge), red-styled form of variable species

2422 Conophytum fulleri (Namies), pimpled bodies and light purple flowers

2423 Conophytum globosum RR 200 (6km S. Garies), rounded bodies, purple flowers

2424 Conophytum hammeri MRO 71 (Klein Helskloof), little night-flowering jellies

2425 Conophytum hammeri MRO 117 (Klein Helskloof), a similar collection

2426 Conophytum lithopsoides `Kennedyi' SB 631 (Smorgenskadu), green windows

2427 Conophytum lydiae (20km S Pofadder), Ophthalmophyllum group

2428 Conophytum lydiae? R&Y 1777 (Ou Eendop se Kop), to be evaluated

2429 Conophytum maughanii PVB 8913 (Schaaprivier), opaque green bodies

2430 Conophytum minimum `Wittebergense' RR 714 (Klipfontein), great markings

2431 Conophytum minusculum R&Y 1732 (Bloubos, 16km W Clanwilliam)

2432 Conophytum pageae (Höchster, central Klinghardts), simple and unadorned

2433 Conophytum pellucidum (Bailey's Pass), smallish brown heads

2434 Conophytum pellucidum (4km E Rietfontein farmhouse), like a large cupreatum

2435 Conophytum pellucidum CR 1544 (10km SW Gamoep), colourful bodies

2436 Conophytum pellucidum (Kouberg, Karkams), expect purple flowers

2437 Conophytum pellucidum SH 2496 (Omega farm), dark windows

2438 Conophytum pellucidum ex-Mesa 1443.24, very nice brown plants

2439 Conophytum pellucidum Lav 26802 (Okiep), bubbly tops

2440 Conophytum pellucidum `Pardicolor' SH 620 (Goegap), polished surface

2441 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii (Silverfontein Dam), small and spotty

2442 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor R&Y 1674 (E Nuweputz), similar to SH1252

2443 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor MRO 15 (Spektakelpas), dark cross marks

2444 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum SH 1431 (Kamas), one of the best collections

2445 Conophytum praesectum? Cole cono 35 (S. Pofadder), purple flowers

2446 Conophytum praesectum GFW 421 (Steneberg, S. Aggenys)

2447 Conophytum subterraneum TJ 62 (N Eksteenfontein), slow to mature, still scarce

2448 Conophytum swanepoelianum ssp. rubrolineatum R&Y 1735 (3km S Moedverloor)

2449 Conophytum taylorianum ssp. rosynense EvJ 5518 (Rosyntjieberg), nice purple flowers

2450 Conophytum truncatum ssp. viridicatum (Viskuil, S Laingsburg), greyish-green, coalescing dots

2451 Conophytum uviforme SB 952 (Bitterfontein), cream nocturnal flowers

2452 Conophytum uviforme CR 1300 (19km WSW Kliprand), small spotted form

2453 Conophytum velutinum (Komaggas), small, purple-flowered bilobe

2454 Conophytum violaciflorum RR 1108 (Springbok), grey-green wedged bodies, purple flowers

2455 Dactylopsis digitata (Knersvlakte), V for victory on saline clay

2456 Diplosoma luckhoffii MRO 209 (Bakoondkolk, E Bitterfontein), blistered leaves, purple fls

2457 Dracophilus montis-draconis, compact clusters of toothed leaves, light purple flowers

2458 Drosanthemum lavisii (Bredasdorp), bright red flowers on spreading shrublets

2459 Drosanthemum marinum (ca. 35km N Cape Town, sand dunes), low, papillate leaves, pink fls.

2460 Erepsia bracteata (30km NE Cape Town, stony clay), purple spiralling petals, smoke might help

2461 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca MRO 79 (S McDougall's Bay), windowed leaf tips

2462 Gibbaeum gibbosum, compact clumps of fat divergent dissimilar leaves, purple flowers

2463 Gibbaeum pubescens ssp. shandii, velvety tapering cylindrical leaves, purple flowers

2464 Glottiphyllum suave (Rooinek Pass), compact with fat glaucous leaves

2465 Ihlenfeldtia excavata (Aggenys), compact clumps of greyish spotty leaves, large yellow flowers

2466 Jacobsenia kolbei MRO 89 (Nieuwhoudts Naauwte), low shrublet, white fls on long stems

2467 Juttadinteria albata, small upright shrublet with thick leaves and white flowers

2468 Lampranthus argenteus (Melkbosstrand), to 50cm tall, silvery-white fls, carmine stamens

2469 Lampranthus emarginatus (25km N Cape Town, sand dunes), short, tuberculate glaucous leaves

2470 Lithops comptonii (Tanqua Karoo), ex van Schalkwyk, brown appearance, tricky to grow

2471 Lithops dinteri `Dintergreen' ex C206A, the green-leaved cultivar

2472 Lithops dinteri v. brevis MRO 68 (Bontiesrivier, 7km SE Vioolsdrif), small plants

2473 Lithops fulviceps v. lactinea ex C222 (100km ESE Keetmanshoop), pale bodies

2474 Lithops fulviceps v. laevigata C412 (90km NE Pofadder), spots very prominent

2475 Lithops gesinae C406 (90km SSW Maltahöhe), flowers earlier than other gesinae collections

2476 Lithops gracilidelineata `Streyi' ex C373 (25km SE Fransfontein), form with smooth bodies

2477 Lithops hermetica C397 (Tsaus plateau), a recent discovery

2478 Lithops hookeri `Vermiculate' ex C23 (55km SW Prieska), finely-chiselled surface

2479 Lithops hookeri v. susannae ex C91 (30km SE Douglas), Hammer selection, check flower colour

2480 Lithops julii ssp fulleri C416 (90km W Kakamas), only 50 pkts of this recent Cole number

2481 Lithops karasmontana C408 (40km NE Ai-Ais)

2482 Lithops karasmontana v. aiaisensis C409 (30km E Ai-Ais), pale bodies, few markings

2483 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C398 (45km E Lüderitz)

2484 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C400 (45km E Lüderitz)

2485 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C405 (50km E Lüderitz)

2486 Lithops karasmontana v. tischeri ex C182 (30km NNE Grünau), rich chestnut colouration

2487 Lithops lesliei `Storms's Albinigold' ex C36B, green leaves, yellow flowers

2488 Lithops lesliei v. venteri `Ventergreen', the green cultivar of venteri

2489 Lithops marmorata MRO 36 (N end Karasberg), a variable species

2490 Lithops marmorata v. elisae ex C251 (30km SE Vioolsdrif), extra-opaque Hammer selection

2491 Lithops naureeniae C304 (60km SE Springbok), divergent mottled leaves

2492 Lithops olivacea v. nebrownii C403 (Aggenys), browner than typical variety

2493 Lithops otzeniana C128 (35km NNW Loeriesfontein), scallops anyone?

2494 Lithops schwantesii v. marthae C411 (75km SE Aus), pale tops with subtle markings

2495 Lithops viridis C127 (25km S Loeriesfontein), simple in pattern, difficult in cultivation

2496 Marlothistella stenophylla (N. Joubertina), compact, purple-striped flowers in mid-winter

2497 Malephora crocea, mats of waxy leaves, yellow to bright orange flowers

2498 Monilaria obconica SH 1346 (W Bulletrap), papillate leaves during winter

2499 Namibia cinerea (Grillenthal), compact clusters of large grey leaves, few

2500 Nananthus aloides (near Pitsane Station, SE Botswana), yellow petals with red mid-stripes

2501 Nananthus spec. (Nelsdam, Luckhoff), rough skin, toothy margins

2502 Nananthus spec. (Pampoenpoort), short stubby leaves, rapid grower

2503 Oophytum oviforme (Knersvlakte), stemless clumps of small, almost-spherical bodies

2504 Prenia pallens (40km N Cape Town, rocks on beach), prostrate short-lived species, white fls

2505 Rabiea albinota, compact clumps of thick densely-spotted leaves, yellow flowers

2506 Ruschia calcicola (65 km N Cape Town, limestone hill), prostrate, narrow leaves, purple flowers

2507 Sceletium tortuosum, distinctive genus with skeletonised dead leaves, multi-petalled cream fls

2508 Tanquana archeri (Matjiesfontein), slow-growing stemless mesemb, leaves green in UK

2509 Tanquana hilmari GM s.n. (Keurfontein 2), flowers larger than above, leaves often ruddy

2510 Titanopsis calcarea (20km N Hopetown), leaves wonderfully warty

2511 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (Pofadder), orange-brown warty leaves

2512 Vanheerdea angusta, stemless species with thick velvety minutely-toothed leaves

2513 Aloinopsis loganii (N Matjiesfontein), spathulate leaves with pallid spots

2514 Aloinopsis luckhoffii Cole CM38, leaves covered with warts, fatter on margins

2515 Aloinopsis malherbei Cole CA70, (same locality as L.viridis, NW of Calvina, Northern Cape) broad flattened leaves with marginal tubercles

2516 Aloinopsis rubrolineata (Kendrew), tuberous rootstock, red-lined flowers

2517 Aloinopsis spathulata (Voelfontein), purple flowers, cold-tolerant

2518 Aloinopsis villetii (Brakfontein), dwarf rosettes of finely-tuberculate leaves

2519 Carruanthus ringens, compact plants, smooth leaves with toothed margins, yellow fls.

2520 Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii (Kubub, Aus), smooth pale leaves form mats of rounded bodies

2521 Cheiridopsis namaquensis SH s.n. (W Mesklip), lumped into C.cigarettifera by Hartman

2522 Cheiridopsis pillansii SH s.n. (N Uispanpoort), chunky grey-green leaves, two-tone flowers

2523 Cheiridopsis pilosula? CR 1731 (30km N Eksteenfontein), thick elongated velvety leaf pairs

2524 Cheiridopsis spec. CR 1721 (Uikraal, SW Steinkopf), stemless clumps of rough leaves

2525 Conophytum acutum (12km E Bitterfontein), long-tubed nocturnal flowers from green blobs

2526 Conophytum angelicae ssp. tetragonum ARM 735A (Klipbok), nicely wrinkled

2527 Conophytum antonii SH&PA 2678 (W Gamoep), small keeled heads, purple flowers

2528 Conophytum bicarinatum (Skitterykloof), divergent red keel lines, purple flowers

2529 Conophytum burgeri (Aggenys), purple-tinted glassy hemispheres, big portions

2530 Conophytum comptonii SH 312/85 (Matsikamma), patterns in grey and black

2531 Conophytum concordans SH 2067 (Brakfontein), small windowed leaves

2532 Conophytum danielii (Platbakkies), C. jarmilae in “Dumpling”, keeled heads, purple flowers

2533 Conophytum flavum SH s.n. (Chabiessies), large spotty dark-green bodies, yellow flowers

2534 Conophytum hermarium DT 6850 (Areb se berg), green windowed leaves, purple flowers

2535 Conophytum herreanthus ssp. rex R&Y 1872 (Klipbok), spreading apiculate leaves

2536 Conophytum limpidum EvJ 7908 (Agter Pella), largish form, translucent windows

2537 Conophytum lithopsoides (Smorgenskadu flats), windowed green to brown bodies, purple flowers

2538 Conophytum luckhoffii CR 1412 (Eagles’ Pride, Piketberg), small ornate bodies, purple fls

2539 Conophytum maughanii (3km E Pofadder), purple-tinted jelly-babies, white nocturnal flowers

2540 Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum B&H 2419 (Harras), more opaque bodies

2541 Conophytum maughanii ssp latum R&Y 1879 (Klipbok), somewhat smaller, truncate top

2542 Conophytum obcordellum MBB s.n. (Blinkwater) “form A”, patterned bodies, nocturnal flowers

2543 Conophytum obcordellum (SSW Clanwilliam), spotted markings

2544 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Conspicuum’ (Groot Holbak), heads smaller than typical species

2545 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Ursprungianum’ SB 635 (Lokenburg), markings well developed

2546 Conophytum obcordellum v. ceresianum CR 1408 (Botterkloof), netted lines

2547 Conophytum pellucidum (Carolusberg), smooth-bodied form

2548 Conophytum pellucidum SH s.n. (3km S Concordia), classic bubbly-top ‘Elegans’ form

2549 Conophytum pellucidum B&H 2346 (Olienhout, Leliefontein), white or pink flowers

2550 Conophytum pellucidum SH 1950 (W Garies), terricolorish patterns

2551 Conophytum pellucidum (Saalberg, Kamiesberg), bodies predominantly grey and black

2552 Conophytum pellucidum (Garies Hoogte), small heads, intermediate to lilianum

2553 Conophytum pellucidum v. lilianum SH s.n. (Kookfontein), small heads, reddish flower tubes

2554 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii (N. Silverfontein), spotty patterns

2555 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor SH 1252 (nr. Krymekaaar junction), nice cross markings

2556 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum RR1073 (33km W Gamoep), smaller subspecies

2557 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum v. terrestre (S. Gamoep), small elongated fuzzy bodies

2558 Conophytum pubescens PD 3658 (Couragiefontein), the chunky rose-flowered form

2559 Conophytum quaesitum ssp. rostratum R&Y 1896 (Sandberg), elongated lobes, nocturnal flowers

2560 Conophytum ratum EF 534 (Onder Namies), fat green bodies, mainly solitary

2561 Conophytum stephanii ssp. helmutii (Eenriet), hairy bodies, orange flowers

2562 Conophytum subfenestratum KG 4/77 (6km N Soutrivier bridge), white x purple flowered plants

2563 Conophytum subterraneum R&Y 1883 (N Eksteenfontein, TL), green bodies, purple flowers

2564 Conophytum verrucosum RR s.n. (Kouberg), rough brown tops to bodies

2565 Conophytum violaciflorum CR 1039 (Springbok kop), wedged bodies, purple flowers

2566 Conophytum wettsteinii R&Y 1847 (Naris, 5km N Kosies), flattened grey-green bodies

2567 Delosperma deilanthoides (Steenkampsberg Pass), small stemless plants, napiform root

2568 Delosperma nakurense, low spreading species from NE Africa

2569 Delosperma napiforme, short stems from tuberous root, small white flowers, from Reunion

2570 Delosperma sutherlandii, thick root that produced annual shoots and showy purple flowers

2571 Dinteranthus vanzylii PV 359 (S Pofadder), simulacrum for a grey-white lithops, ca.100 seeds

2572 Dorotheanthus rourkei SH s.n. (W Kliprand), annual, bright red flowers, difficult germination***

2573 Faucaria bosscheana GM s.n. (Kruidfontein), small clumping species, teeth often lacking

2574 Frithia pulchra (Rustenberg), windowed truncate leaves, purple flowers all summer

2575 Gibbaeum heathii SH s.n. (Spitskoppie), solitary form of this smooth grey-leafed spheroid

2576 Hereroa carinans, low clumps of elongated semicylindrical leaves, yellow flowers

2577 Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii, stemless clumps of highly-succulent greyish leaves, rich yellow flowers

2578 Lapidaria margaretae SB 1798 (Eendoorn), pinkish-grey chunky leaves, large form

2579 Lithops amicorum C410 (75km SE Aus), small pale relatively-unmarked heads

2580 Lithops aucampiae ssp. euniceae v. fluminalis ex-C54 (near Hopetown), flowing lines

2581 Lithops coleorum C396 (near Ellisras), pale bodies, speckled patterns

2582 Lithops comptonii SH 389 (Beukesfontein), shades of grey, deep fissure

2583 Lithops dinteri ‘Dintergreen’ ex-C206A, cultivar with green bodies, grow in slight shade

2584 Lithops divergens SH s.n. (12km E Bitterfontein), small and greenish, tricky to grow

2585 Lithops dorotheae ex-C124 (15km N Pofadder), a Steven Hammer selected strain

2586 Lithops fulviceps v. laevigata C412 (90km NE Pofadder), the brown-bodied Cole form

2587 Lithops gesinae C406 (80 km SSW Maltahöhe), speckled patterns

2588 Lithops gracilidelineata ssp. brandbergensis ex-C394 (Brandberg), frequently solitary

2589 Lithops hermetica C397 (Tsaus plateau), small-growing plants

2590 Lithops herrei x optica ‘rubra’ F2, Hammer hybrid with good red colour

2591 Lithops julii ‘Chrysocephala’ ex-C205 (50km SE Warmbad), Steve Hammer selected form

2592 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri GM 464 (N of Nous farm), broad brown patterns

2593 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri ‘Fullergreen’, attractive green variant

2594 Lithops karasmontana v. karasmontana C408 (40km NE Ai-Ais), very variable species

2595 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C399 (45km E Lüderitz), more variability!

2596 Lithops lesliei v. hornii x ‘Fred’s Redhead’ F2, Hammer special, red bodies

2597 Lithops lesliei v. rubrobrunnea ex-C17 (5km NW Randfontein), reddish-brown bodies

2598 Lithops lesliei v. venteri ‘Blacktop’ ex-C153, another of Steve Hammer’s breeding lines

2599 Lithops lesliei v. venteri ‘Ventergreen’, green-bodied cultivar

2600 Lithops localis SH s.n. (Sandpoort), very spotty patterns

2601 Lithops localis DT 7003 (3km NE Miller), spots again

2602 Lithops meyeri C419, (10km NW of Lekkersing) first time we have offered this new collection, divergent leaves

2603 Lithops meyeri ‘Hammeruby’ ex-C292A, intensely red leaves

2604 Lithops naureeniae C304 (60km SE Springbok), named for Mrs. Cole, bold markings

2605 Lithops olivacea (Samoep), greyish-green bodies with variable markings

2606 Lithops olivacea ‘Red Olive’ ex Bayer’s Aggenys collection, red bodies

2607 Lithops pseudotruncatella TS 76 (near Windhoek), produced from a Tok Schoeman collection

2608 Lithops pseudotruncatella ‘Alpina’ ex-C68 (35km SSE Windhoek), nicely marked heads

2609 Lithops pseudotruncatella ‘Alpina’ ex-C68, Hammer selection with almost-white flowers

2610 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica PVB s.n. (Nauchas), pale bodies with brown veining

2611 Lithops schwantesii ssp. gebseri ex-C165 (70km S Maltahöhe), networks of rubrications

2612 Mestoklema tuberosum v. macrorhizum, particularly large tuberous roots and white flowers

2613 Monilaria obconica B&H 2282A (Eselsfontein), papillate leaves, large white flowers

2614 Nananthus aloides Cole CN11, (near Pitsane, SE Botswana) small plants with rough leaves and red-striped yellow flowers

2615 Oscularia deltoides (Goudini) ex ISI 96-47, small shrub with toothy grey leaves and pink flowers

2616 Phyllobolus herbertii SH 1246 (2km W Grootgraafwater), annual stems from thickened rootstock

2617 Prepodesma orpenii (23km E Kuruman), small plants with thick green leaves, yellow flowers

2618 Schwantesia herrei? CR 1732 (30km N Eksteenfontein), smooth grey-green very-succulent leaves

2619 Tanquana hilmarii PVB 2462 (Keurfontein), small rounded leaf pairs, brown tinted

2620 Titanopsis aff. calcarea (Ghams, Upington), bronze-tinted leaves

2621 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (60km NE Kliprand), brown warty leaves

2622 Bulbine fallax (Bitterfontein), small flat rosettes of tessellate leaves during winter

2623 Haworthia emelyae (Zebra farm), white-speckled leaves



2624 Aethephyllum pinnatifidum, annual with glistening oak-leaf shaped leaves, yellow flowers

2625 Aloinopsis luckhoffii (Boonstevlei), rounded rough leaves

2626 Aloinopsis villetii (Nelswerve), dwarf clusters of spathulate dotted leaves

2627 Argyroderma fissum CR1852A (3km E Rooiberg), elongated grey leaves, freely clustering

2628 Argyroderma fissum, produced by SH from two unusual red-flowered parents

2629 Argyroderma pearsonii CR1766 (10km ENE Nuwerus), yellow flowers, rounded grey leaves

2630 Cheiridopsis amabilis SH1964 (Eenriet), clumps of short leaves, ivory-white flowers

2631 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (N. Steinkopf), winter leaves like chunks of shale, sheathed in summer

2632 Cheiridopsis schlechteri ÷ pulverulenta (Kangnas), nice small white-pink flowers

2633 Cheiridopsis spec. nova (Roodepoort), tiny green plants, leaf tips have little brown hooks

2634 Cheiridopsis umbrosa TS/PD899 (E.Springbok), free-flowering small plants, sheathed in summer

2635 Cheiridopsis umdausensis CR1774 (NE corner Khurisberg), interesting warty leaves

2636 Conophytum angelicae GM183 (Umdaus), few wrinkles but dark-coloured flowers

2637 Conophytum bachelorum x chrisocruxum F2, fully fertile hybrid, more like mum than dad

2638 Conophytum brunneum (near Nuwerus, TL), glossy olive-green to brownish ovoid bodies

2639 Conophytum calculus, orange-flowered form, pale greyish spherical bodies

2640 Conophytum chrisocruxum CR1360 (near Witkoppies, TL), purple flowers in the spring

2641 Conophytum cubicum (20km NE Eksteenfontein, TL), cubic bodies, very large white fls

2642 Conophytum devium ssp. stiriiferum SH437 (S Geelberg), small frosted bodies

2643 Conophytum ernstii ssp. cerebellum PVB10043 (W Marinkas Quellen), ridged bodies

2644 Conophytum ficiforme (Worcester), large fragrant pink nocturnal flowers

2645 Conophytum flavum SH s.n. (W Animub), a large form, yellow flowers

2646 Conophytum flavum ssp. ? CR1478 (southern Kosiesberg), deep stringy roots

2647 Conophytum fulleri SB1543 (Samoep), small rough-topped bodies, light purple flowers

2648 Conophytum fulleri EvJ7834 (Agter Pella), large pancake form from north of its range

2649 Conophytum hermarium SH565 (Smorgenskadu), elongated slim bodies, type locality form

2650 Conophytum lithopsoides CR1342 (NW Kweekfontein), glassy bodies and light purple flowers

2651 Conophytum lydiae R&Y1777 (Ou-eendop se kop), newly-discovered locality for this species

2652 Conophytum x marnieranum R&Y1679 (E. Springbok), F2 and greater, so expect variation

2653 Conophytum maughanii SH1266 (Eenriet), semi-transparent jellies with nocturnal flowers

2654 Conophytum minusculum R&Y1732 (Bloubos), recently-found, reticulate patterns

2655 Conophytum obcordellum (Snorkfontein), a nicely-marked form from the Gifberg

2656 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Lambertense’ SB626 (Strandfontein), coastal form

2657 Conophytum pellucidum CR1388 (10km N Leliefontein, Kamiesberg), purple flowers

2658 Conophytum pellucidum (10km N Concordia), fairly pale bodies with nice markings

2659 Conophytum pellucidum (Rietberg, N Springbok), chestnut colours, some terricolor-like

2660 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii ARM1194 (Tweefontein – Rietfontein), large & reddish

2661 Conophytum phoeniceum SH1212 (Umdaus), small green bodies, nocturnal orange flowers

2662 Conophytum ratum SH1200 (Onder Namies), mainly large single flattened bodies

2663 Conophytum schlechteri SB1187 (Farquharson se kop), distinctive bodies, white flowers

2664 Conophytum stephanii ssp. helmutii CR1439 (NW Kabinaberg), hairy leaves

2665 Conophytum subfenestratum CM35 (road towards Kliprand), windowed bodies, purple flowers

2666 Conophytum subfenestratum (Quaggaskop), unusual clustering form of this Knersvlakte species

2667 Conophytum tantillum ssp. heleniae Lav28462 (Kosies), small well-marked bodies, purple fls.

2668 Conophytum taylorianum ssp. rosynense SH1333 (Rosyntjiefontein), smaller than type EvJ form

2669 Conophytum verrucosum (Stofvlei), possibly the brownest, wartiest form of this species

2670 Conophytum aff. verrucosum (Sidi Barani), probably a rough-topped form of friedrichiae

2671 Dinteranthus vanzylii ‘Emerald’, an eau-de-nil coloured cultivar of the species

2672 Dinteranthus vanzylii ‘Lineatus’, tan coloured bodies with pronounced lines

2673 Diplosoma luckhoffii MRO209 (Bakoondkolk), spheroid with translucent pimpled leaves

2674 Faucaria candida, the only Faucaria with white flowers

2675 Faucaria felina PVB11065 (Mount Marlow), green cat-claw-edged leaves, yellow flowers

2676 Faucaria tuberculosa (Normandale), “unimproved” material representative of the wild species

2677 Fenestraria rhopalophylla v. aurantiaca SH720 (Skilpad), clusters of cylindrical windowed leaves

2678 Gibbaeum velutinum (Barrydale), fairly large velvety green leaves with hooked tips

2679 Gibbaeum haaglenii (10km NW Malgas), syn. G. haagei v. parviflorum, grey-green leaves

2680 Glottiphyllum neilii (Swartwater), very chunky, pinkish-grey in good light

2681 Hereroa stanfordiae (40km W Victoria West), compact mats of short elongated leaves, yellow fls.

2682 Ihlenfeldtia excavata (9km NE Jakkalswater), SH states “best form of the species”, yellow fls.

2683 Ihlenfeldtia excavata ‘Albirosea’ SB772 (Concordia), unusual form with pinkish-white flowers

2684 Jacobsenia kolbei MRO89 (Nieuwhoudts Naauwte), compact shrublet, thick subterete leaves

2685 Lapidaria margaretae SB 1798 (Eendoorn), usually 2 or 3 pairs of thick angular leaves per growth

2686 Lithops aucampiae (Danielskuil), fat brown bodies, intricate patterns

2687 Lithops aucampiae ‘Betty’s Beryl’, this might give yellow as well as white-flowered greenies

2688 Lithops comptonii ex-C125 (50km ENE Ceres), rounded blackish-brown leaves

2689 Lithops divergens PVB6725 (near Kotzesrus), small greenish plants, disjunct west locality

2690 Lithops gesinae v. annae ex-C78 (25km SW Helmeringhausen), reddish-brown bodies

2691 Lithops gracilidelineata ex-C309 (45km W Usakos), pale bodies, impressed network of lines

2692 Lithops gracilidelineata ssp. brandbergensis ex-C394 (Brandberg), bolder markings than C383

2693 Lithops herrei ex-C361 (30km NE Alexander Bay), pale green bodies, variable darker window

2694 Lithops hookeri v. dabneri ex-C13 (25km S Kimberley), grey bodies, complex patterns of lines

2695 Lithops julii ‘Chrysocephala’ ex-C205 (50km SE Warmbad), pale form with obscure windows

2696 Lithops julii ‘Peppermint Crème’ ex-C349A, the name of this green cultivar says it all

2697 Lithops karasmontana v. aiaisensis C409 (30km E Ai-Ais), off-white bodies, markings indistinct

2698 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C400 (45km E Lüderitz), pale bodies, subtle markings

2699 Lithops lesliei ‘Ventergreen’ ex-C1A, green bodies with venteri patterns

2700 Lithops marmorata v. elisae ex-C251 (35km SE Vioolsdrif), divergent whitish leaves

2701 Lithops naureeniae ex-C304 (60km SE Springbok), gaping leaves, maculate window

2702 Lithops olivacea v. nebrownii C403 (Aggenys), brown hues more pronounced than in type colln.

2703 Lithops optica (10km S Baker’s Bay), pale colours with open windows

2704 Lithops otzeniana ex-C350 (40km NNW Loeriesfontein), distinctive scalloped edges to windows

2705 Lithops pseudotruncatella v. elisabethiae ex-C187 (55km ESE Otjiwarongo), spots & short lines

2706 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica ex-C384 (6km S Rehoboth), groendrayensis-like

2707 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. volkii (Bergland), ex Fritz, milky white, more convex than C69

2708 Lithops villetii ssp. deboeri ex-C258 (35km ENE Gamoep), window with many jagged islands

2709 Lithops werneri ex-C188 (25km NNE Usakos), very small pale grey bodies, fractal markings

2710 Monilaria scutata (Maerpoort), long papillate leaves in winter, small sheathed blobs in summer

2711 Muiria hortenseae GM114 (Springfontein), almost spherical felty leaves

2712 Neohenricia sibbettii, ground-hugging mats of tiny warty leaves, scented nocturnal flowers

2713 Pleiospilos simulans (Pearston), flat chunky leaves like pieces of rock

2714 Schwantesia loeschiana (N Fish River Canyon), low clumps of short whitish leaves

2715 Schwantesia ruedbuschii (Haakiesdoorn, Namibia), clumps of toothy leaves, yellow flowers

2716 Tanquana archeri (5km N Matjiesfontein), similar to prismatica but smaller and greener

2717 Tanquana hilmari (Keurfontein), almost rounded leaves that are often purple-tinted

2718 Tanquana prismatica SB659 (Ceres Karoo), stemless clumps of chunky leaves, brownish in sun

2719 Titanopsis calcarea (Oorlogshoek), flattened greyish warty leaves

2720 Titanopsis schwantesii ‘Primosii’ (Nabaap, 30km NNW Lospersplaas), ruddy leaf tints

2721 Titanopsis schwantesii ‘Primosii’ (Stofvlei), paler beige colour, much larger seeds than above

2722 Vlokia ater (Waboomsberg), tiny mats of chunky grey-green leaves, purple flowers

Honorary Mesembs:

2723 Avonia quinaria, mixture of ssp. alstonii (white) and ssp. quinaria (red-flowered)

2724 Haworthia bayeri (Uniondale), nice retuse plants that go purplish in good light, 5 seeds

2725 Haworthia decipiens v. cyanea MBB6582, rosettes of bluish-green toothed leaves, 5 seeds



2726 Aethephyllum pinnatifidum, now in Cleretum, annual with yellow flowers and oak-shaped leaves

2727 Aloinopsis setifera, nice bristles over leaf surface, golden-yellow flowers

2728 Argyroderma congregatum (9km N Soutrivier), grey hood-shaped leaves, yellow flowers

2729 Argyroderma crateriforme (9km S Soutrivier), slow to cluster, grey leaves, variable flower colour

2730 Argyroderma patens (13km NE Soutrivier bridge), widely-spreading grey-green leaves

2731 Argyroderma spec. (Gifberg) ex-MSG850, very large bodies

2732 Bijlia dilatata, a.k.a. B. cana, ca. 3 pairs of fat asymmetric whitish-green leaves per growth

2733 Cephalophyllum niveum, low spreading clumps of cylindrical leaves, white, sometimes purple fls.

2734 Cephalophyllum pulchrum, tufted growths of 4cm long sub-cylindrical leaves, purplish-pink flowers

2735 Cheiridopsis denticulata (9km W Springbok), compact clumps of long grey leaves, 10cm flowers

2736 Cheiridopsis meyeri (6km NNW Steinkopf), clumps of small greyish leaves that sheath in summer

2737 Cheiridopsis minima (Platbakkies), used to be subspecies of meyeri, very tiny bodies

2738 Cheiridopsis pillansii (Lekkersing road), from plants producing orange flowers with yellow centres

2739 Cheiridopsis aff. pillansii SH2006 (Perdewater), deep yellow flowers deeply set in cleft

2740 Cheiridopsis schlechteri (Kangnas), mats of short glaucous-green leaves that are 50% fused

2741 Conophytum acutum (12km E Bitterfontein), nocturnal flowers with stupidly-long tubes

2742 Conophytum bachelorum PD3636 (type locality), spring-flowering, 5 seeds

2743 Conophytum bolusiae ssp. primavernum (Uitspanpoort), white to pale pink flowers in spring

2744 Conophytum burgeri (Aggenys), miniature red-flushed volcanoes, generous packets

2745 Conophytum cubicum (20km NE Eksteenfontein), very long-tubed white flowers

2746 Conophytum devium SB1704 (N Jakkalswater), the smallest Ophthalmophyllum section species

2747 Conophytum ectypum aff. sulcatum Buseck s.n. (N Steinkopf), small heads, whitish flowers

2748 Conophytum ficiforme ‘Fossulatum’ (S. Worcester), nicely-marked bodies

2749 Conophytum flavum ssp.? CR1475 (S Kosiesberg), deep stringy roots, may need subspecific name

2750 Conophytum herreanthus ssp. rex, whitish leaves with only a small degree of fusion

2751 Conophytum lithopsoides SH426 (Bok se kop), purple flowers, green to brown body colours

2752 Conophytum marginatum (Khurisberg), more elongated than other forms of this species

2753 Conophytum minusculum R&Y1732 (Bloubos), large purple flowers from small heads

2754 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Giftbergense’ Lav25642 (5km S Vredendal), lightly- marked bodies

2755 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Ursprungianum’ CR1306 (Lokenburg), strongly-patterned

2756 Conophytum obcordellum v. ceresianum (Ceres Karoo), red-tinged flat bodies

2757 Conophytum obscurum ssp. sponsaliorum R&Y1645 (4km S Rietkloof farm), purple flowers

2758 Conophytum pageae (Spektakelpas), smooth grey oblate spheroids

2759 Conophytum pellucidum (Hoitsmyn, E Concordia), elegans form with bubbly tops

2760 Conophytum pellucidum SH595 (S Ratelkraal), tends to have spotty patterns

2761 Conophytum pellucidum CR1544 (near Dikmatjie), variable population, cupreatumish

2762 Conophytum pellucidum ‘Pardicolor’ (Goegap), smoother leaves than other forms

2763 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii TS454 (Silverfontein Dam), small heads, long flower tubes

2764 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum PV1005 (Papkuilsrivier), smallish heads, copper coloured

2765 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum v. terrestre (Boesmanplaat), small and elongated bodies

2766 Conophytum praesectum (Pofadder), brownish bodies, purple flowers

2767 Conophytum subfenestratum (6km N Sout River bridge), green bodies, purple flowers

2768 Conophytum subterraneum TJ62 (N Eksteenfontein), small green mammaries, purple flowers

2769 Conophytum uviforme CR1300 (19km WSW Kliprand), smaller and nicer than Knersvlakte forms

2770 Conophytum verrucosum (Maansepan), bodies brown and warty, white flowers

2771 Cylindrophyllum tugwelliae, stemless clumps of long leaves, multi-petalled straw-coloured flowers

2772 Dactylopsis digitata, or whatever you want to call it! The famous two-fingered salute

2773 Dinteranthus vanzylii, flattened white and very lithops-like, generous packets of dust-like seeds

2774 Dorotheanthus maughanii (S slopes of Hantamsberg), now Cleretum, small annual, spathulate leaves

2775 Dorotheanthus rourkei, now in the genus Cleretum, annual with brilliant red flowers

2776 Erepsia lacera (Paarl Rock), toothy-leaved shrubby with purple pompom flowers

2777 Gibbaeum petrense, small clusters of chunky glaucous-green leaves, freely-produced purple flowers

2778 Gibbaeum pubescens ssp. shandii, compact clumps of red-tinted hairy dissimilar leaf pairs

2779 Glottiphyllum regium (35km W Calitzdorp), largest species in genus, long terete green leaves

2780 Lampranthus vredenburgensis, small prostrate shrubby mesemb with pink flowers

2781 Lapidaria margaretae SH558 (Rosynebos), usually 3 pairs of whitish-green leaves per growth

2782 Lithops aucampiae (Lynput farm), fat brown heads with lines and spots

2783 Lithops aucampiae ‘Bellaketty’, green/yellow/ochre cultivar of ssp. euniceae

2784 Lithops bromfieldii ex-C368 (25km SE Upington), tan-coloured with red-brown patterns

2785 Lithops bromfieldii v. insularis (Sowerby), smoother than typical variety, darker patterns

2786 Lithops bromfieldii v. mennellii ex-C44 (25km SSW Upington), windows reduced to lines

2787 Lithops dinteri ssp. fredericii ex-C180 (30km NW Pofadder), nice things come in small packages

2788 Lithops divergens v. amethystina SH397 (Taaiboshoek), gaping leaves

2789 Lithops fulviceps v. lactinea ex-C222 (100km ESE Keetmanshoop), pale grey with dark spots

2790 Lithops gesinae ex-C207 (70km N Aus), windows formed from coalescing spots

2791 Lithops gesinae ‘Hanawared’, red-tinted cultivar of var. annae, colour intensity is variable

2792 Lithops hallii v. ochracea (Abrahamsdam), redder bodies than typical hallii

2793 Lithops herrei (Ochta), pale greyish bodies, meagre darker windows

2794 Lithops hookeri (El Dorado), corrugate surface with brown reticulate windows

2795 Lithops hookeri v. dabneri (25km S Kimberley), greyish-blue colour with dark channels

2796 Lithops hookeri ‘Annarosa’, subdued green cultivar of var. dabneri

2797 Lithops julii ‘Pallida’ (Vrede), pale tan bodies with hardly any markings

2798 Lithops julii ‘Peppermint Crème’ ex-C349A, green albino cultivar

2799 Lithops karasmontana ex-Littlewood colln (17km W Grünau), this colony verges towards julii

2800 Lithops karasmontana ‘Lateritia’, this strain originated from Shimada, red-brown tops

2801 Lithops karasmontana ‘Opalina’ ex-C169 (20km NE Grünau), pale grey and immaculate

2802 Lithops karasmontana v. aiaisensis PV125 (20km E Ai-Ais), pale plants, light markings, variable

2803 Lithops karasmontana ssp. bella ex-C295 (115km SSE Aus), bold dark markings on leaf tops

2804 Lithops lesliei (Walkerville), brown with a marbled pattern

2805 Lithops lesliei v. rubrobrunnea ex-C17 (5km NW Randfontein), rich red-brown colour

2806 Lithops localis SH301 (Laingsburg), very spotty patterns

2807 Lithops marmorata ‘Umdausensis’ PVB2667 (Umdaus), open windows, tan and grey colours

2808 Lithops meyeri ‘Hammeruby ex-C272A, pinkish-red cultivar

2809 Lithops naureeniae PV1044 (Rooifontein), pale divergent leaves with bold darker patterns

2810 Lithops olivacea (Achab), open olive-green windows on leaf tops.

2811 Lithops ruschiorum ex-Kimnach 2939 (Rössing), rounded almost-white bodies with few brown lines

2812 Lithops schwantesii ex-C191 (60km NW Helmeringhausen), red lines and dark spots on surface

2813 Lithops schwantesii ‘Shagreen’, rich green-bodied cultivar of var. rugosa developed by Steven Hammer from seedlings found at the C & J nursery

2814 Lithops verruculosa ex-C159 (30km ENE Vanwyksvlei), the species that has variable flower colours

2815 Lithops villetii (Kapteinskraal), an overall greyish aspect with a few markings

2816 Lithops viridis SH388 (25km S Loeriesfontein), grey-green plants with a darker entire window

2817 Mitrophyllum grande, very short internodes and particularly large elongated-conical resting leaf pairs

2818 x Muirio-gibbaeum muirioides (F3 ex Sphaeroid Institute), all possible variations likely

2819 Nananthus aloides (Postmasburg), compact clumps of flattened leaves, fat underground tuber

2820 Nananthus margaritiferus (near Ariamsvlei, Namibia), densely white-spotted, new population

2821 Nananthus vittatus (Kalkfontein), leaves rough with tubercles, flowers yellow with red centre-line

2822 Oscularia caulescens (Paarl Rock on granite), similar to O.deltoides but lacking teeth

2823 Pleiospilos simulans (Miller), fat flat-leafed phenotype, flat on veld, flavescent flowers

2824 Ruschia limbata (Langebaan on granite), 3 cm high tufts of small fat leaves, purple flowers

2825 Stomatium duthiae RW111 (Darlington farm, Cradock), little-known species, small dentate leaves

2826 Vanheerdea roodiae ‘Divergens’ (Taaiboshoek), very succulent yellow-green leaves, toothy at ends

2827 Wooleya farinosa RW213 (Hondeklipbai), low shrublets with leaves like clusters of grey grapes

Honorary Mesemb

2828 Dierama “garden hybrids”, hardy South African geophyte, 120 cm tall, light?dark pink flowers


2829 Aloinopsis malherbei CA70 (25km S Loeriesfontein), spoon-like leaves with pimply edges

2830 Aloinopsis rosulata, fat tuber produces warty leaves and red-lined flowers

2831 Antimima dualis (45Km N Vanrhynsdorp), low clusters of small Argyroderma-like leaves

2832 Antimima ventricosa, stemless clumps of long thick leaves, showy purple flowers

2833 Argyroderma congregatum TS702 (7km NNE Holrivier), small clusters of grey hood-shaped leaves

2834 Argyroderma fissum Deli73 (10km along Steenkampskraal road), leaves longer than other argys.

2835 Argyroderma subalbum HH5231 (Koekanaap), small and clustering

2836 Argyroderma testiculare (2km S Vanrhynsdorp), guess the leaf shape! purple flowers

2837 Argyroderma spec. Deli19 (2km W Vanrhynsdorp), purple flowers, big leaves

2838 Argyroderma spec. Deli 22 (28km N Vanrhynsdorp), yellow flowers

2839 Carruanthus caninus (Georgida), small shrublets with rhomboid toothed leaves, stalked yellow fls.

2840 Cephalophyllum pillansii, mats of near-cylindrical elongated leaves, yellow flowers, red stamens

2841 Cerochlamys pachyphylla (Wynandsrivier), low clumps of waxy leaves, purple flowers in winter

2842 Cheiridopsis cigarettifera TS776 (Agterkop, Roggeveld), compact, floriferous and cold-tolerant

2843 Cheiridopsis pillansii (Lekkersing road), yellow flowered form, grey highly-succulent leaves

2844 Conophytum angelicae MRO137 (near Geselskapbank), ridged bodies

2845 Conophytum angelicae ssp. tetragonum GW4448 (Oemsberg), orange nocturnal flowers

2846 Conophytum cubicum (20km NE Eksteenfontein), very long-tubed white flowers

2847 Conophytum ernstii ssp. cerebellum PVB5154 (W Gamkab river), velvety keeled leaves

2848 Conophytum aff. francoiseae CR1480 (E Lekkersing), purple flowers in summer

2849 Conophytum hammeri MRO117 (Klein Helskloof), translucent blobs, pastel flower colours

2850 Conophytum limpidum SB1198 (Tafelkop, near Achab), clusters more freely than other ophthalmos.

2851 Conophytum lithopsoides ‘Kennedyi’ SB631 (Smorgenskadu), windowed green heads

2852 Conophytum ?lydiae R&Y2015 (3km E Koeries), large purple flowers

2853 Conophytum marginatum ssp. haramoepense (Grootberg, Aggenys), small lobed bodies, purple fls.

2854 Conophytum minimum ‘Wittebergense’ PV913 (Matjiesfontein), dark patterns

2855 Conophytum obcordellum (Klein Pass), spotted patterns

2856 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Ursprungianum’ SB635 (Lokenburg), dark lines

2857 Conophytum obcordellum ssp. rolfii RR1003 (Elands Bay), much smaller heads than typical ssp.

2858 Conophytum pellucidum MRO223 (E Witwater, S Steinkopf), nicely marked bodies

2859 Conophytum pellucidum (3km N Concordia), usually chestnut brown bodies

2860 Conophytum pellucidum PD3657 (Die Riet), from a cupreatumish collection

2861 Conophytum pellucidum R&Y1801 (Horinggatkop), pinkish-brown with variable bold markings

2862 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii (N Silverfontein), spotty patterns

2863 Conophytum pubescens PD3658 (Couragiefontein, near Die Riet), chunky form with pink flowers

2864 Conophytum stephanii ssp. helmutii (Eenriet), hairy bodies, orange nocturnal flowers

2865 Conophytum subfenestratum (30km N Vanrhynsdorp), ex Mace collection, purple flowers

2866 Dinteranthus pole-evansii, white golf balls, exceedingly minute seed

2867 Dinteranthus vanzylii, resembles an almost-white Lithops, usually a few markings

2868 Diplosoma luckhoffii MRO209 (Bakoondkalk, E Bitterfontein), water-filled blisters

2869 Dorotheanthus maughanii, yellow ring on white flowers, annual now in genus Cleretum

2870 Dracophilus proximus H4994, compact clustering plants, thick glaucous leaves, pale pink flowers

2871 Drosanthemum hispidum (Clanwilliam), low shrubby mesemb, small hairy leaves, purple flowers

2872 Faucaria lupina, this wolf has its teeth on narrow pale-green leaves

2873 Faucaria tigrina B&H2383 (Grahamstown), red or purple tints in good light

2874 Fenestraria rhopalophylla ssp. aurantiaca (Samson’s Bak), southern orange-flowered form

2875 Gibbaeum album, pairs of light-grey slightly-ridged asymmetric leaves, white to light-purple flowers

2876 Gibbaeum heathii ‘Comptonii’, dwarf tufted plants with rounded grey-green bodies

2877 Gibbaeum haagei, low mats of keeled triangular grey-green leaves, purple flowers

2878 Gibbaeum shandii, small cushions of tapering-cylindric asymmetric leaf pairs, hairy & brown-tinted

2879 Glottiphyllum cruciatum (Williston), clusters of shiny leaves, successive pairs at right angles

2880 Glottiphyllum linguiforme (Stormsrivier), long flattened leaves in two ranks, yellow flowers

2881 Hereroa tenuifolia SB1514 (Aneysburg), low shrublet with cylindrical green leaves, yellow flowers

2882 Ihlenfeldtia excavata ssp. vanbredai, stemless clusters of keeled leaves with marginal teeth

2883 Juttadinteria albata, low shrubby with thick pale grey-green leaves and white flowers

2884 Lithops amicorum Tok73 (75km SE Aus), from second more-marked colony

2885 Lithops aucampiae ex-C46 (5km NE Griquatown), fat lined brown bodies

2886 Lithops aucampiae ‘Betty’s Beryl’, obtained as F3 from ‘Jackson’s Jade’ x ‘Storms’s Snowcap’

2887 Lithops aucampiae ‘Storms’s Snowcap’, white-flowered cultivar

2888 Lithops bromfieldii (Welgevonden), rich reddish-brown bodies

2889 Lithops bromfieldii ‘White Nymph’ex-C279A, dark bodies and white flowers

2890 Lithops coleorum C396 (near Ellisras), smallish heads with coalescing spots

2891 Lithops divergens ssp.? PVB6725 (near Kotzesrus), looks like amethystina but very disjunct

2892 Lithops francisci C140 (35km E Lüderitz), pale beige with grey markings

2893 Lithops fulviceps ex-C220 (75km N Karasburg), lots of distinct spots

2894 Lithops fulviceps v. laevigata Hammer & Visser s.n. (90km NE Pofadder), original mustard fm

2895 Lithops gesinae ex-C406 (80km SSW Maltahöhe), smallish heads with nice patterns

2896 Lithops helmutii ex-C271 (15km NE Steinkopf), gaping grey and green leaves

2897 Lithops hermetica C397 (T’saus plateau), grey with darker grey markings

2898 Lithops herrei SH s.n. (S Ochta), moss-patterned form

2899 Lithops hookeri ex-C335 (30km WSW Strydenburg), the vermiculate form

2900 Lithops julii ex-C205 (50km SE Warmbad), special pale form selected by Hammer

2901 Lithops karasmontana C408 (40km NE Ai-Ais), a particularly variable species

2902 Lithops karasmontana ssp eberlanzii C399 (45km E Lüderitz), dendritic markings

2903 Lithops karasmontana v. tischeri ex-C182 (30km NNE Grünau), chestnut-brown leaves

2904 Lithops karasmontana ‘Avocado Cream’ ex-C398, greener than C370A

2905 Lithops karasmontana ‘Purper’ ex-C369A, purple-bodied parents

2906 Lithops lesliei v. mariae ex-C141 (10km SW Boshof), covered with very small spots

2907 Lithops lesliei v. venteri ex-C153, selection with perfectly open window (same as ‘Black Top’?)

2908 Lithops lesliei ‘Greenhorn’, green-bodied cultivar of hornii

2909 Lithops localis (Sandpoort), orange-flushed top with many dark spots

2910 Lithops meyeri C419 (45km NNE Port Nolloth), diverging grey leaves with obscure markings

2911 Lithops olivacea ‘Red Olive’, bodies in various shades of pink and red

2912 Lithops salicola ‘Bacchus’, also known incorrectly in my opinion as ‘Sato’s Violet’

2913 Lithops schwantesii v. rugosa ex-C192 (40km NW Helmeringhausen), larger than other varieties

2914 Monilaria chrysoleuca, segmented stems, long papillate leaves in winter

2915 Monilaria moniliformis B&H2255 (Groot Graafwater junction), beaded stems, nice flower colours

2916 Monilaria scutata MRO69 (3km ESE Klipbok), hard quadrangular resting sheaths, northern spec.

2917 Nananthus aloides CN11 (Pitsane, SE Botswana), stemless tufts of green leaves with pale pimples

2918 Oophytum nanum, looks like a little cono but trickier to grow well, smallest of the 3 species*

2919 Oophytum oviforme, larger version of above and also with purple flowers, winter-growing*

2920 Pleiospilos simulans, thick flat leaves mimic the stones of its habitat, large yellow flowers

2921 Rabiea albinota, small mat of rosettes with elongated sickle-shaped leaves covered in dots

2922 Rabiea difformis, similar to above but shorter leaves, both should withstand cold

2923 Rhinephyllum broomii, probably derived from R. Broom’s Prince Albert road collection

2924 Rhombophyllum dolabriforme, small shrublets with axe-shaped leaves that give unusual appearance

2925 Ruschia gemina (Langwater), pink flowers, upright leaves

2926 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (Vrede, near Eendoorn), stemless clumps of brown warty leaves

2927 Vanheerdea roodiae ‘Angusta’, low mats of elongated almost-completely fused leaf pairs


2928 Aloinopsis malherbei CA70, flat warty leves, from a Des Cole collection

2929 Aloinopsis orpenii, unusual in the genus for having smooth leaves

2930 Antimima loganii (30km N Matjiesfontein), small tufted plants with short leaves & purple fls.

2931 Argyroderma patens (Vlaminkvlakte), leaves spreading and greener than other species

2932 Argyroderma testiculare (Flaminkvlakte), rounded grey leaves and purple flowers

2933 Cephalophyllum alstonii, spreading shrubby with impressive red flowers

2934 Cephalophyllum spongiosum, another mat-former with large purple-red flowers, yellow centres

2935 Cheiridopsis acuminata, tufts of grey leaves with white flowers

2936 Cheiridopsis purpurea (Karrachabpoort), one of the few purple-flowered Cheiridopsis

2937 Cheiridopsis rostrata (Komsberg pass), small stemless mats of greenish elongated leaves

2938 Conophytum achabense SH1600 (Achab se Berg), tiny plants that are slow from seed

2939 Conophytum acutum (12km E Bitterfontein), stupidly long-tubed nocturnal flowers

2940 Conophytum bicarinatum (Skitterykloof), bifurcated keels, largest spec. in Minusculum section

2941 Conophytum blandum TS/PD984 (Amampoort), grey apiculate leaves, pale pink flowers

2942 Conophytum comptonii AJY1069 (Papkuilsfontein), small but nicely marked

2943 Conophytum devium SB1141 (Animub), one of the smallest forms of the species, clustering

2944 Conophytum devium ssp. stiriiferum CR1340 (N’Guroebees), name means icicle-bearer

2945 Conophytum flavum ‘Ornatum’ SB1117 (Animub), large greyish bodies

2946 Conophytum friedrichiae DT6860 (N Nabies, near Kakamas), brownish bodies

2947 Conophytum fulleri (Agter Pella), papillate bodies with puffy sheathes, one of the larger ecotypes

2948 Conophytum hammeri (N Gabies), mainly white flowers in this population

2949 Conophytum hermarium SH565 (Smorgenskadu), type locality material, elongated bodies

2950 Conophytum lithopsoides B&H2301B (Khurisberg), purple flowers and windowed leaves

2951 Conophytum lithopsoides ssp. boreale, replicas from backcrosses involving ssp. lithopsoides

2952 Conophytum luckhoffii (Keurbosfontein), small nicely-marked bilobed cono

2953 Conophytum marginatum ssp. littlewoodii PVB11134 (Naroep), distinctive leaf tips

2954 Conophytum x marnierianum, from mother with big orange flowers x other oranges

2955 Conophytum x marnierianum ‘Milkmaid’, hybrid derived from ‘Mable’s Milkman’

2956 Conophytum minimum ‘Wittebergense’ NBG 322/94 (Klein Spreeufontein), another variant

2957 Conophytum mirabile (E Springbok, type locality), hairy bodies, purple flowers

2958 Conophytum obcordellum (Brand se berg), freckled tops, nocturnal scented flowers

2959 Conophytum obscurum ssp. sponsaliorum SH1437 (Skimmelberg), type locality material

2960 Conophytum pageae SH2736 (near Rietpoort), nocturnal yellow flowers

2961 Conophytum pellucidum (Carolusberg), seed from pure white-flowered plants, no yellow centres

2962 Conophytum pellucidum SB collection (Ottaspoort), more or less a var. lilianum

2963 Conophytum pellucidum CR1321 (Roodekloof), essentially a subsp. cupreatum with purple flowers

2964 Conophytum pellucidum (Sterkstroom), tiny heads that are reluctant to cluster, needs a name

2965 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii SB2070A (Windhoek farm), from normal-flowered parents

2966 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii SB2070A, from pollinating yellow-flowered parents

2967 Conophytum [(pellucidum v. terricolor RR1116 x lithopsoides) x lithopsoides ssp. boreale], Hammer’s efforts to produce red-skinned plants with terricolor markings

2968 Conophytum quaesitum v. rostratum (Sandberg), keeled bodies, small nocturnal fls.

2969 Conophytum ratum (Onder Namies), seed from pollinating two yellow-flowered parents

2970 Conophytum tantillum ssp. inexpectatum (5km N Umdaus), yellow-flowered subspecies

2971 Conophytum uviforme (Donkergat), creamy-white nocturnal flowers

2972 Conophytum vanheerdei RR1261 (Kangnas), elongated rounded leaves with transparent warts

2973 Conophytum verrucosum RR s.n. (Kouberg), rough-topped brown leaves

2974 Dicrocaulon spec. B&H2122 (Kalkgat Noord), tiny purple flowers, very few packets

2975 Dactylopsis digitata (Knersvlakte), finger-like leaves in winter, dies right back in summer

2976 Dinteranthus vanzylii (Namies), looks like a white-bodied Lithops with few markings

2977 Dinteranthus vanzylii ‘Emerald’, pale-green-bodied cultivar

2978 Dinteranthus wilmotianus, grey rounded immaculate leaves with slight keel ridge, tiny seeds

2979 Drosanthemum marinum (coastal dunes, 25km N Cape Town), small papillate leaves, pink fls.

2980 Faucaria subintegra, the teeth are fairly indistinct in this species, yellow flowers

2981 Faucaria tuberculosa (Normandale), true species, not the exaggerated horticultural form

2982 Fenestraria rhopalophylla (Lüderitz), the northern white-flowered form

2983 Gibbaeum velutinum (Springfontein), asymmetric pairs of large velvety leaves, white or pink fls.

2984 Glottiphyllum linguiforme, decumbent stems with closely-packed tongue-shaped leaves

2985 Lampranthus argenteus (sand dunes, 25km N Cape Town), small shrubbies with pale pink flowers

2986 Lampranthus multiradiatus, small shrubs with falcate glaucous leaves and large flowers

2987 Lithops amicorum C410 (75km SE Aus), smallish with pale grey bodies

2988 Lithops aucampiae ‘Jackson’s Jade’, green-bodied cultivar with yellow flowers

2989 Lithops bromfieldii v. glaudinae ex-C116 (70km WNW Griquatown), densely speckled

2990 Lithops bromfieldii v. insularis ex-C42 (15km E Keimoes), dark patterns

2991 Lithops coleorum C396 (near Ellisras), light brown with dark markings, smallish

2992 Lithops dorotheae ex-C300 (15km N Pofadder), everyone’s favourite

2993 Lithops fulviceps C415 (20km NE Ai-Ais), pale form with spotty faces

2994 Lithops fulviceps ‘Aurea’ ex-C363, yellow-green body with many tiny spots

2995 Lithops fulviceps v. laevigata C412 (90km NE Pofadder), grow and compare with MSG2894

2996 Lithops gracilidelineata v. waldroniae ex-C189 (60km SE Swakopmund), narrow lines

2997 Lithops hermetica C397 (Tsaus Plateau), compositions in light and dark grey

2998 Lithops hookeri ‘Annarosa’, green-bodied form of v. dabneri

2999 Lithops julii ex-C205 (50km SE Warmbad), ornate beauties selected by Hammer

3000 Lithops julii ‘Peppermint Crème’ ex C349A, soft-green cultivar

3001 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri SH718 (Aggenys), branching brown patterns

3002 Lithops karasmontana ‘Top Red’, red-topped cultivar bred by Shimada

3003 Lithops karasmontana v. aiaisensis C409 (30km E Ai-Ais), markings are quite variable

3004 Lithops karasmontana v. immaculata C417 (10km N Grünau), the latest Lithops taxon

3005 Lithops karasmontana ssp. bella ex-C143A (60km NNE Aus), bold patterns

3006 Lithops lesliei C10 (25km SW Lobatse, Botswana)

3007 Lithops lesliei ‘Albinica’ ex-C36A, white-flowered & green-bodied cultivar

3008 Lithops lesliei ‘Ventergreen’, green-bodied cultivar of v. venteri

3009 Lithops lesliei ‘Witblom’ ex-C6A, white-flowered variant of v. minor

3010 Lithops localis (Prince Albert), very spotty patterns

3011 Lithops meyeri C212 (40km NNE Port Nolloth), grey gaping leaves

3012 Lithops meyeri ‘Hammeruby’ ex-C272A, purple-bodied selection of the species

3013 Lithops naureeniae C304 (60km SE Springbok), brownish-green with dark windows

3014 Lithops olivacea NZ653 (Onder Namies), translucent olive-green leaf tops

3015 Lithops olivacea v. nebrownii C403 (near Aggenys), variable in degree of ruddiness

3016 Lithops otzeniana C128 (35km NNW Loeriesfontein), lovely scalloped designs

3017 Lithops otzeniana ‘Cesky Granat’, orange-red bodied cultivar

3018 Lithops pseudotruncatella Tok 36 (60km SW Windhoek)

3019 Lithops pseudotruncatella v. elisabethiae ex-C187 (55km ESE Otjiwarongo)

3020 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. dendritica ex-C72 (65km WSW Rehoboth), netted patterns

3021 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. volkii, slightly convex top, pale grey with sparse patterns

3022 Lithops ruschiorum, rounded leaves, whitish to light tan in colour, few markings

3023 Lithops schwantesii v. marthae ex-C249 (60km SSE Aus), pale bodies with sparse markings

3024 Lithops schwantesii v. urikosensis ex-C83 (near Bethanien), very blue-grey colouration

3025 Lithops werneri ex-C188 (25km NNE Usakos), small but beautifully formed

3026 Mitrophyllum mitratum (Lekkersing), large mitre-shaped leaf pairs when resting

3027 Monilaria moniliformis (Knersvlakte), beaded stems, 3cm long leaves in winter

3028 Namaquanthus vanheerdei ARM s.n. (Steenbok), low shrublets, digitate leaves, purple flowers

3029 Nananthus aloides CN11 (Pitsane, Botswana), stemless tufts of pimpled leaves, Cole collection

3030 Odontophorus nanus (Breekpoort, near Steinkopf), tufts of small toothed leaves, flowers white

3031 Pleiospilos compactus ‘Magnipunctatus’ (Matjiesfontein), spreading spotty leaves, yellow fls.

3032 Pleiospilos nelii (Seekoegat), large rounded leaf pairs, orange flowers

3033 Titanopsis calcarea (S of Kimberley), stemless clumps of grey-green warty leaves

3034 Titanopsis primosii, leaf tips covered in white warts

Honorary Mesemb:

3035 Bulbine aff. mesembryanthemoides HH5041 (Liebendal), fat leaves

3036 Eucomis hybrids, seed obtained from ‘Pink Gin’ crossed with other cultivars


3037 Aloinopsis luckhoffii ‘Villetii’, spathulate leaves covered with white tubercles

3038 Aloinopsis schooneesii, compact mats of rounded, grey, pimpled leaves

3039 Aloinopsis setifera, somewhat flattened leaves adorned with marvellous teeth

3040 Antimima loganii (Brandkop, 30km N Matjiesfontein, 1200m), mats of small bristle-tipped leaves

3041 Argyroderma crateriforme (Knersvlakte), divergent leaves, yellow flowers

3042 Argyroderma delaetii (Knersvlakte), rounded leaves, from white-flowered parents

3043 Argyroderma framesii ssp. hallii (Groot Graafwater), clusters of very small heads, purple flowers

3044 Bijlia dilatata (syn. B. cana), stemless clumps of angular grey-green leaves, yellow flowers

3045 Carpanthea pomeridiana (Grotto Bay), very good yellow-flowered annual, plant out for summer

3046 Cheiridopsis brownii SB775 (Gorab Peak), squat soft leaves

3047 Cheiridopsis denticulata, stately elongated grey leaves and enormous pale-yellow flowers in spring

3048 Cheiridopsis schlechteri, compact mats of partly-fused leaves, yellow flowers

3049 Conicosia pugioniformis (25km N Cape Town), narrow elongated leaves, multi-petal yellow flowers

3050 Conophytum angelicae (Hohenzollern, S. Namibia), rugose and vigorous

3051 Conophytum antonii (9km W Gamoep, TL), recent description, mini red-keeled bilobe, purple fls

3052 Conophytum arthurolfago (S. Brakfontein), little brown heads circular in section, few packets

3053 Conophytum arthurolfago x cupreatum (pink form), nice Hammer hybrid

3054 Conophytum calculus (Knervlakte), spherical grey bodies, nocturnal yellow flowers

3055 Conophytum cubicum (20km NE Eksteenfontein, TL), enormous white flowers

3056 Conophytum danielii (Platbakkies), fuzzy small lobed bodies and purple flowers

3057 Conophytum ectypum ‘Tischleri’ R&Y1660 (2km S Aribes), purple-flowered parents

3058 Conophytum fulleri SB1543 (Samoep), pimply bodies, purple flowers

3059 Conophytum friedrichiae (Tantalite Valley), brownish bodies, white or pink flowers

3060 Conophytum lithopsoides SH&BM s.n. (Smorgenskau flats), transparent windows, purple flowers

3061 Conophytum luckhoffii CR1412 (Eagles’ Pride), small colourful heads, large flowers

3062 Conophytum luckhoffii (Skerpheuwal), a rather variable local form

3063 Conophytum minusculum AJY1009 (Seekoevlei), small plants, large purple flowers

3064 Conophytum mirabile (E Springbok, type locality), hairy bodies & purple flowers

3065 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Germanum’ (W Het Kruis), spotted bodies, scented nocturnal flowers

3066 Conophytum obcordellum ‘Ursprungianum’ SB635 (Lokenberg), from well-marked parents

3067 Conophytum pellucidum SH595 (S Ratelkraal), nicely marked bodies

3068 Conophytum pellucidum AJY1018 (Dikmatjie), attractive plants verging towards var. neohallii

3069 Conophytum pellucidum AJY1019 (Tweefontein), good colours in this population

3070 Conophytum pellucidum ‘Elegans’ B&H2351 (Ratelpoort), bubbly tops

3071 Conophytum pellucidum ‘Pardicolor’ SH624 (SE Springbok), smooth tops

3072 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii TS454 (Silverfontein dam), small heads, long tubes

3073 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii (N Silverfontein), excellent spotty patterns

3074 Conophytum pellucidum v. terricolor (7km WNW Concordia), sim to TL plants

3075 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum (Roodepoort), unusual purple-flowered form

3076 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. saueri (Platbakkies), derived from Sauer collection

3077 Conophytum praesectum CC35 (Just S Pofadder), from a Desmond Cole collection

3078 Conophytum roodiae ssp. corrugatum (Nuweputs, S. Wilderperdehoek se pas), very few packets

3079 Conophytum smorenskaduense SB633 (Smorgenskadu), mid-winter flowering, very few packets

3080 Conophytum truncatum ARM346 (De Rust), CR states that this is the nicest form of the species

3081 Conophytum turrigerum PVB3255 (Contreberg, Darling), rare and attractive

3082 Conophytum youngii (near Garies, TL), rugose bodies colour red in spring

3083 Cylindrophyllum calamiforme (24km N Montague), compact mats of long cylindrical leaves

3084 Dinteranthus wilmotianus, unspotted grey leaf pairs form a rounded body with faint keels

3085 Dinteranthus vanzylii (Bloemhoek), pale-coloured leaves, looks like a Lithops

3086 xDinterops, hybrid of Dinteranthus and Lithops lesliei

3087 Diplosoma retroversum (Eendekuil area), very difficult stemless mesemb, only a few packets

3088 Drosanthemum ambiguum (Grotto Bay), low mats of papillate elongated leaves, purple flowers

3089 Drosanthemum macrocalyx (Kogmans Kloof) small shrubby species with large pink flowers

3090 Gibbaeum dispar, small velvety bodies with asymmetric leaves, mid-purple flowers

3091 Gibbaeum heathii, highly succulent almost-spherical leaf pairs, flowers white to purple

3092 Gibbaeum petrense, clusters of angular spreading grey-green leaf pairs, purple flowers, easy to grow

3093 Glottiphyllum nelii, compact clusters of fat distichous leaves, purplish in good light, easy-flowering

3094 Glottiphyllum regium, king-sized upright terete leaves, largest species in genus

3095 Lampranthus roseus, shrubby species with freely-produced pink flowers, hardy in sheltered areas

3096 Lithops amicorum C410 (75km SE Aus), pale freckled faces

3097 Lithops aucampiae ‘Bellaketty’, lovely albino form from ssp. euniceae

3098 Lithops aucampiae ‘Betty’s Beryl’, green bodies and white flowers

3099 Lithops bromfieldii ex-C368 (25km SE Upington), red lines in the channels

3100 Lithops bromfieldii v. mennellii GM463 (Raaswater, Louisvale), darker markings than type variety

3101 Lithops dinteri ssp. frederici ex-C180 (30km NW Pofadder), particularly small heads

3102 Lithops dinteri ssp. multipunctata ex-C181 (65km SE Warmbad), half way towards dorotheae

3103 Lithops francisci C140 (35km E Lüderitz), pale speckled leaves

3104 Lithops fulviceps v. lactinea, from the Fritz collection, lovely milky bodies

3105 Lithops gesinae C406 (80km SSW Maltahöhe), surface painted by Jackson Pollock

3106 Lithops gesinae ‘Hanawared’, pale reddish-orange tints to bodies, variable

3107 Lithops hallii ex-C52 (25km SSE Hopetown), dark impressed markings

3108 Lithops hermetica C397 (T’saus plateau), this material should contain some ‘Green Diamond’

3109 Lithops herrei ex-C361 (30km NE Alexander Bay), open green windows

3110 Lithops hookeri ex-C335 (30km WSW Strydenburg), the vermiculate form

3111 Lithops julii ‘Hotlips’, the marks around the fissure have been exaggerated with Botox

3112 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri C416 (65km W Kakamas), contrasting markings

3113 Lithops karasmontana ‘Purpur’ ex-C369A, fine purple-bodied selection

3114 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C400 (45km E Lüderitz), rather variable

3115 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C405 (50km E Lüderitz), another recent collection

3116 Lithops marmorata ‘Umdausensis’ (T’gabies, near Kosies), wide meandering greenish windows

3117 Lithops meyeri C419 (45km NNE Port Nolloth), grey bodies with diverging leaves

3118 Lithops naureeniae RW424 (Rooifontein), mossy green windows

3119 Lithops olivacea ‘Red Olive’, lovely bodies in various shades of red

3120 Lithops optica ‘Rubragold’, synthesised by SH from herrei and optica ‘Rubra’

3121 Lithops otzeniana ex-C350 (40km NNW Loeriesfontein), scalloped design

3122 Lithops pseudotruncatella ssp. groendrayensis, pale greyish-white leaves

3123 Lithops salicola ‘Bacchus’, purple-bodied cultivar a.k.a. ‘Sato’s Violet’

3124 Lithops verruculosa v. glabra ex-C177 (25km SSE Kenhardt), small bodies, variable flowers

3125 Lithops villetii ssp. deboeri ex-C230A (75km E Gamoep), an archipelago on leaf surface

3126 Lithops villetii ssp. kennedyi ex-C197 (75km S Pofadder), some have rich reddish tops

3127 Malephora crassa (40km NE Karoopoort), mats of elongated blue-green leaves, large yellow flowers

3128 Malephora crocea, low mat-forming mesemb with showy bright red or yellow flowers

3129 Monilaria chrysoleuca v. polita SB1232 (Bitterfontein), smooth leaves, multicoloured flowers

3130 Monilaria scutata ssp. obovata (Maerpoort), the least well-known of the taxa

3131 Monilaria pisiformis (Knersvlakte), beaded stems and long papillate leaves in winter

3132 Pleiospilos bolusii, fat keeled leaves and pale yellow flowers on stemless plants

3133 Rhinephyllum aff. inaequale RW60 (Hoëberg, 60km S Calvinia), tiny mats of unequal blueish leaves,

3134 Stomatium patulum (Brandkop, 30km N Matjiesfontein, 1200m), small tuberculate leaves

3135 Tanquana prismatica (Tanqua karoo), stemless clumps of chunky greenish leaves

3136 Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri, small clusters of chestnut-coloured warty leaves, yellow flowers

3137 Vanheerdea roodiae ‘Angusta’ (Kliprand), leaf pairs elongated but highly fused

Honorary Mesembs:

3138 Anacampseros (Avonia) quinaria, mixture of red and white-flowered subspecies, but not hybrids

3139 Tylecodon aff. bayeri (Skimmelberg), small caudiciform, larger than typical T. bayeri


3140 Aloinopsis rosulata, rosettes of flattened tuberculate leaves, red-lined petals to flowers

3141 Antimima evoluta, mats of tiny round bodies from the Knersvlakte limestone area

3142 Antimima pygmaea, tiny mat-former but with elongated leaves, confused with A.fenestrata in trade

3143 Argyroderma delaetii, white-flowered form from Kokerboom Nursery that was founded by Buys Wiese in Vanrhynsdorp; he also owned the famous Kwaggaskop farm which is now a nature reserve

3144 Argyroderma delaetii, yellow-flowered form sold by Kokerboom as A.aureum

3145 Argyroderma fissum, also from Kokerboom, elongated leaves, variable in size and flower colour

3146 Argyroderma ringens (Knersvlakte), gaping leaves and rose-purple flowers

3147 Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii (Kuckaus summit, SW Aus), compact clumps of greyish spotted leaves

3148 Cheiridopsis peculiaris (Steinkopf), a pair of flattened leaves in winter, sheathed leaves in summer

3149 Cheiridopsis schlechteri ‘Pulverulenta’ (Jakkalswater), compact mats of small heads

3150 Conophytum achabense (Achab se berg), the tiniest species & slow-growing, £1.00

3151 Conophytum angelicae ssp. tetragonum GW 4446 (Oemsberg), squarish, 7 seeds 60p

3152 Conophytum auriflorum ‘Luteolum?’ PVB s.n. (5km N Komaggas), cylindrical bodies, trace of keel

3153 Conophytum blandum TS984 (Amampoort), somewhat smaller than the more northern forms

3154 Conophytum chrisocruxum SH2275 (near Witkoppies), best ones have cross in centre, £1.00

3155 Conophytum concordans SH2067 (Brakfontein), unusual member of section Ophthalmophyllum

3156 Conophytum devium ssp. stiriiferum SH437 (S Geelberg), papillate small bodies, 60p

3157 Conophytum ernstii ssp. cerebellum PVB5154 (W. Gamkab River), enormous flowers, 60p

3158 Conophytum flavum SH456 (Umdaus), rounded bodies, yellow flowers

3159 Conophytum flavum ‘Ornatum’ D. Hardy s.n., fatter pale form, often has red filaments

3160 Conophytum friedrichiae (90km NE Pofadder), brownish bodies, from a Cole collection

3161 Conophytum hammeri SH2108 (Nababeepsberg), flowers mainly shades of orange, £1.00

3162 Conophytum hammeri (4km N Gabies), white flowers on this more recently found ecotype, £1.00

3163 Conophytum lithopsoides B&H 2301A (Koeriesberg), windowed green bodies, purple flowers

3164 Conophytum luckhoffii, from various localities that will be indicated on envelope, 40p

3165 Conophytum lydiae CR1132 (Bakenskraaal), variable species in Ophthalmophyllum section

3166 Conophytum marginatum ssp. karamoepense (W Aggenys), baby bilobe with purple flowers

3167 Conophytum maughanii ssp. armeniacum (Maerpoort), variable leaf colours, flowers nocturnal, 60p

3168 Conophytum maughanii ssp. latum MRO72, smaller subspecies, 40p

3169 Conophytum minimum Vlok s.n. (Touwsberg), bluish bodies, large pink nocturnal flowers, 40p

3170 Conophytum minimum ‘Wittebergense’ (Klipfontein), not RR714 but a more recent collection, 60p

3171 Conophytum pellucidum (3km N Concordia), brown bodies similar to some terricolor forms, 40p

3172 Conophytum pellucidum (11km N Concordia), tan-coloured bodies.

3173 Conophytum pellucidum SH2015 (N. Kamieskroon), terricolor-like plants, 40p

3174 Conophytum pellucidum ‘Pardicolor’ (Kweekfontein), smooth topped

3175 Conophytum pellucidum v. neohallii (Silverfontein), spotty patterns

3176 Conophytum pellucidum ssp. cupreatum SH1431 (Kamas), nice chocolate form

3177 Conophytum ratum SH1200 (Onder Namies), fat green bodies, solitary until very old, £1.00

3178 Conophytum stephanii PVB3265 (Rosyntjieberg), hairy bodies, nocturnal flowers, 7 seeds 60p

3179 Conophytum subfenestratum PVB s.n. (6km N Soutrivier), wide-petalled flowers white or pale pink

3180 Cylindrophyllum tugwelliae (29km N Montague), multipetalled straw-coloured flowers

3181 Didymaotus lapidiformis (15km E Karoopoort), charismatic but difficult species, 60p

3182 Dinteranthus microspermus ssp. puberulus (2km N Pofadder), dwarf with almost-fused grey leaves

3183 Dinteranthus vanzylii ‘Emerald’, green bodied cultivar of this lithops-like species, £1.00

3184 Drosanthemum floribundum (Paardeneiland), small shrublet with purple flowers

3185 Drosanthemum speciosum (15km WNW Robertson), shrubby with showy, usually orange, flowers

3186 Erepsia lacera (Paarl Rock), shrubby, elongated triangular leaves, purple flowers, quick from seed

3187 Faucaria boscheana (25km E Seekoeigat), cartilaginous leaf margins with few teeth

3188 Faucaria felina, cats’ teeth on the leaf margins

3189 Gibbaeum haagei (Little Karoo), pairs of velvety unequal leaves, white flowers on this form

3190 Gibbaeum heathii (Kalkgat), small form, clumps of rounded greyish leaf-pairs

3191 Gibbaeum velutinum ‘Schwantesii’ (Phisantekraal), large velvety grey-green leaves, white flowers

3192 Glottiphyllum carnosum, compact with distichous leaves and yellow flowers

3193 Juttadinteria albata, small shrublet with fat pale leaves and white flowers

3194 Lapidaria margaretae SB1798 (Eendoorn), several pairs of chunky leaves and yellow flowers

3195 Lithops aucampiae ex-C333 (near Griquatown), rich chocolate tops, fine lines*

3196 Lithops aucampiae [Karuman Form] ex-C173 (60km SE Karuman), jagged dark lines, robust

3197 Lithops bromfieldii ‘White Nymph’ex-C279A, white-flowered cultivar, maybe yellows present, £1.00

3198 Lithops coleorum C396 (near Ellisras), small light-brown bodies with dark spotty windows, 60p

3199 Lithops comptonii SH389 (Beukesfontein), tiny greyed-purple bodies

3200 Lithops divergens ex-C202 (35km NNW Vanrhynsdorp), tiny grey-green, cobweb-like windows

3201 Lithops divergens (near Kotzesrus), most westerly locality, plants are more like var. amethystina, 60p

3202 Lithops dorotheae ex-C124 (15km N Pofadder), pale tops, red-lined classic beauties

3203 Lithops fulviceps [Lydiae] ex-C219 (60km N Karasburg), dusky pink/grey with copious spots

3204 Lithops gesinae v. annae ex-C78 (25km SW Helmeringhausen), warm orange-brown colours

3205 Lithops gesinae ‘Hanawared’, reddish-orange flush to bodies, variable intensity, £1.00

3206 Lithops geyeri SB1098 (Cone Peak), greenish with mossy patterns

3207 Lithops gracilidelineata ‘Brandcafé’, brandbergensis x ‘Café au Lait’, from Steve Hammer, parent plants appearance is halfway between ‘Café au Lait’ and a good orange brandbergensis, F2 seed for £1.00

3208 Lithops hallii [Brown Form] ex-C135 (20km SE Strydenburg), red dots and brown lines

3209 Lithops hallii ex-C174 (25km SE Prieska), brown top with fine lines

3210 Lithops hallii (40km W Marydale), not one of the Cole localities

3211 Lithops helmutii ex-C271 (15km NE Steinkopf), Coke-bottle green, divergent leaves, open windows

3212 Lithops hookeri v. marginata ex-C137 (35km E Hopetown), pinkish with indented green channels

3213 Lithops hookeri v. susannae ex-C91 (30km SE Douglas), grey with jagged lines

3214 Lithops hookeri ‘Annarosa’, green cultivar of var. dabneri, £1.00

3215 Lithops julii ‘Fullergreen’ ex-C56A, green cultivar sourced from Australia and therefore unlikely to be the ubiquitous European hybrid with L.salicola ‘Malachite’, £1.00

3216 Lithops julii ssp. fulleri (Pofadder), grey bodies with reddish markings

3217 Lithops karasmontana C408 (40km NE Ai-Ais), pale with darker branching windows

3218 Lithops karasmontana v. immaculata C417 (10km N Grünau), completely unmarked, £1.00

3219 Lithops karasmontana ssp. bella ex-C285 (near Aus), light grey with large striking windows

3220 Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii C398 (45km E Lüderitz), pale bodies, impressed grey lines

3221 Lithops karasmontana ‘Purper’ ex-C369A, the highly-desired purple-bodied cultivar, £1.00

3222 Lithops lesliei [Kimberley Form] ex-C341 (20km NW Kimberley), pale form with intricate lines

3223 Lithops lesliei v. venteri ex-C1 (30km NW Warrenton), grey-black top, intricate lines to solid black

3224 Lithops lesliei ‘Ventergreen’, a rich green cultivar of var. venteri, 60p

3225 Lithops localis [Peersii] ex-C131 (near Miller Station), spotted blue-grey tops

3226 Lithops marmorata [Framesii] SH572A (Smorgenskadu), violet-pink tendencies

3227 Lithops marmorata ‘Polepsky Smaragd’, Emerald green cultivar originating from Czech Rep, £1.00

3228 Lithops meyeri ‘Hammeruby’ ex-C272A, rich purplish bodies, £1.00

3229 Lithops olivacea ‘Red Olive’, quite a strong purple-red colouration in best examples, £1.00

3230 Lithops salicola ‘Malachite’ ex-C351A, green-bodied cultivar, £1.00

3231 Lithops schwantesii ex-C143B (60km NNE Aus), mustard-coloured with grey streaks

3232 Lithops verruculosa ex-C178 (90km W Kenhardt), milky-grey bodies, variable flower colours

3233 Lithops werneri ex-C188 (25km NNE Usakos), small, pale and nicely marked

3234 Lithops spec. (Sperrgebiet) ex Klasie Geldenhuys, said to be a new wild taxon but perhaps more likely to be a horticultural hybrid involving werneri or riehmerae? 60p

3235 Meyerophytum meyeri (Aughrabies), mats of small elongated leaves in winter, purple fls if lucky, 40p

3236 Monilaria moniliformis B&H2255 (Grootgraafwater road), stems are chains of beads, white shaggy fls

3237 Muiria hortenseae (Springfontein), the ultimate sphaeroid, 5 seeds for 60p

3238 Odontophorus angustifolius, tufted plants with grey-green elongated toothed leaves

3239 Odontophorus species (high ridge SW of Kosies), no identification has been made

3240 Oophytum spec, from Kokerboom Nursery as “Crabs’ Eyes”! They will be O.nanum or O.oviforme

3241 Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’, purple-tinted in body and flower, 7 seeds for 60p

3242 Rhinephyllum parvifolium (Kendrew), mats of tiny rough keeled leaves, yellow flowers

3243 Ruschia macrocarpa (Paarl Rock), mystery Rawe material, Mesemb. macrocarpum became Lampranthus in 1930 but it came from the Eastern Cape anyway.

3244 Ruschia multiflora (Montague), shrubby with elongated leaves and freely-produced white flowers

3245 Ruschia strubeniae, another shrubby that has pink flowers with magenta striations

3246 Tanquana hilmari (Keurfontein), highly-succulent red-tinted leaf pairs

3247 Titanopsis fulleri, stemless clusters of flattened glaucous leaves, fine papillae get larger at margins

3248 Vanheerdea divergens, stemless clusters that look a bit like Conophytum bilobum






TS文章系列-THE DIFFICULT CONOPHYTUMS:Conophytum rugosum 海参

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